Many copywriters have asked me how to make money online and create passive streams of income online in addition to running their copywriting business. If you are a copywriter, I recommend doing what you do best in order to create multiple income streams online – use your copywriting skills to write an e-book and sell it online.
What is an e-book? An e-book is an electronic book that your customers can buy and read online. An e-book is a document, usually in the PDF format that is sold on a web site. A customer can purchase an e-book, download it from the seller’s web site and start reading and using it in a matter of minutes.
Here is why you should create and sell e-books online:
- A key part of creating an e-book is writing the content. This is the part that many people who want to write an e-book have trouble with. Since you are a copywriter, you already have a tremendous advantage over other people in the marketplace. With your copywriting skills, will be able to successfully write and market an e-book.
- An e-book is a great passive income stream for a copywriter. You may have already heard how great it is to have passive income streams for your business. Passive income streams are streams that bring in revenue when you are not working on them. For example, you may go on vacation, but your passive income streams will earn you money while you are on vacation.
Imagine how great it will feel to be able to come home from vacation, check your bank account and see that you earned a thousand dollars while you were away. Your e-book will help you do that – people will buy your e-book while you are on vacation without any intervention on your part.
- An effective sales letter is the first step to selling an e-book online. A sales letter outlines the benefits of your e-book is and lists ways in which it can help your target market. It is the sales copy that convinces your web site visitors to purchase your e-book. Just like with writing the actual e-book, this is another task that will come naturally to you. Use your writing abilities to create a sales letter that can sell many copies of your e-book.
- One of the best ways to promote your e-book and to make money with it is by doing article marketing. Article marketing involves writing articles and submitting them to article directories for extra exposure. Again, as a copywriter you have a distinct advantage here as well. You can produce excellent articles. This is something that not all of your competitors want to do. Your articles will help you distinguish your e-book from competition and make more money with it.
Copywriters, you can make more money with your skills by creating an e-book and selling it online. Use your copywriting skills to your advantage when creating and promoting your e-book.
- Why You Should Write An Ebook Right NOW
- How To Write Extremely Profitable Ebooks
- The Best Time To Launch Your E-book