Archive for the 'Life Coach Training' Category

How To Achieve Balance In Your Business

Thursday, April 24th, 2008

Is your business in balance? Or are you working on 25 projects and 15 marketing initiatives at once, all while thinking: “I should really be using this brand new social networking site that I just heard about!” ?

If that sounds like you, it is time to re-think how you do business and see if you can prioritize your actions, while still accomplishing everything.

Here are some of the things I do in order to achieve more balance in my business:

Automate everything that I can. Lots of things can be automated online – scheduling of blog posts, automatic product fulfillment, ezine software, etc.

Take action: Take advantage of technology to automatically get people subscribing to your list, downloading your products, registering for your classes, etc.

Outsource tasks that I don’t enjoy doing and can’t automate.

Take action: Take a look at everything you are doing and see which ones can be outsourced.

Long term scheduling. I always know what’s coming up for my business for the next 6+ months. That way I can plan the tasks I need to do, marketing I need to do, etc.

When you know what’s coming up long term, you can schedule backwards. For example, if one of your goals is to have an ebook written by the end of October, 2008, you know that there are tasks that need to get done every month/week/day in order for this to happen.

Take action: Create your marketing plan!

Multiple streams of income. Creating products, such as seminars, ebooks and my mentoring program has really improved my work/life balance.

I can have as many or as few one-on-one clients as I want. (I usually have 3-7 clients at any given time), and I don’t put my marketing efforts into getting one-on-one clients.

Instead, my marketing is concentrated on getting leads for my business.

Take action: Create multiple streams of income for your business!

Biana Babinsky

About Biana Babinsky: Biana teaches coaches, consultants, virtual assistants and other business owners how to get more clients, create multiple streams of income and run a successful online business. Join her mentoring program at to discover how to create a successful online business.

Are Smaller Groups Better For Social Networking?

Wednesday, April 16th, 2008

Just read an article, MySpace, Facebook: Big not always better about how Internet users like to use smaller, more targeted social networking web sites and groups.

Personally I like both types of groups. I am a member of small networking groups where membership is very targeted. For example, we have a very targeted networking group at, my online business mentoring web site. In addition to learning about online marketing, members of also network with each other and do business with each other on a regular basis. This group is very targeted – members are are coaches, consultants, virtual assistants and other online business owners who are serious about building profitable online businesses.

But I also like much larger networking web sites, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. The key to using those really large sites is to still find smaller groups of people you want to socialize with. For example, if you like skiing, search for skiing groups. If you want to become known to your target market, search for groups/places where your target market is and start the conversation going.

It does not matter how big or small a group is, as long as you can create a strategy to increase your visibility and reach your market effectively.

Biana Babinsky

Three Tips For A Better Landing Page

Monday, April 14th, 2008

One of the most important concepts in online marketing is a landing page. A landing page is a page where your visitor lands to do something. It could be a page where your web site visitor lands following a link from your PPC ad. It could be a page where your web site visitor lands to purchase your ebook. In short, it is a page, where your web site visitor comes to take action.

The best rule to remember about a landing page is one action – one page. What is an action? An action is the action you want your web site visitor to take on the landing page. The action can be subscribing to your newsletter, buying an e-book or registesting for a telseminar.

The most successful landing pages don’t try to be all things to all people. Rather, they concentrate on getting a user to take one action and one action only. When someone lands on a landing page like that, they only have two options – take action or leave.

So, what about your landing pages? If your landing pages are not producing results, it is time to take action!

Review your landing page. Are you only asking your web site visitors to take one action per page? If you are asking them to take more than one action, make a change to ask them take just one action.

When I helped a client change her landing page for a teleseminar to only have one available action to take, she was able to double her sign-ups!

Review your web copy. The sales copy on your landing page is very important as well. Does it convince your web site visitor to take action? If not, you need to improve your sales copy to make it convince your visitor to take action.

Review your marketing. How do you promote your landing page? Do your promotions help you qualify your visitors, so that the ones who do come to your landing page are already targeted customers?

Biana Babinsky

3 Keys For Getting More Clients

Thursday, April 10th, 2008

Do you need more clients for your business? Getting more clients is a goal of many business owners, but not all of them are able to bring more clients to their businesses. This is happening because many business owners are not using the right marketing techniques for getting clients.

Many business owners market randomly, instead of concentrating on effective marketing strategies that have been proven to be able to bring in clients over and over again. I recommend that you use these three marketing strategies in your marketing plan no matter which marketing techniques you use and no matter what kind of marketing you do. Doing this will result in more clients for your business…

Continue Reading 3 Keys For Getting More Clients

You Are Wasting Your Time On Online Marketing!

Wednesday, April 9th, 2008

This is the conclusion I came to after analyzing how thousands of coaches, consultants and other online business owners market their business online. In fact, the majority of business owners are wasting their time by marketing online.

Why is that? Many coaches, consultants and other business owners have spent hundreds (sometimes thousands!) of hours on driving traffic to their web sites. However, even though they brought traffic to their web site, they did not turn this traffic into customers. All the time that they spent on driving traffic to their web site was a complete waste of time!

So what can you do about this? How do you stop wasting time and get started with using online to actually get results for your business?

In order to do that, you need to create a strategy for how you are going to use your web site traffic. You need to have a strategy for driving traffic to your web site AND you need to have a strategy for using your web site for turning this traffic into clients. If you have millions of people coming to your web site every day, but your web site isn’t doing anything with them, you are not going to make a single penny from all this traffic.

Once you have a comprehensive strategy for dealing with your traffic AND you have a web site that implements this strategy, you are going to be able to turn your web site traffic into prospects and clients.

Stop wasting your time marketing online! Discover how to create and implement an effective strategy for using your web site to turn your web site traffic into clients during my upcoming teleseminar, How To Use Your Web Site To Get Clients at

Biana Babinsky

Your Clients Want Different Formats

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

Back when I just started teaching, I realized that different students learned differently. Some came to every lecture and wrote down every word said by the teacher and used their notes to study later.

Others never took any notes — instead they just listened intently in class. Yet others never bothered showing up at the lectures and read the textbooks instead. Some articles I have read recently report that now students rely on audio/video recordings of the lectures…

Continue Reading Your Clients Want Different Formats

How To Teach Profitable Teleseminars

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

I have been getting many e-mails from readers lately, asking me how to create and teach profitable teleseminars. The Teleseminars Tutorial shows you the step-by-step process for creating profitable telseminars, but here are three points that should help you create an effective (and very profitable!) teleseminars:

– Find a topic your target market is interested in

– Create an interesting, effective teleclass around this topic

– Promote the teleclass so that you can get participants for it!

My clients have the most trouble with #3, so here is how to promote your teleclass to get more participants:

– Publish a newsletter for your target market and announce your teleclass to them.

– Announce your teleclass on your web site.

– Announce your teleclass to the groups, where your target market participates.

– Use article marketing, search engine optimization and other online marketing techniques to get more newsletter subscribers. Once you have more subscribers, you will have more people to promote your teleclasses to.

Discover how to market your teleclasses in Teleseminars Tutorial.

Getting Clients During An Economic Downturn

Thursday, March 27th, 2008

If you have been reading newspapers, watching television or reading online news sites, you have probably seen articles noting that the US economy is not doing as well as before. Consumers are not spending as much money as before, and they are buying less. This means that many business owners are not able to generate the same level of revenues…

Continue Reading Getting Clients During An Economic Downturn

Get A Raise And Increase Revenues

Tuesday, March 25th, 2008

One of the recommendations that I make to my clients who want to increase their business revenues is to raise their prices. When you raise your prices, you will increase your revenues without doing any extra work — you do not have to take on more clients, you do not have to spend more time doing work and you do not need to increase your sales.

As you can see, raising your rates is one of the best ways to increase your business revenues. As your experience increases and your expertise grows, your help and advice becomes more and more valuable to your clients. The more value you provide, the better you should be compensated for it. The only way you can be better compensated for what you offer is by asking for higher rates for your services, products and live events…

Continue Reading Get A Raise And Increase Revenues

Is Your Web Site Ready For Marketing?

Monday, March 24th, 2008

In the past two years I have had many business owners asking me how to get more web site traffic. Many of them thought that if they just add more stuff to the web site, such as a blog, they will get more traffic.

However, many times they neglect to make their web site ready for marketing. If you do not make sure that your web site is ready to accept the web site traffic you are going to send to it, you are not going to get results.

Marketing a web site that is not ready is like sending customers to a store without cash registers and without a simple way to buy. People may come to check out the store, but they will not buy.

Unfinished does not mean that your web site design is not finished. You may have a web site that has been beautifully designed by a talented designer. However, if your web site does not have the marketing elements that will turn your web site visitors into customers, it will remain just that – a beautiful store where no one buys.

If you want to get customers from your web site, it should be effective – it should explain to your visitors the benefits of what you are offering, it should help them decide to buy from you.

Your web site should be user-friendly – it should be easy to explore everything on your web site, your web site visitors should be able to easily travel from page to page, etc.

You should also optimize your web site for search engines – use good, descriptive tags for search engines and add good, useful content that search engines can index.

In my Complete Step By Step Online Marketing Course I discuss how to make your web site effective and how to get web site traffic. You may get the Course at

Biana Babinsky