Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Coaching' Category

5 Online Networking Mistakes You Are Making Right Now

Wednesday, August 16th, 2006

Did you know that you can gets lots of customers when networking online? Or that you can waste hours every day on networking, without ever getting a single business inquiry?

Here is an article I wrote, 5 Online Networking Mistakes You Are Making Right Now that will help you identify and correct the online networking mistakes you are making. This will help you get more clients from your online networking efforts.

Don’t forget to subscribe to Free Effective Online Marketing Newsletter to receive future online business articles in your mailbox.

Biana Babinsky

How To Promote Your Solopreneurs Business Better

Tuesday, August 15th, 2006

Every day I get questions from business owners about how to promote a business better online. What makes one web site sell much more then the other. And how to make more money, while spending less time on your online business.

Here are 5 things to focus on to take your business to the next level this year:

Choose a Good Domain Name. Make your domain name memorable and make it stand out. Think back to domain names you remember and type in in the browser without thinking about them. What makes them memorable?

Then, pick a name that people could associate with your business. Make your domain name stand out among your competition.

Have a Clear Message on your Web Site. How many times have you come to a web site, and left, because you weren’t sure what the web site was selling?

If you don’t capture your web site visitor’s interest right when they come to your web site, they will go elsewhere.

Sell Great Products/Services. When you believe in your products, it shows. Make sure you love what you you sell, and make sure your customers know about that. Make your enthusiasm shine through.

Provide Great Customer Service. When people get good customer service from a business once, they keep coming back to shop at that business again and again.

Keep your customers – provide exceptional customer services to keep the customers coming back.

Market to your Target Audience. Do you know who your target audience is? When you get targeted customers to your web site, you will convert more visitors into buyers, make more sales and make more money.

There are step-by-step directions in applying all of these techniques to your business in my Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course. Get the course before your competition does, and get ahead!

How To Get Coaching Clients Online

Monday, August 14th, 2006

I have taught quite a few coaches how to get more clients online. The first step for getting more coaching clients is defining your niche, or your target market.

Once you know who your target market is, you have three goals:

Driving your target market to your web site

Getting your target market to subscribe to your newsletter

Keeping in touch and building relationships with your target market using your newsletter. This step will help you turn your newsletter subscribers into clients.

#2 is straightforward – you need to have a prominent newsletter subscribe box on your web site, and encourage your web site visitors to subscribe to your newsletter. The best way to do that is by offering something at no charge (a report, e-book or e-course) as a bonus to subscribers.

#3 can be accomplished by publishing useful, interesting newsletters on a regular basis.

This leaves us with #1, driving your target market to your web site. How can you accomplish that?

Here are a few different ways to do that:

– Online Networking. Network in groups that your target market participates in and mention your newsletter web address in your signature.

Search Engine Optimization (or SEO). SEO is the process of modifying web page content and meta-information to improve the search engine ranking of the page. Successful search engine optimization will greatly increase the number of visitors that come to your web site since over 70% of people who are looking for products and services use search engines to locate them. Make sure that your web site is optimized for
search engines, so that your target market can find it.

– Business Blogging. Start a blog for your business and update it on a regular basis. A business blog is an excellent tool to toot your own horn, and let your target market know about your business. My business blog drives
newsletter subscribers and clients to my web site every single day.

Discover how to get clients for your coaching business at, the online business mentoring web site for coaches. Learn more about it at

Biana Babinsky

How To Network Online To Get Clients

Friday, August 11th, 2006

Since I am the online business coach, 95% of my clients find me online, and quite a few of them find me through online networking. I have also got a lot of publicity for my business, was interviewed, and got lots of great contacts through my online networking connections. Here are my recommendations to help you get clients when networking online:

Spend the time and network on a regular basis. Networking is not a one time action, rather, it is a long term process. When you put in the time, you will get the results you are looking for.

Find good places to network for you and your business. Who is your target market? Where does your target market network? Find those places and participate on a regular basis.

Always use a signature when networking online. If you post a good, thoughtful message in the group you participate in, people reading it would like to learn more about you. This is where your signature comes in – make sure that it provides enough incentive for the reader to click on the link in the signature and learn more about you.

To learn more about online networking to get clients, join me for my upcoming Online Networking That Gets Results Teleseminar.

Biana Babinsky

Turn Your Web Site Visitors Info Customers

Friday, August 11th, 2006

There are a few reasons why your numerous web site visitors are not turning into customers:

– You might be attracting the wrong customers. You need to make sure that your marketing/advertising is communicating the right message to the right people. If people who come to your web site are not your target market, they will NOT buy, and you will end up with too many web site visitors, and not enough customers.

– Your web copy/images/web site content might not be doing a good job explaining your products. Even if your target customers come to your web site, you still need to do a good job convincing them that they need YOUR products.

– It is confusing how to place an order. When a customer is ready to place an order, it needs to be as simple as possible. If people find that things are confusing on your web site, they leave instead of placing on order.

My Turn Your Reluctant Website Visitors Into Enthusiastic Customers Special Report  describes in detail how to deal with the too many visitors, not enough customers issue.

Best Colors For Your Web Site

Friday, August 11th, 2006

Do you know how to use colors to further your message and keep peopleon your web site, instead of them running away in horror as soon as they see your web site?

One of the services I provide to my clients is web site evaluation. I have reviewed many web sites, and I have seen pretty much every color of the rainbow used on the web site. Sometimes the colors are all wrong, and my eyes start to actually hurt after looking at a web site for a few minutes. Too many bright colors, blinking banners and moving words take the attention away from the web site’s message.

On the other hand, a good design and a good color scheme stays in the background and lets the web site visitors concentrate of what’s really important – the web copy.

Biana Babinsky

Biana Babinsky is the online business consultant, expert and author, who helps coaches, consultants, virtual assistants, professional organizers and other solopreneurs use their blogs and web site statistics to market better online. Learn more about her marketing training program at

How To Create Buzz For Your New Product

Wednesday, August 9th, 2006

Are you working on a new book or an ebook? Then now is the time to create buzz for this new product!

What tools will you use to do that? Take a look at blogs. As more and more people are reading blogs, bloggers are becoming influential in recommending resources and creating buzz for new products. My very own blog readers (you know who you are :) sometimes ask me to recommend a products that will help them market and promote themselves online.

Look for blogs that your target audience reads, and approach the person(or people) who blog on it. Maybe they can review your book or ebook on the blog? Give away a copy to one of the readers in a raffle? Promote your book on their blog through your affiliate program? See if you can create a win-win situation for yourself and the blogger – this will help you get exposed to a whole new audience.

And don’t forget to start your own blog. It will help you brand your business and products further and create your own brand online. For more information on promoting your business with a blog, take a look at 5 Steps to Success with Business Blogging Special Report.

Biana Babinsky

The Best Approach to Multiple Income Streams

Monday, August 7th, 2006

When my clients want to create multiple income streams, some go for creating very different products for the same target audience. Others go for different products for different audiences.

Which approach do you think is better? If you are working with different target market, you will have to do different mailing lists, write different blogs, different articles, and use different promotional techniques to reach your target markets. When you have different products, but work with the same target market, it is easier. While you are promoting or networking with your target market, you could offer different products. After all, your products are created for this market; all you have to find out is what a particular person’s needs are.

What I teach my students at Marketing Salad, the online business coaching community for solopreneurs is the need to create different products and services for the same target market.

There are many different products you can create. Books, ebooks, special reports, CDs, group coaching/consulting, audio guides and many more. Creating them for the same target market helps you really concentrate on your target market, and become well-known in it.

For example, as I work with solopreneurs, all of the products and services I have created are for solopreneurs: helps solopreneurs create passive income streams online.

Online Business Coaching helps solopreneurs get more clients by marketing online.

Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course helps solopreneurs promote their business better online.

I would recommend that you concentrate on one target market, find out what it really needs, and create products / services that can solve their problems.

Once you have done that, and you have some time, you can look at your other target market, learn about the needs and problems, and create products to solve their problems.

Biana Babinsky

Product Placement and MySpace

Monday, August 7th, 2006

Product placement is not just for movies and TV shows anymore. Product placement has come to online social networks. According to the article On MySpace, Millions of Users Make ‘Friends’ With Ads article in WSJ, movie characters now have MySpace pages. They also have lots of friends.

Which movie charcters have MySpace pages? According to the article, Ricky Bobby, from the new movie “Talladega Nights” has a page:

“Ricky Bobby has 47,000 “friends,” MySpace lingo for users linked to the page. The 1,500 comments range from admiration (“You kicked butt in the race the other day. Loved when you signed my baby’s head”) to exultation (“Ricky Bobby is the Man!!”).”

Other characters with pages include:

“John Tucker, the womanizing teenager of “John Tucker Must Die,” and each of his four girlfriends have MySpace pages. (You can check John’s basketball schedule or read about Carrie’s plans for college.) So do seven of the characters from “Accepted,” a film about college students debuting this week. (Bartleby Gaines, the fictional star, lists “Fake I.D.’s” and “Monica” as his interests.) Even the creepily-quiet mascot king from the Burger King commercials has a site. (“If you’d like to be the King’s friend, he’s totally down with that,” his page introduction says.)”

What Is Easier To Promote New Product or Old Product?

Friday, August 4th, 2006

While it might seem that it is easier to promote a new product (all the cool, new product buzz), there lots of different ways to promote an older product, as long as it is relevant to your target market.

When you have just created a page about the new product online, the page is brand new. This means that search engines don’t know about it, there are no incoming links to it, etc. As the web page matures, while you are (hopefully) marketing the product online, search engines index it, there are more and more incoming links to it, more people are recommending it, after buying it themselves, etc. The buzz is building on top of buzz, and more and more people are learning about your product.

But how do you start creating buzz? Which techniques should you use? Here is an article I wrote on Online Marketing Techniques To Drive Traffic You Your Web Site.