Are You Overwhelmed With Social Networking?
Monday, July 14th, 2008If you are overwhelmed with social networking, you are not alone. Every day on my Facebook account I have new friends requests, dozens of invitations to applications, lots of new events to review and much more. And then, there are messages. Messages from people I am connected with, messages from groups I am a member of, messages that people leave on my Wall….
And this is just Facebook. If you, like me, networking through other web sites and groups in addition to Facebook, you know that there will be messages, invitations and requests from those groups as well. Lately, it seems that it is a full time job to just maintain a few social networking accounts and keep in touch with people we meet through those sites.
As business owners, though, we have other things to do as well. We have our clients to take care of, we have classes to teach, new products to create and new strategies to design. So how do you keep up with your social networking AND still have time left over for your other business activities?
I do that by:
1. Targeting My Social Networking. I have created my social networking plan and because of it I know exactly who I want to meet and who I want to network with. Because I am targeting my networking, I only spend time on targeted networking.
2. Setting Time Limits On Social Networking. Social networking can be fun and you can spend a lot of time doing it. But if you spend all of your time on social networking, who is going to work with your clients and who is going to create your products?
I spend some time on social networking and then I spend time on my clients and my marketing activities.
3. Prioritizing. I simply do not have the time to participate in all the networking groups I would like to participate in. Instead, I use my time to prioritize the social networking that I do and spend time networking in places where I can meet the people that I want to meet.
I have spoken about social networking and lack of time with my friend and time management expert, Julie Bestry. Julies has taught me about time management and she has a lot of ideas on how to minimize the time you spend on social networking, while maximizing your results. I invited Julie to do a teleseminar with me called Time Management Secrets For Social Networkers: Get Better Results In Less Time.
Julie says that if you’re suffering from Social Network Fatigue, spending hours on end posting to networking forums and your connections’ Facebook wall, twittering and following other’s tweets but not reaping the financial rewards or truly positioning yourself as an expert, there’s a better path for you. I can’t wait to hear what she has to say about all this – register to join us at
Biana Babinsky