Archive for March, 2008

Get More Subscribers By Offering A FREE Gift

Thursday, March 6th, 2008

Do you need MORE web site subscribers? One of the best ways to get more people to subscribe to your newsletter is by offering a free gift.

If very few of your web site visitors subscribe to your newsletter, you are not alone. Many coaches, virtual assistants and other service professionals have told me that it is very hard for them to convert their web site visitors into newsletter subscribers. They have told me that they get enough traffic, and they can see that a majority of that traffic are their target customers, but it is hard to convert this traffic into newsletter subscribers. And if you can’t convert your web site traffic into subscribers, you can’t keep in touch with them and you can’t market to them in the future….

Click Here To Continue Reading Get More Subscribers By Offering A FREE Gift

Making Money By Publishing Ebooks

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

Are you a coach, who is thinking about publishing your own ebooks? It is much easier to publish an ebook than to publish a book, so many people choose to use this publishing route.

Here are three things to pay attention to if you want to publish and sell your ebook online:

Does your target market need your ebook? If you want to sell many copies of your ebook, there has to be a need. Also, your target market has to want and be able to afford your ebook.

Before you go ahead and publish your ebook, you need to evaluate the demand for your materials.

Build a big list of people in your target market who need your ebook. Many people won’t buy your ebook the first time they hear about it. Therefore, you need a mechanism to continue to reach out to them and sell to them long after they leave your web site.

Make sure that they subscribe to your newsletter, so that you can continue marketing and selling your ebook to them long time after they leave your web site.

Market, market, market. Did I mention market? In order to get sales, you need to constantly market your ebook.

There are more ebook publishing and marketing tips and secrets in the FREE E-books Tutorial

Article Marketing For Reluctant Marketers

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

If you are reluctant about marketing your business, article marketing might be the best technique for you to use to get clients.

Do you become reluctant when it comes to marketing your business? Do you put marketing on the very bottom of your To Do list, secretly hoping that you will not get to it?

You may be happy when the end of the day comes and you didn’t get to the marketing task. However, because you did not do your marketing you are not bringing prospects to your business and you are not developing new clients.

I have worked with many clients who have been very reluctant to market. They were afraid to get out there and talk to people about their business. To help them overcome their reluctance about marketing, I have taught them a marketing technique that is easy to apply even if you would rather avoid marketing altogether. Article marketing is that technique.

Click Here To Continue Reading Article Marketing For Reluctant Marketers

Biana Babinsky