Archive for the 'Internet Marketing' Category

How Can Coaches Profit By Marketing On The Internet?

Monday, May 28th, 2007

According to a recent article, Internet ad revenue up 35% to $17 billion, Internet ad revenue is up to 17 billion.

Looks like there is A LOT of business being done online, doesn’t it? Many of my clients have been asking me recently how they can profit from marketing their business online and how they can promote their products and services to get buyers.

Internet is a huge field and a great place to get coaching clients. In fact, over 98% of my coaching clients find me online.

In order to use the Internet to get clients, I usually recommend to my clients to create a system to get targeted traffic to their web site, and convert this traffic into newsletter subscribers. Here is how you can do that:

Clearly Define Your Target Market. Who do you want to coach? Who is your ideal coaching client? Before doing anything else, you need to know exactly who your coaching clients are, what they do for a living, etc.

Without knowing this it will be very hard for you to market your coaching business online.

Create An Effective Web Site For Your Coaching Business. Before you even start marketing, make sure that your web site is user-friendly and that it attracts your target customers.

Start A Newsletter For Your Business. Not everyone who comes to your web site is going to hire you immediately. And once the customers leave your web site, they will forget about it.

The only way to have them remember who you are is by keeping in touch with them on a regular basis. You can do that by having a newsletter, and asking your web site visitors to subscribe to it.

Use Online Marketing Techniques To Drive Your Potential Coaching Clients To Your Web Site. Now that you know who your target market is, it’s time to start driving
traffic to your web site and get customers.

Use article marketing, online networking, business blogging, search engine optimization and other online marketing techniques to drive your perfect clients to your web site.

If you are just starting out with using the Internet to get clients, I recommend starting with online networking and article marketing. Both are easy techniques to apply and they can bring you a ton of web site visitors, when used correctly.

Want to learn more about promoting your business online? Here is a FREE Tutorial for you, FREE Tutorial, How To Market Your Coaching Business.

Your Own Radio Show?

Sunday, May 27th, 2007

Many business owners I know want to set up their own Internet radio show to get the word out about their business and their expertise.

It is very inexpensive to set up your own radio show – all you need is some technical know-how and you are all set to market your business online using audio!

In order to set up your radio show you may want to set up a podcast. It a very cost-effective solution, and more and more people are listening to podcasts now.

There are just a few things you can do to set up your podcast:

– Get a web host that will let you store large files. If you have a web host already, check in with them to see how much file storage you can get.

– Record your radio show – you can do that on your computer using any kind of software.

– Get WordPress software, it is available free at

– Set up your WordPress software on your web host

– Upload your radio show recording to your web host

– Use WordPress to announce a new recording

– Market, market, market. Just like with everything else, it is not enough to set up your radio show. You need to constantly market it in order to get more people listening to your show.

Need help with marketing and promoting your podcast? Get online marketing tips and ideas in my free online marketing report available at

Biana Babinsky

Summer Is Almost Here!

Thursday, May 24th, 2007

The weather is very fickle, but summer is almost here. It was raining last week and it was
in the 40s just a few days ago. But it is warm today and according to the calendar summer will start in about a week.

What are your business plans for the summer? If you are thinking about creating an e-book, or if you have completed one and now need to edit it and create a finished copy, I recommend that you do it this summer.

September is the best time to launch a new product. This is because when people get back to business after spending the summer resting and going on vacations, they want to get things done in September. And to get things done they want to know how to do them, and this is where your e-book comes in.

Spend the summer creating your e-book and launch it in September for huge profits!

Discover how to create an e-book that will make you thousands of dollars during the upcoming How To Make Thousands Of Dollars With Your E-books Teleseminar Series. I will show you a step-by-step process to create an e-book and market it online to make money.

Here is what you will discover during the How To Make Thousands Of Dollars With Your E-books Teleseminar Series:

– How to find the most profitable topic for your e-book

– How to turn your e-book into an information products empire

– The nuts and bolts of getting one-on-one clients with your e-book

and much, much, much more.

Register for the teleseminar series at

Building Buzz And Getting Your Name Out

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007

Do you have products that you want to sell online – a book, e-book, seminars? Or maybe you want to sell your services? To do this effectively you need to create buzz for what you have to offer. You need to get your name out there, you need to promote your expertise, so that your potential customers see that you are an expert at what you do.
Promoting expertise online is what I help my customers do.It is all about getting your name known and getting as many of your target customers as possible into your circle of influence.

Here are some of the steps that you can take to start generating buzz and promoting your expertise online:

Define your target market – who are the people you want to buy the book?

Create a free offering that you can give away to your target market. This can be a special report, audio recording, e-book, etc. You need to create an offering that your target market really wants – that way you will be able to use it to get more newsletter subscribers.

Start building your newsletter list – use the free offering as a gift for everyone who subscribes to your newsletter. Publish your newsletter on a regular basis to keep in touch with your subscribers and provide them with information about your book.

Use online marketing techniques – search engine optimization, article marketing, your own blog, etc – to get newsletter subscribers.

The more subscribers you have, the more people you can contact, the more people will be able to buy your book.

Create other products and programs. Having just a book is not enough. Create other products based on your expertise – e-books, audio recordings, classes, etc. Now you can use your newsletter list to sell your products.

As you can see, you should promote your expertise by building on the things you have done previously. You define your target market first, then you create a gift you can give away, then you use marketing techniques to get more newsletter subscribers, etc.

In my Complete Step By Step Online Marketing Course I discuss how to use effective online marketing techniques to promote your business and get it known online. Get the Course now at

Biana Babinsky

How To Use Your Blog To Get Coaching Clients

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007

Many coaches have asked me how to use a blog to promote their business and get clients. I have been blogging for a while and my blog has brought me a ton of traffic, newsletter subscribers and clients.

Here are my recommendations for you if you are just setting up your blog:

Set Up A Blog On Your Own Web Site – it will help you achieve better branding and more web site traffic. Use free blogging software available at

Blog Consistently. Many business owners get excited about blogging, post 3-6 times, and then promptly forget about the blog. I have seen many blogs that were started a year or two ago, have a grand total of five posts, and haven’t been updated since sometime last year.

Have A Special Offer On Your Blog. This will guide your blog visitors to become your newsletter subscribers.

Use Search Engine Optimization To Optimize Each Blog Post. The purpose of your blog is to get people who are in your target market to read your posts and enter your sphere of influence. Use your blog to get more search engine traffic.

Have Fun!

One of the lessons in my Complete Step By Step Online Marketing Course is a Blogging Lesson, and it discusses in detail how to use your blog to market your coaching business. You can get the Course at

Biana Babinsky

Plan Now To Make Money In September!

Sunday, May 20th, 2007

What are your plans for the summer? If you have been thinking about creating a new e-book, summer is the best time to do that. This is because September is the best time to launch a new e-book! This means that you should spend the summer creating it and then launch it in September!

People come back to work and life in September, ready to take charge and ready to do things! So it is the best time to launch an e-book on any coaching-related topic, and that means YOU!

If you have been thinking about creating an e-book to create a passive income stream, start now! That way the e-book will be ready to be launched in September and that will help you make a lot of money.

Join me for the Make Thousands Of Dollars With E-books Teleseminar Series to learn how to create a best-selling e-book and make lots of money with it. You can register for it at

Biana Babinsky

P.S. The price of the Teleseminar Series is going up on May 25th, so register now to get in at the introductory price. To register go to

What If You Live In A Small Town?

Thursday, May 17th, 2007

Many of my clients live in small towns where no one has heard of coaching. How do you promote your business, get clients and teach seminars when you live in a small town?

I recommend that if you live in a small town far from a metropolitan area (or even if you live in a metropolitan area, but want to teach seminars on the phone) to start looking into doing your workshops and seminars over the phone. This way you are not limiting yourself to the clients from your town – you can work with people from all over the country and the world.

On my teleseminars I routinely have people from many US states, Canada, Europe and Australia and New Zealand. It is great to be able to teach people from all over the world!

There are many possibilities for you – you can teach free seminars to introduce people to what you do and invite them to subscribe to your list. And of course you can teach paying seminars to make money with your seminars.

I discuss how to teach seminars over the phone on my Make Thousands Of Dollars With Teleseminars Audio Recording, that you can find at

Biana Babinsky

Learn About Branding From Las Vegas

Wednesday, May 9th, 2007

I spent a few days in Las Vegas last week. What really impresses me in Las Vegas is the
uniformity of themes and branding. Every hotel has its own theme, and everything at the hotel – the building itself, the restaurants, the casino, the furniture – is unified under this theme.

Everything that you come in contact with is promoting a particular brand. I have not seen
as much branding anywhere else.

How about you? Is everything in your business uniform and branded with your brand? Do you brand your business every chance you get – on your web site, in your e-books, during your teleseminars?

Do you make sure that you project a consistent brand in your business? Post a comment and let me know what you think!

Biana Babinsky

How To Grow Your List

Tuesday, May 8th, 2007

Whether you are a coach, consultant or any other service business owner, you know that having a large newsletter list is the key to success. When you have a large newsletter list, you are able to sell many of your products, fill up your teleseminars and get one-on-one clients whenever you want.

Here are my recommendations for you to get more newsletter subscribers and grow a HUGE list for your business:

Create a free gift to give to your new subscribers. It can be a special report, an e-book, and audio recording, etc. The point is to create something once that you can give out over and over again.

Once you have created the gift, make sure you advertise it everywhere. Post information about it on every page of your web site, promote in your signature, etc.

Make a commitment to growing your list. You will not grow your list overnight, so consistency is key here. I ask my clients to make a commitment to at least two
list-building activities every day.

An activity can be short – you can post on a group and have a link to your newsletter in your signature. Or it can take longer, like posting your article in article directories.

The point is to keep the momentum going and promoting your newsletter on a very consistent basis.

Use online marketing techniques to grow your list. My favorite technique to get subscribers is article marketing, but I use many others, such as business blogging, pay per click search engines, online networking and more.

Use the techniques specifically to drive more newsletter subscribers, not just traffic to your web site.

In my Grow Your List Home Study Course I discuss the step-by-step process to grow your list and get more newsletter subscribers. You can see it at

Biana Babinsky

Getting Clients For A New Coaching Business

Saturday, May 5th, 2007

If you are a new coach who is just starting out, how can you get your business off the ground?
This is a question that I receive very frequently. I am an online business coach, and about 98% of my clients come to me through my online marketing efforts. They come to me through:

– My newsletter. I publish a very popular weekly online marketing newsletter.

– My articles. I have published many articles online, and they have been reprinted on hundreds of blogs and web sites. I receive many e-mails every week from people who found out about me through my articles.

– Search engines. My web site is optimized for search engines and I receive a lot of search engine traffic.

– Online networking. I have met many of my clients through my online networking efforts.
Since you are just starting out, here is what I recommend you do:

Define your target market. This step is extremely important – without defining your target market you will not be able to market your business effectively.

Create an effective web site that will attract your target market.

Start a newsletter and publish it on a regular basis.

Start using online marketing techniques, one by one, to bring in web site traffic and customers. You should use article marketing, search engine optimization, business blogging, online networking and other techniques.

In my Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course I discuss, step-by-step, how to use different online marketing techniques to get more web site traffic and customers.

Biana Babinsky