Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Coaching' Category

Tired Of Useless Holiday Gifts?

Tuesday, November 14th, 2006

Have you ever received absolutely useless gifts? Come on, admit it. Remember that hideous sweater or a really ugly salad bowl that you could not use and gave away immediately? Did you wish that the gift giver given you something more useful instead?
Same goes for business gifts – lots of people receive useless business gifts that they wish they didn’t receive.

This holiday season I am changing all that! I have a great gift that business owners can give other business owners, Gift Memberships. Membership is a perfect gift for your clients and customers. They will LOVE the gift and they will LOVE you!

And Membership is a perfect gift for YOU! Just send the link to the page to the person who may be buying a gift for you, and you will get a gift that you want for the holidays!

Learn All About Gift Memberships

How To Promote Your Life Coaching Business

Tuesday, November 14th, 2006

How can you promote your life coaching business?

Many people don’t know what a life coach is, so they get confused when you bring up life coaching. You don’t want to confuse your potential clients; rather, you want them to see the benefits of hiring you as soon as you start talking.

When someone asks you what you do, instead of saying that you are a life coach, tell them the most important benefits of hiring you.

For example, you can be a business coach, but when people ask you what you do, you could tell them that you help business owners get more clients and make more money with their business. Everyone understands what it means to get “more clients and more money”, so the people you are talking understand immediately what you are talking about.

In order to promote your business, create a system that will bring leads to your business, that you can turn into clients at a later date.

A coaching service is a big ticket item, and many people will not buy it immediately. However, as you build a relationship with them and they get to know you, it will be much easier for you to sell your services to them. You need to create a marketing funnel – starting with a free item such as your newsletter, continuing with ebooks and seminars, and ending with your coaching service.

I strongly recommend that you create products to sell. In addition to having high ticket coaching, you should also offer teleseminars, ebooks, reports, audio recordings, etc. Many people can’t afford your services, but they will be able to afford your ebooks, teleseminars, and reports, as they are cheaper.

Here is information on FREE Tutorial on creating your own information products.

Promote Your Expertise By Being An Author

Friday, November 10th, 2006

One way to promote your business and your products is by being an author. Read one of my articles, Promote Your Expertise By Being An Author.

To receive my articles in your mailbox every week, subscribe to my Effective Online Marketing Newsletter.

Biana Babinsky

How To Make Money With Online Networking

Thursday, November 9th, 2006

Many people have asked me how to use participation in online groups to their best advantage. I participate in my groups, and I run my own online groups as well.

There are different reasons for why people join online groups. Some join to purely gain information. If that is your reason, you can stay quiet and still gain a lot of insight and information from reading messages.

But, if you join a group to become known by your potential customers, to get more people to know you and to promote your business, you need to participate!

Participate by offering your opinion, answering questions in the field of your expertise and by helping other participants. This is how I usually participate in online networking, and this helped me gain many partners and customers.

Read my article, How To Make Money With Online Networking for more insight into using online networking to gain clients.

Biana Babinsky

How To Meet More Of Your Potential Customers

Thursday, November 9th, 2006

As an online business coach and consultant, I actively use my own products and techniques to get more clients. Over 95% of my clients have found me online, and quite a few of them found me through online networking.

Online networking is a great activity you can use to build relationships and create partnerships with other business owners. When you network online effectively, you will gain clients and newsletter subscribers, get interviewed by online publications, be invited to speak at events and much, much more.

On November 14th and 15th I am hosting a NO CHARGE Online Business Networking Event. During this event you will be able to:

– Meet other online business owners

– Learn how to create online partnerships

– Learn how to network online effectively

You will also be able to introduce other participants to your own products and services. The event will be conducted through a mailing list, and I will be moderating it. You will be able to network when you have time, throughout the two days.

Click Here To Register To Participate In Online Business Networking Event At NO CHARGE

Use Audio To Get Clients

Tuesday, November 7th, 2006

Many of your potential clients would like to connect with you before buying anything from you. One of the ways to connect with your potential clients is by using audio recordings. There are many ways to use audio recordings to connect with your potential clients.

People like to listen to audio recordings – it helps them get to know you better. This is why you should use audio recordings to promote your business and get more clients. Here are a few examples of how you can use audio recordings for your business:

– Record a sound byte and post it on your web site or your blog to introduce yourself to your visitors

– Offer a teleseminar to connect with your potential customers over the phone

– Start a podcast and record audio that your potential customers can listen to on a regular basis.

At we are discussing different uses of audio on your web site. You will get immediate access to the audio recordings discussion as soon at you join Marketing Salad, the online business coaching community.

Join to learn how to create audio recordings by recording your teleseminars, resources for creating audio recordings for your web site, how to use audio recordings effectively and more.

Biana Babinsky

Can FREE Offerings Get Your More Clients?

Saturday, November 4th, 2006

Can you give things away on your web site, and still get clients? I offer many free marketing resources – I offer a FREE report, “Top 5 Ways To Increase Online Sales” to my newsletter subscribers. I publish a free weekly online marketing newsletter. I have written dozens of marketing articles that have been re-published on hundreds of web sites and I offer free teleseminars from time to time.

Why do I do this? To promote my expertise and give people a taste of how I work, and what I am about.

My articles, help me drive more people to my web site and create more awareness for my business and my brand. Many of my clients tell me they found me online, then searched for me on Google and read about me/my articles before they decided to buy my products or hire me.

My articles also help me get better search engine rankings, which, in turn, helps get more people to my web site.

My free teleseminars usually attract hundreds of people, and help me promote my brand and my business and give people a taste of how I teach and what I am all about.
Want to learn how to use free marketing techniques to drive more people to your web site and get more customers? Here is the FREE Tutorial, How To Promote Your Coaching Business

Where Do You Meet Your Clients?

Friday, November 3rd, 2006

Where do you find your clients? Over 95% of my clients find me online, and many of them find me through online networking.

Online networking is networking through online forums, newgroups, mailing lists and organizations. Online networking takes time – just being a member of a forum or a newsgroup is NOT ENOUGH to get clients. You need to use online networking effectively, particpate on a regular basis and get known for your expertise, before you are able to generate clients from online networking.

At the upcoming Online Business Networking Event you will be able to learn how to network online effectively and then APPLY your knowledge to create partnerships and get clients.

The event is FREE to attend, so register for it now at

Biana Babinsky

Special Price On Information Products Guide Ends Tomorrow

Monday, October 30th, 2006

There just two more days left to get the Complete Step By Step Information Products Guide at the special price of $37.

– Do you want too make more money and work flexible hours?

– Do you want to use your products to promote you and your business?

– Do you want to help thousands of people with your expertise?

My own multiple streams of income have enabled me to work fewer and very flexible hours, help more people and get more customers. But things weren’t always like this.

Back in the 1990’s I started doing web site design and marketing consulting because I wanted to run my own business, be my own boss, and have more flexible hours. Instead, I worked very long hours, worked almost every weekend, and had absolutely no free time. After a while I was exhausted, and was considering not having my own business at all.

Eventually I restructured my business. I decided that I wanted to work flexible hours, take weekends off, be able to go on vacation and have lots of time to spend with family and friends.

I realized that the only way I could have a profitable business and still enjoy flexible hours and quality of life was by creating multiple streams of income.

The best thing about multiple streams of income is that they can earn you money while you are not working. Imagine checking your e-mail in the morning and seeing orders that came overnight, while you were sleeping. Imagine being on vacation and getting a phone message from your assistant telling you that you sold $900 worth of your products while you were at the beach. All of this is possible if you have multiple streams of income.

My Complete Step By Step Information Products Guide teaches you how to create multiple streams of income.

Here Is What You Will Learn In The Complete Step By Step Information Products Guide:

– The very first step you must take to start creating multiple streams of income

The sure way to find the most profitable product ideas. It is much easier than you think

– The nuts and bolts of how creating products can help you make money while you are spending time with your family

– The sure way to find the people who want, need and can afford your products and to get them to your web site

– Advice on using online marketing techniques to drive more web site traffic to your products

and much more. See information on what you will learn in
the Guide here:

Special Bonus

When you buy this Guide, I want you to get results. I want you to create products, get online customers to buy them and have the quality of life you deserve.

Therefore, I am giving you a chance to ask questions about everything you learn in this guide. For three months you can ask questions about creating your products and using online marketing to promote them at, the online business community.

You can ask me, the author of this guide, as many questions as you would like, and I will answer every single one of them.

Get Complete Step By Step Information Products Guide Now.

Warning: The $37 Price For The Complete Step By Step Information Products Guide Expires At 11pm Eastern Time on October 31st

My consulting and coaching rates start at $150/hour. If I were to teach all the information in this course to a coaching student, it would take at least 10 sessions, and cost fifteen hundred dollars.

The Complete Step by Step Information Products Guide contains information that I have collected and perfected in the last nine years of marketing online. Right now I am charging just $37 for the Guide, but the price will go up in less then two days. Act now
to get the Guide and bonus at this ridiculously low price of just $37!

Buy The Complete Step By Step Information Products Guide Now

Is There A Guaranteed Way To Increase Web Site Traffic?

Wednesday, October 18th, 2006

There are no guarantees in online marketing, but by investing.time into your online marketing strategy, you can start getting more traffic to your web site. Here are a few things I recommend doing:

Search engine optimization. Create effective content for your web site and make sure that your content includes keywords that people use to search for your products/services. Once you find keywords that you can use, weave them into the tags as well as web site text.

Article marketing. Write articles on the subject of your expertise and submit them to article directories. Don’t forget to create an effective Resource Box for every article, and include a reason for the article reader to click on the link to your web site.

Article marketing helps to introduce your expertise to people who would have never known about you otherwise, and it helps you gain more links (and more traffic) to
your web site.

Business blogging is another great way to bring in web site traffic. Start a blog and make sure you update it on a regular basis. Make sure you list your blog in Blog Directories, Technorati, etc, so that potential customers can find your blog, subscribe to it and read it on a regular basis.

There are dozens of articles on search engine optimization, article marketing, blogging and more, they should help you learn more about getting web site traffic.

And for step-by-step instructions on getting more web site traffic and promoting your coaching business online, use the FREE Tutorial, How To Market Your Coaching Business.