3-Step Plan To Get Clients Online

Do you want to get more clients for your business? Getting clients is a goal of many solopreneurs, but not all of them are able to bring more clients to their business. This is happening because many solopreneurs are not following a plan for getting clients.

Instead of creating an effective plan, they just do random marketing once in a while. I knew a business owner once who marketed randomly. One day he heard from an expert that blogs are great for getting clients. He started a blog, blogged for a bit and stopped, because he was not seeing any results.

Next month he heard from someone in his networking group that article marketing is a great way to get clients. He wrote two articles, submitted them to one article directory, didn't see any results and stopped doing article marketing.

There is no reason to start using a marketing technique until you know how it works and how it fits into your overall marketing plan. Here a 3-Step Marketing Plan to help you get clients online effectively:

Find A Target Market For Your Business

Many coaches and other business owners why finding a target market for their business is the first thing that they should work on.

The reason is that you can't take any marketing action without knowing who your target market is. How you use online marketing techniques depends on knowing your target market.

Your target market is people who need, want and can afford your products and services. Remember, all three have to hold. People you want to work with have to need, want and be able to afford what you offer. I have seen many business owners make a mistake by using two out of three. They find people who need and want their services, but can't afford them. Sometimes they market to people who don't necessarily want what they are offering, even though they need it. Make sure all three characteristics are true about your target market.

Start A Newsletter For Your Business

Very few people who come to your web site will buy your coaching products or sign up for your coaching services immediately. This is because they don't know you yet and they do not trust you yet. People buy from people they know, like and trust.

Use your newsletter to keep in touch with your potential customers and build relationships with them. As they receive and read your newsletter, they will get to know you and will be more likely to hire you.

Use Online Marketing To Get More Newsletter Subscribers

You can use marketing techniques such as article marketing, business blogging, search engine optimization and other to get more subscribers.

Your newsletter serves as the entry point in your marketing funnel. Once your potential customers subscribe to your newsletter, you will be able to build relationships with them by sending them your newsletter. As they get to know you they will be more likely to hire you, thus giving you more clients.

As you can see, you need to understand how to market in order to get clients.

Learn More About Newsletter Publishing

- Stop Throwing Away Customers!

- How To Get Results From Your Newsletter

- Get More Subscribers By Offering A FREE Gift