Blogging Business Article: Distinguish Your Blog From Competition


Business bloggers are happy that blogging is becoming mainstream. Being mainstream means more of your target customers know what blogging is, and they are much more likely to read your blog. However, your competitors have also heard about blogging and are now starting their own blogs in record numbers.

So how do you make your blog stand out from competition? What makes your customers to keep coming back to read your blog, and not your competitors'? How can you distinguish your blog from other blogs? Let's look at how we can make your blog appealing to your audience:

Keep Your Blog Fresh

Many business owners start a blog, write a few posts, and when they don't see any results from blogging in the first few weeks, they stop. Keep your blog fresh, post new and interesting posts at least 2 times a week. This will keep your customers coming back to your blog on a regular basis.

Keep Your Blog Interesting

Have you been to one of those meetings where the speaker is monotonously speaking about increasing productivity, while the audience is busily maximizing productivity by napping in their chairs? Don't turn your blog into one of these boring, monotonous and predictable talks. Instead, vary the way you structure the posts and make them interesting. A funny (yet relevant) story that illustrates your point goes a long way in a blog.

Keep Your Blog On Topic

Last year I subscribed to a blog that was supposed to be about marketing, but it soon drifted to posts about the author’s life and friends. I quickly unsubscribed. I usually subscribe to a blog when I am interested in the topic; if the author changes topics on me, I will very likely unsubscribe.

Over to you – let's take action. How can you distinguish your blog from competitors' blogs?

Make updating your blog a priority

Update your blog at least two times a week. Some blogging software lets you create posts and post-date them, so feel free to write posts once a week, and than post-date them.

Write interesting posts

When the information is useful and not boring, customers are apt to come back to read the posts.

Stay on topic

Your business blog should be of interest to your target market. If you start blogging on topics that don’t interest to the target market, the target market will stop reading.

Distinguish your blog from the competition – by doing so you will gain and keep loyal readers who will become loyal customers.

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