Amazon Now Sells Groceries


Amazon is still expending its product line. The latest is the Amazone Groceries, where you can buy many different non-pershable grocery items, such as cereals, pet supplies, health and beauty items and much more. New items means more people would be shopping at Amazon, and people who are already buying at Amazon can add groceries to their shopping cart, while buying other things, such as books.

Of course a solopreneur who creates her own products will never have as many products as Amazon. But, by adding different products to the line up, a business owner can tap into a different group of customers, and increase an average ticket with their clients.

For example, when a business owner who sells e-books adds teleseminars to the products she offers, she taps into a whole new group of clients, people who like learning through teleseminars. She could not reach them when she just sold e-books, but now she expanded her product offerings and is able to cater to this group as well.

Want to learn how to create MORE products for your business? Join me and other members at for online business worksheets, audio recordings and business coaching for just $9.97/month.

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