How To Increase Conversion Rate For Your Newsletter
Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007So, what’s a conversion rate? A conversion rate is a ratio of how many people took an action (in this case subscribed to your newsletter) divided by the total number of your web site visitors.
So if you have 100 web site visitors and one of them subscribed to your newsletter, the conversion for you is 1 in 100 or 1%.
Of course you always want to increase your conversion rate. You would like to get as many of your web site visitors as possible to subscribe to your newsletter. How can you do that?
– Give your web site visitors a compelling enough reason to subscribe. You should offer a free gift, as someone else pointed already, to convince more of your web site visitors to subscribe. Doing this will help you increase your conversion rates.
– Put information about subscription and subscription box on every page of your web site. If you want people visiting your all of your web pages to subscribe to your newsletter, you need to have the information to be very visible on all of your web pages.
So to increase conversion rate I recommend:
– Create a free gift to promote to your potential subscribers.
– Make your subscription information VERY visible on your main page.
– Include your newsletter information on every page on your web site.
Want to learn how to get more newsletter subscribers? Get my 5 Steps To Growing Your List Home Study Guide.
Biana Babinsky