Archive for the 'Social Networking Sites' Category

Getting Results From Social Media

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

There are many social networking web sites online. I am sure you have heard of LinkedIn, Ryze, Facebook, MySpace and many other social networking sites.

I am a member of a few of them, and we also do a lot of networking at my online business mentoring web site, I also run my own social networking events for business owners.

Lately I have been getting lots of questions about social media and online networking from coaches, consultants and other solopreneurs. It seems that social networking is becoming more popular and more business owners want to take advantage of social networking to get more clients for their businesses.

You have to remember that just like regular networking, using social media does take time. You are looking for results for your business and it takes time to get those results.

Some of the things i do when I use social media are: I run groups and networking events for people I meet on social networking sites, I keep in touch and network, I write and optimize my blog, etc.

Two main things to remember if you want to get results from social media are:

Correctly define your goals for social networking. You have to know know exactly what you want to happen from your involvement in social media and how to follow up and build on that involvement.

You need to find ways (and time!) to do social media marketing on a regular basis.

More tips on using social media:

Use Web 2.0 And Online Networking To Promote A Coaching Business

How To Get Results From Online Networking

Are You Wasting Time Or Networking?

Biana Babinsky