Life Coaches, Achieve Your Business Goals This Year!


Every year a majority of the population makes at least one New Year's resolution. People are excited about their resolutions -- they think that this year is the year when they will quit smoking or start exercising.

Unfortunately, by the end of January, the vast majority of people reports going back to smoking and never quite making it to the gym. In addition, they have something else to feel guilty about -- not only are they feeling guilty about smoking or not exercising, they are also feeling guilty about not following through on their New Year's resolutions.

Exactly the same thing happens to life coaches who make business resolutions. Many life coaches make resolutions to market their life coaching business better, get more coaching clients and earn more money during the new year, but many of these coaches do not follow through on their resolutions.

Then, in addition to feeling unsuccessful about their life coaching business, they also start feeling guilty about not following through on their New Year's resolutions. I have found three common causes why life coaches give up on their resolutions. Here they are, together with ideas to help you overcome them.

Cause: Not knowing enough about marketing

When life coaches don't know enough about marketing, they can't apply it to their business. As a result, life coaches become frustrated with marketing and quit working on their resolutions.

How to overcome this: Start learning about marketing. No one was born a marketing genius -- all the successful life coaches spent time learning about marketing and applying it to their businesses.

Cause: Not being accountable

When life coaches are working on their goals but are not accountable for them they don't achieve as much. When you are not accountable to someone else, you are not as motivated to work hard and achieve as much as you can.

How to overcome this: find a business coach, an accountability buddy or an accountability group who will help you ensure that you stay on target. Report on your progress on a regular basis, and make sure that your coach, buddy or accountability group members help you stay on track.

Cause: Quitting marketing too early

When life coaches start applying marketing techniques, many of them expect results right away. When they don't see results immediately, they become frustrated, decide that marketing techniques don't work and stop using them. You will get the best results from applying marketing techniques by applying them effectively and using them for a long enough time to generate results.

How to overcome this: learn how marketing works and how long you need to apply a technique before seeing results. Doing this will help you get real results from applying marketing techniques.

Don't just make New Year's resolutions this year; instead, strive to achieve them! When you do, you will be a successful life coach, and you will be extremely proud of yourself. Use the tips above to help you achieve your goals.

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