Archive for the 'Membership Web Sites' Category

Make Thousands Of Dollars With Membership Web Sites

Wednesday, October 24th, 2007

The “How To Make Thousands Of Dollars With Membership Web Sites” Home Study Guide is available for you at


Do you want to help hundreds or even thousands of people with your expertise?

Do you want to work with clients in groups?

Do you want to work with people who can’t afford your one-on-one services, instead of having to turn them away?

You can do all of that and much more when you create a membership web site for your target market. Here is how:

Your membership web site will help you promote your expertise to hundreds and even thousands of people

Your membership web site will enable to work with people in groups

– Your membership web site will enable you to let people who can’t afford your one-on-one services to work with you at a much lower price point.

There are lots more benefits to running a membership web site, and I discuss them in the “How To Make Thousands Of Dollars With Membership Web Sites” Home Study Guide.

Click Here To Learn More About “How To Make Thousands Of Dollars With Membership Web Sites” Home Study Guide

How To Start A Membership Web Site

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

Do you want to start a membership web site for your business? I have been running my members-only online business coaching web site at for a long time and here is what I recommend.
Before spending the time and other resources on creating a membership web site, I recommend doing something that you should do before introducing any new product or service.

You should evaluate the idea with your target market in mind and see if there is a demand for this product among your target market.

Here are some questions to help you evaluate your prospective membership web site further:

– Who is the target market for your membership web site?

– Can your reach enough people in your target market to promote the membership web site?

– What kind of benefits will you be offering to members?

– How many levels of membership are you going to have?

– What kind of content will you have?

– How will you be promoting your web site?

Once you answer these questions you will have a much more clear vision on what exactly you want to create and who you want to attract to your membership web site.

For more information on starting your own membership web site get my How To Make Thousands Of Dollars With Membership Web Sites Home Study Course

Biana Babinsky