Archive for the 'Internet Marketing' Category

How To Pick A Good Domain Name For Your Business

Wednesday, September 13th, 2006

Are you starting a business and need a domain name for it?

I always recommend a .com, because .com are still known as business domains. And I don’t recommend hyphens, as they are hard to remember. Imagine when you have to tell people your web site’s name in person or on the phone. You will have to say: “Firstword, hyphen, secondword.” Too much stuff to remember – people will remember the first and second words, but are likely to forget the hyphen.

I always recommend to my clients to make sure that the domain for their business name is available, and grab it, when they are in the initial stages of naming a business. For coaches, consultants, writers and other business owners who need to promote their expertise, a domain that is a combination of their first name and last name might work.

Click Here To Get A Domain Name For Your Business

How To Fill Up Your Teleclasses

Monday, September 11th, 2006

What is a teleclass? A teleclass is a class that you teach over the phone. To teach a teleclass, you need material to teach, participants for the class, and a bridge line to bring you and the participants together.
There are many services that would offer you a bridge lines for free and other services, such as recording (if you need it) for a fee. One of such web sites is

The companies that provide bridge lines only provide bridge lines. They don’t advertise your teleseminar to people. This means that you need to market your teleclass online in order to get participants, and make money by teaching teleclasses.

To fill up your teleclasses, you need to market your teleclasses online. I teach many popular, sold-out teleseminars, and here is what I recommend you do:

Be very clear on your target market. You need to know exactly you want to invite to the teleseminars; without knowing this, you will not be able to market your teleseminars effectively.

Create a mailing list for your business. Offer a special gift to everyone who subscribes (a free report, ebook, audio recording, etc). Send out interesting, helpful newsletter on a regular basis and let the subscribers know about your upcoming teleclasses.

Start a blog for your business, and let your blog readers know about your teleclasses.

For more tips on filling up your teleclasses, subscribe to my FREE Effective Online Marketing Newsletter. In it I share tips and ideas on promoting your business and teleclasses online.

Biana Babinsky

What Is An Opt-List?

Sunday, September 10th, 2006

An opt-in list is a great way to build a following for your product and business. It is also a great way to keep in touch with potential customers, let them know about new products/services you offer and share information.

Check out these providers:

Constant Contact, free 60 day trial

EzEzine, free for up to 1,000 sends/month

Once you have a list, you need to get subscribers to it. Take a look at my blog post, How To Increase The Number of Newsletter Subscribers

And for more tips on growing your opt-in list and marketing your business online, subscribe to my newsletter, Effective Online Marketing Newsletter.

Biana Babinsky

P.S. Need help making money online? Grab the subscription to FREE Effective Online Marketing Newsletter

How To Market A Book With Articles

Saturday, September 9th, 2006

I have recommended to many of my clients to submit their articles to online article directories. It helps you increase awareness for your book, drive more traffic to your web site and article market helps you get more search engine traffic.

In addition, online article directories don’t require exclusivity, so you can use the same article to market yourself and your book in many different places. Here is how you can market your books with articles:

Write articles that would be of interest to the same people who would be interested in reading your book. These people are also known as your target market.

Create a compelling resource box at the end of the article – this is where you tell the reader who you are and why they should visit your web site. Don’t waste this space – make sure that the information is interesting enough to get the people click over and visit your web site.

Submit your articles to as many good article directories as you can – more exposure means more traffic to your book.

I have taught a class on using articles for promoting your business online, and you can get the recording of it at Article Marketing For Profits. The recording includes a list of article directories that I recommend submitting your articles to.

Biana Babinsky

Holiday Sales For Service Businesses

Friday, September 8th, 2006

It is not too early to start thinking about promotions for the holiday season. Of course if you are a product-oriented business, you have lots of products to promote and sell for the holidays. But what about a service business? I always recommend to my clients with service businesses to offer holiday promotions, gift certificates, etc to take advantage of the holiday time.

Lots of people are looking to save time and get things done faster around the holidays. And even more people are looking to give gifts – this is where gift certificates come in. If you can tap into the audience, that needs to buy gifts for your target market, you can get A LOT of gift certificate sales.

Biana Babinsky

Learn how to use the holidays to promote your service business! You can get coached by me for just $9.97/month at

Feeling Of Accomplishment

Friday, September 8th, 2006

Do you have a feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day? Business owners tell me that sometimes they spend a whole day working on something, but at the end of the day they don’t feel that they got anything accomplished. What happened?

As business owners, we have lots of things we need to do everyday. We do our marketing, networking, business development, sales and we work with our clients. Plus, we also need to keep up with new technologies, learn more about marketing, promotion, advertising – you name it! We got lots of things on our plates.

What I recommend to my clients is that for every week, you schedule activities from a few of these groups. You should networking, market, do business development and work with your clients EVERY WEEK. That way, you will know that you have accomplished something, both in the long run (prospecting, education, etc) and for a shorter period of time – follow-up with warm leads, client work, business development.

Those of you who are members of I am going to start a thread on this topic and share more tips on scheduling. And if you are not a member yet, join us at for online business help, tips and support.

Biana Babinsky
Learn how to market your business online at

How To Find Blogging Topics

Thursday, September 7th, 2006

What do you blog about? How do you find topics to discuss on your blog? For me, the topics to write about are pretty much everywhere – an article I read, tips I want to share, an interesting post I read on another blog, etc.

A tip that I have for you is that you can (and should!) recycle everything you write. I post on a few different mailing lists and when I post information/ideas that I think would be of
interest to my blog readers, I post the message to the blog as well. This way, I use the message for the list and blog. And, if I make it longer, it will become an article.

Here is an article I wrote a while ago on finding topics to blog about:Finding Business Blogging Topics For Business Blogs.

Biana Babinsky is the online business consultant, expert and author, who helps coaches, consultants, virtual assistants, professional organizers and other solopreneurs automate their business and work less time, while still making money. Subscribe to her FREE Effective Online Marketing Newsletter at to learn more about increasing your online sales and decreasing time you spend working.

How To Launch A New Product

Thursday, September 7th, 2006

Hi, everyone

If you have ever created a new product – ebook, special report, audio recording, teleseminar – you know that you need to start marketing it even before it is realeased. And, you need to create buzz – on the launch date of the product, and then beyond the launch date as well.

The best time to create buzz for your product is before and DURING the launch phase. So, what do you do to create buzz and how do you get people interested in your new product?

A few weeks from now I will be launching a very exciting new product. I haven’t seen a product like this offered by anyone else, although there is a lot of demand for it. Watch this space for more information about it in the near future!

I will be sharing the behind-the-scenes information on this launch, tips and lessons learned with members of Join us now to see how to launch a product, what to expect during launch and how to get people excited about your product.

Biana Babinsky

How To Start A Consulting Business

Wednesday, September 6th, 2006

When you are starting your own consulting business, you are your own brand. Therefore, to get business, you need to promote your business as much as you can. You need to promote your brand and create awareness for your business among your potential customers. Here are some ideas to help you do that:

– Decide on who the target market for your consulting business is, where it is located geographically, etc. You need to know this before doing anything else, as your marketing strategy will depend on your target market.

– Create a web site that would appeal to your target market and promote your brand at the same time.

– Use online marketing techniques to promote your web site. You may want to use search engine optimization, newsletter publishing, article marketing and other marketing techniques to promote your web site.
To learn more about promoting your consulting business online, grab your FREE subscription to Effective Online Marketing Newsletter at

Biana Babinsky

Are You Networking Online Consistently?

Tuesday, September 5th, 2006

One of the things I discussed during the Online Networking That Gets Results Teleseminar last week was the importance of being a consistent online networker.

Being consistent to me means networking at least once a week (preferably 2-3 times a week), so that people you network with get to know you, learn about you and your business, trust your expertise and ultimately are able to become your clients or refer others to you.

Sometimes during my online networking I meet people who I call drive-by networkers. These are the people who you see networking online once in a blue moon. When they network, the really network. They spend an entire day or two visiting different online networks, making a splash, creating a flurry of activity, chatting with people and then disappearing from the networking radar until the next blue moon makes its appearance.

Drive-by networkers become active in networking when they have a lull in business. Naturally, they come to the startling realization that they need to do some business development. They jump into networking full force, and spend a day (or two, or three) networking online non-stop. Then they get bored or get a call from a client or decide to use alternate business development strategies and disappear until the next time business is slow.

Being a drive-by networker is a complete waste of time and resources for a variety of reasons:
When you network once every few months, no one remembers you. Every time you come to the same online network, you have to spend the time re-introducing yourself, instead of jumping right into networking.
The best way to gain leads and clients while networking is to be accepted as an expert in your field. You must have a public track record in the field before you can be considered an expert. People generally have a hard time remembering your track record if they can barely recall who you are.
A drive-by networker spends days at a time networking. As useful as networking is, this get very boring very fast. This is reflected in drive-by networker’s posts: they show no signs of life and are incredibly dull. This is only natural — imagine spending a few days doing exactly the same thing over and over again.Remember – don’t be a drive-by networker. Instead, network on a regular basis to get to know others and create business relationships that will last for a long time. To learn more about getting results from your online networking efforts, get my Online Networking That Gets Results Audio Recording.

Biana Babinsky