Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Coaching' Category

How to Get More Buyers for your Information Products

Wednesday, October 26th, 2005

One of the ways to promote your information product, is to get a link to it from other web sites. Here are the benefits:

– Get exposure to a completely different group of target customers; people who you would have never reached otherwise.

– With a good product name and description, you will get clicks directly to your products.

– Branding – more people will hear about your products, even if they don’t buy from you immediately.

Seek out opportunities to get a link to your products from other web sites. For a limited time, you can get a link to your products from the Just submit your web site for a link back to your products; it is free and no link back is required.

Biana Babinsky
Use Online Marketing Techniques to Promote your Products Online

P.S. Hurry – after we have 150 links in the, we will change the submission rules. Submit your web site to now.

What to Do When People Ask you for Free Services?

Wednesday, October 12th, 2005

This is a question that comes up from time to time for many of my clients. I work with service professionals – coaches, consultants, virtual assistants, web designers, and many of them get emails through their web sites asking for free services.

Does this happen to you? What do you do?

First of all, remember, people asking for free services are not your perfect customers. They can’t (or don’t want) to pay for your services. You are a professional, and should be compensated for your services as such.

What I recommend my clients to do in this situation is to have lower priced products, that they can refer their potential clients to. Many times when people can’t (or don’t want to) pay for services, a lower priced product is a great compromise. Many of my web site visitors wanted to learn online marketing for under $50, so I created the Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course. It sells for $47, but if I were to teach someone one on one all the information I share in the course, it would cost them thousands of dollars.

Another reason to offer a lower priced product is to give a customer a “taste” of what you are about, and how you work. Many of the people who bought my products came back to me with joint venture proposals, asked for more products or inquired about services. By selling a product, in addition to your services, you can reach more people and make more money.

So what is a product? It is an ebook, a special report, an audio CD, a teleseminar, a workshop, a course – there are many possibilities.

Want to learn more about creating products, and making money with them? Join me at, the online business coaching group, where I teach solo professionals how to create their own products and market them online.

Biana Babinsky
Online Business Coaching for Solo Professionals

How to Start your Coaching Business

Monday, October 10th, 2005

Many people have asked me how to start their own business. Today you have a corporate job, and tomorrow you want to be working for yourself. How do you go from one to the other?

First, figure out what kind of coach you would like to be. What is it that you want to help others to accomplish?

Than, start figuring out who your target market is going to be. Will it be business owners? Individuals? People with kids? The more targeted your customers are, the better you will be able to target your coaching and other services to them, the easier it will be for you to create products for them and market to them.

Than, start focusing on products/services you would like to offer to your target market.
Create a few different products and coaching packages – an ebook, a group coaching program, a teleclass, etc. These products will supplement your one on one coaching income, and will give your clients lower priced products to try, before hiring you for your one on one services.

And, listen to your potential customers – sometimes they will tell you what products/services they need. For example, I have created, the online business coaching for solo professionals program after many clients have requested it.

Biana Babinsky
Learn How to Jump Start your Coaching Business