Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Coaching' Category

Multiple Streams of Income

Friday, March 24th, 2006

Many people ask me if they should create multiple streams of income for themselves and their businesses.

My answer to them is absolutely! Having multiple streams of income is great – my e-books, teleseminars, audio products and reports create great multiple revenue streams, in addition to my coaching and consulting.

As I teach my students, there are only so many hours in the days, so if all you are doing is selling your time for money, you are limiting your income. Also, if you go on vacation or get sick, you can’t work those hours, so you are not getting paid.

Creating products, and selling them in addition to your other work, creates revenue streams that work for you even if you are spending time with your family or go on vacation.

At I teach members how to create passive revenue streams and make money with them!

Biana Babinsky

Biana Babinsky is the online business coach and expert. She teaches coaches, consultants and other solopreneurs how to promote their businesses, create multiple streams of income and make more money online. Get her Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course, to learn how to get more customers online.

What Kind of Learner Are You?

Thursday, March 23rd, 2006

Different people learn differently. How do YOU learn best? Do you learn best when reading a book or an e-book? Maybe you learn best when hearing the information during a teleclass or by listening to an audio. Maybe you learn best by asking questions and getting answers to them?

At, the online community for solopreneurs I have put together different ways for you learn:

Learn by reading print materials by reading my Online Marketing Lessons.

Learn through audio, by joining the teleclasses and getting the recordings.

Ask questions at the members-only forum, and get answers directly from me, Biana Babinsky.

Get information in different formats, so that you can learn and make more money with your business.

Join now at

Top 5 Ways to Increase your Online Sales – Free Download

Thursday, March 9th, 2006

Learn how to increase your online sales and get more customers online. Download my latest free special report – Top 5 Ways to Increase your Online Sales.

Biana Babinsky
Biana Babinsky is the online business coach and expert. She teaches coaches, consultants and other solopreneurs how to promote their businesses, create multiple streams of income and make more money online. Get her Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course, to learn how to get more customers online.

Renew Your Marketing In Spring

Wednesday, March 8th, 2006

Spring is in the air. I love spring – is it my favorite season. It is also time to start something new for yourself and your business. Make your business more successful this spring!

An effective marketing plan is something that every business needs to succeed. Your marketing plan tells you how to market your business and which steps to take to gain more clients and leads for your business.

Want to start spring with a brand new marketing plan and a successful marketing strategy? I am offering a Marketing Plan Template to you at no charge, when you join me at

At you will get access to my online business lessons, masterminding with other business owners,
teleseminars with me and guest experts and much more.

Join now at and get my Marketing Plan Template at no charge.

Biana Babinsky

Biana Babinsky teaches coaches, consultants, online business owners and solopreneurs how to promote their business online, how to get more targeted web site visitors to their web sites and how to make more money online. Join Biana’s online business mentoring program at and get immediate access to online business lessons, worksheets, teleseminars and support directly from Biana Babinsky.

What Do People Who Created Successful Passive Income Streams Have in Common?

Tuesday, March 7th, 2006

One thing that people who succeed with passive income streams all have in common is that they know how to market, and they use this knowledge to promote themselves and their products. They know that to make money they need to have an excellent product AND that they need to market it to people who need it.

As a business coach, I speak to many people every week. And sometimes I meet service professionals (coaches, consultants, writers, etc), who tell me that they do not need to market, because their customers should find them, as their expertise speaks for itself.

Marketing is the process of getting the word out about your business. If you don’t tell people about your business, if your web site does not get indexed in search engines, if you can’t generate leads from your business web site, and keep in touch with your leads, and turn them into your customers – how will your customers find out about you? They have to be told that you exist, what your expertise is, why they need to hire you and how to hire you. Your marketing strategy is what is going to get your target customers happily buy your products and hire you.

If you are just starting to promote your products online, here is what I would recommend you do:

1. Get the Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course, to learn about different online marketing strategies that you can use to promote your products online. The course is broken into 8 Lessons, each one discussing a different strategy.

2. Study the Course. Make sure you understand each strategy, and whether or not you can apply it to promoting your products. Take notes about how you are going to use the strategies for your own business, and write down any questin you have.

Join The Course contains a bonus link for you to try Marketing Salad for just $1 for the first month. Use your Marketing Salad membership to get your questions answered, and to learn more about creating passive income streams online.

Biana Babinsky

Biana Babinsky teaches coaches, consultants, online business owners and solopreneurs how to promote their business online, how to get more targeted web site visitors to their web sites and how to make more money online. Get Biana’s Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course, to learn how to promote your products and services online.

New Way To Promote Your Expertise and Products Online

Friday, March 3rd, 2006

Hi, everyone

As you know, writing and publishing articles is a great way to show off your expertise, get targeted traffic to your web site, as well as targeted customers.

To help you promote your expertise, get newsletter subscribers and sell MORE of your products and services, I have created a Business Articles Directory. This directory concentrates on helping you, the online business owner, get your articles seen and get more links back to your web site from your articles. More links to your web site results in more web site visitors, and more customers.

So, how can you take advantage of this new resource? It is as easy as 1-2-3:

1. Write (or get your existing) business articles. We only accept articles on business topics.

2. Sign up for your free account at Business Articles Directory.

3. Submit Your Articles.

That’s it! Looking forward to getting your articles!

Biana Babinsky

P.S. Get More Exposure for Your Business Online – Submit Your Articles to Business Articles Directory

How Can a Coach Create Passive Income Streams?

Wednesday, February 15th, 2006

Question: How can a coach create many income streams online?

Biana Babinsky Answers: Back when I was working in corporate America, (I had a good job writing software and designing web pages for a Fortune 500 company), I have noticed that many people (myself included) were paid a salary. It was a decent salary, but we could not really control it. Yes, we would get a raise every year, but otherwise, we could not make any more money. We did our job and got paid, there was no room for increase, we pretty much had a salary ceiling.

On the other hand, there were people even in corporate America, who were more in control of their salaries. These people usually sold something, and they were paid a base salary + commissions. Obviously if you could not sell, you didn’t make much money. However, if you could sell, you made MUCH more.

Same with owning a business – once you book yourself solid with clients, you will make money, but there is a limit. At some point you can’t add any more one on one clients to your practice, thus, reaching a limit on the number of clients, and the amount of money you make.

Instead, you can have a mix of one on one clients, as well as group coaching, products (ebooks, workbooks, reports, home study courses), consulting, teleseminars, speaking, selling others’ products, etc. This mix will fill up some of your time, but will leave you the rest of the time for other activities – market research, marketing, new product development, etc.

Biana Babinsky

Biana Babinsky is the online business consultant, author and expert, who teaches solopreneurs how to use the Internet to gain more clients and make more money. Learn directly from Biana about creating passive income products at, the online business community for solopreneurs

Life Coach, Business Coach or Success Coach?

Monday, February 6th, 2006

Question: I’m actually having trouble defining the TYPE of coaching I offer. I don’t want to label myself as a Business Coach (even though I’m targeting business women), since I’m dealing with the inner person, not necessarily business strategies. However, Life Coach seems too vague and general. Is Success Coach a type or is it an annoying buzz word??? Is Business Coaching really applicable?

Biana Babinsky Answers: I think Life Coach, and Success Coach and Business Coach – they are all pretty vague as they encompass many different things. Same goes for many other professions – the name is pretty general and doesn’t communicate a lot.

What you really need is a good USP (unique selling proposition) and a benefits statement, telling your prospective clients what’s in it for them. At the end of the day, it is not what you call yourself, it is what you give your clients that will get them to hire you.

Make sure your clients know how they will benefit by hiring you, this is what will help them make a decision to hire you!

Biana Babinsky

Biana Babinsky is the online business consultant, author and expert, who teaches solopreneurs how to use the Internet to gain more clients and make more money. To learn more about how to to promote your coaching practice online, get her Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course. The course is your how-to guide to promote a business online.

Are Technical Issues Not Letting You Market Your Business?

Tuesday, January 31st, 2006

I have a technical background (I started my career in high tech), and I have rescued many of my clients from technological issues with their web sites, blogs, shopping carts, etc.

What I have noticed is that once a client has an issue with a web site, or blog or anything else, they don’t try to solve it, unless there is a deadline for doing it.

Remember, there is nothing wrong with switching your blogging providers, or web hosts, if you are having issues with them. I have seen people switch a few blogging platforms, before they found the one that worked for them; same with web hosts.

It is much better to switch a blogging provider, and actually start blogging, then to try to solve issues with a current host, and not blog for a few more months.

I know that some people balk at installing WordPress blog, that I recommend, because it requires some technical knowledge. Well, some web hosts now offer a platform called Mambo, that lets you install WordPress with a click of a button. Check with your web host
to see if they offer it. If you need a recommendation of such a host, feel free to email me.

I do recomend finding solutions to your blogging and web site problems, as blogs and web sites especially are very powerful online marketing tools. I find blogging very powerful, as it drives leads to my business every day.

Biana Babinsky

Looking for answers to your blogging and web site hosting issues? Learn How to Turn Your Web Site and Blog into Powerful Tools For Driving Leads and Clients to Your Business at For a limited time, join for just $7

Do you love marketing?

Tuesday, November 8th, 2005

Ok, maybe not love, but definitely enjoy :)

Many business owners tell me that they don’t like marketing. I have heard similar sentiments from many service providers – coaches, VA’s, consultants, web designers.

As we speak more, I find out that these people don’t like particular marketing strategies – some hate cold calling, others don’t want to network with a room full of strangers, yet others don’t think that they can write well, so they shy away from producing any written material (blogs, articles, etc).

I recommend that you find out what about marketing you don’t like that much, and than either get someone to help you improve that particular technique, or give yourself permission to use that particular technique less, and other techniques more.

As a service professional, you need three things to conduct your business effectively:

– You need to have services AND products that you sell on your web site.

– You need to have a system that brings qualified leads to your web site, every day.

– You need to have a system that keeps in touch and sells to your leads.

You do have a choice with which techniques you can use to bring in leads – my clients use search engine optimization, blogging, article writing, pay per click search engines, advertising, speaking, networking and some other techniques. So if you don’t like one technique, give yourself permission to use other techniques.

You can learn about many different online marketing techniques in my Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course. It teaches you how to promote your business online, using many different online marketing techniques.

Biana Babinsky
Biana Babinsky is the online business coach and expert, who teaches coaches, consultants, VA’s and other solopreneurs how to promote their business effectively, make more money and get more clients online. Get her Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course to learn how to promote your business online, step by step.