Archive for March, 2011

Facebook Fan Pages: New Question Option

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

Have you see a new question option on Facebook Fan Pages?

You can now ask your fans a question on your Fan Page. To do that, you will need to create a question and create at least two possible answers to the questions. Then, your fans will be able to vote on which answer they like. There is also the option to let your fans create answer options on their own, or you can not offer this option.

Your fans can also share the question with their friends.

How To Get More Fans On Facebook: FREE Call

Wednesday, March 30th, 2011

Are you a coach, consultant or small business owner who needs to get more fans on Facebook? If you are looking to get more “Likes” for your Facebook Fan Page, then you must attend my BRAND NEW call, Five Secrets For Getting More Facebook Fans. You can register for the call now at

Here is what you will discover during this call:

Why the vast majority of business owners don’t get results with their Facebook Fan Page, and how you can buck this trend

– Top three web site mistakes that business owners make on Facebook and how to avoid them

How to get more fans on Facebook

Register for this call, FREE, at

Facebook Fan Pages: Why You Need Tabs On Your Facebook Page

Thursday, March 24th, 2011

Are you using tabs on your Facebook Fan Page? These tabs are very powerful, because you can use them to provide your own content on your Facebook Fan Page. Tabs are also instrumental in getting more fans for your page, because when you have a special default tab that encourages people who are visiting your Fan Page to become your fans, more people become your fans.

Here is ho to use the Facebook Fan Page tabs to get results:

1. Get More Fans For Your Facebook Fan Pages

Want more fans on your Facebook Page? Create a tab that will be shown to people who are visiting your Fan Page, but are not your fans. When you have a tab that invites people to become your fans, instead of just sending everyone to the Wall of your Page, more people become your fans.

2. Get More Newsletter Subscribers

This one is huge! Since you have no control over social networking web sites you are using, you want to invite your fans to join your list. That way you will be able to communicate with them outside of social networking web sites.

To get more newsletter subscribers on Facebook, you need to invite your fans to join your list. You can create a tab that invites your fans to subscribe to your newsletter.

3. Help More Of Your Fans

You have probably written many blog posts and articles that your fans will benefit from reading. Create a tab that shares your select articles and blog posts with your fans.

Click here to discover how to create your own Facebook Tabs using iFrames

4. Get More Traffic To Your Web Site

Do you need more web site traffic? Want to get more web site traffic from your Facebook Fan Page? Share links to your articles, blog posts and other web pages in your tabs, and you will get more web site traffic!

5. Promote Your Products

Here is another idea for using your Facebook Fan Page tabs – share information about your products! Your fans are people in your target market, so sharing information about your products in one of your tabs will help you inform more people in your target market about your products!

Discover how to create your Facebook Fan Page tabs using iFrames during this call:

Facebook Fan Pages: About Box Is Back!

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

One of the recent Facebook Fan Page changes was that the About Box in the left hand side menu was gone. This box was very useful, because it explained to your Facebook Fan Page visitors what the Fan Page was about.

The About Box is back, and you can see it in the left hand side menu. The box is smaller now, and the link in it is not clickable, but this is still great news. Now when someone comes to your Fan Page for the first time, they will be able to find out what the page is about!

What do you think? Do you like that the About Box is back?

More Facebook Fan Pages blog posts:

How To Get More Fans For Facebook Fan Pages

How To Use Facebook As Your Facebook Fan Page

Facebook Fan Pages: iFrame Tabs

Why You Should NOT Use Squeeze Pages

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011

Here is why you should not use squeeze pages – you should not use squeeze pages if you don’t want to build a large list of people in your target market who want to hear from you. It is as simple as that. If you don’t want to build your list, then you don’t need squeeze pages.

On the other hand, if you do want to build a list of people in your target market, then you must use squeeze pages. Squeeze pages are extremely effective, because they only give your web site visitors one option – to subscribe to your newsletter!

Here is how to use squeeze pages to build your list:

1. Create an effective FREE gift.

It starts with creating a free gift that people in your target market WANT. Find a good topic that people in your target market want to learn more about and create a free gift on that topic.

Your gift can be a special report, an ebook, an audio recording or an ecourse. The most important attribute of your free gift is its topic. If the topic of the gift is of interest to people in your target market, more of them will sign up to get the gift and subscribe to your newsletter.

2. Create an effective squeeze page to give away your free gift.

You must use squeeze pages in order to convert more of your web site visitors into newsletter subscribers. Squeeze pages are much more effective at helping you get more newsletter subscribers, because the way squeeze pages are created. They are created to share the value of your free gift and help you get more newsletter subscribers.

You can learn how to create squeeze pages with the FREE Squeeze Page Tutorial.

3. Drive traffic to your squeeze page.

In order to get subscribers, you must get traffic to your squeeze page! Use article marketing, social networking web sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, blogging and others to get more traffic to your squeeze page. The more traffic you invite to your squeeze page, the more newsletter subscribers you will get!

Three Squeeze Page Mistakes You Are Making

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

During the free call, Five Secrets For Creating Social Networking Squeeze Pages, I discussed three mistakes that small business owners make when they create their squeeze pages.

Here are three mistakes that small business owners make with their squeeze pages:

Squeeze Pages Mistake #1: Too Many Free Products Offered On The Same Squeeze Page

Here is one mistake that I see small business owners make very frequently with their squeeze pages. A small business owner wants to offer value to her new newsletter subscribers. So she creates one great free gift, and then she creates a squeeze page on which she gives away this free gift.

After some time she doesn’t think that just one free gift is enough. So she creates another free gift and adds information about it to the original squeeze page. Then she creates another free gift and adds information about the third free gift to the squeeze page as well. And so on.

Pretty soon, the squeeze page contains information about 3 or more free gifts, usually on completely different topics. Thing is, while you feel you are providing more value by offering more than one gift on the same squeeze page, you are actually doing quite the opposite. You are confusing the person who comes to that squeeze page, because the more options you are offering, the more confusing the offer is.

Squeeze Pages Mistake #2: Not Enough Text On The Squeeze Page

Many small business owners think that if they offer something for free, then they don’t have to have a long sales copy to write for it. In fact, many people think that all they need on their squeeze page is the sign up form. After all, they are offering something for free, so they don’t really need to explain what they are offering.

Well, even though the product is free, you still need to explain the benefits of what you are offering to your potential newsletter subscribers. In the squeeze page you need to include the benefits of what you are offering. People want to know what they are registering for.

Squeeze Pages Mistake #3: Linking Away From Your Squeeze Page

Here is something else that happens on many squeeze pages – lots of people link to other pages on their web sites from their squeeze pages. When you include links to other web pages on your squeeze page, you dramatically reduce the effectiveness of your squeeze page.

Want to know how to fix these squeeze page mistakes and make your squeeze pages extremely effective? Learn how to fix these mistakes in FREE audio recording, Five Secrets For Creating Social Networking Squeeze Pages

FREE Call On Squeeze Pages Today!

Thursday, March 10th, 2011

Join me today for FREE call Five Secrets For Creating Squeeze Pages Teleseminar.

Here Is What You Will Discover:

One mind shift you must make when it comes to building your list with social networking web sites. This one shift will help you add hundreds of subscribers to your list.

– Three mistakes that small business owners make when creating squeeze pages and how to fix them.

Five secrets for creating squeeze pages so effective that they will bring a flood of newsletter subscribers to your business!

– How to build your list on Facebook and Twitter

– Exactly how to use your squeeze pages to get more newsletter subscribers

and much, much, much MORE!

Register now:

Squeeze Page: Seven Tips For Creating Squeeze Pages That Work

Wednesday, March 9th, 2011

Squeeze pages are extremely effective at converting your web site traffic into newsletter subscribers. Here are seven tips for creating squeeze pages that work:

1. Create an effective headline for your squeeze page. Your headline keeps your web site visitors reading your squeeze page, so that they can find out about your offer.

2. Don’t have links leading away from your squeeze pages. When you add links to your squeeze pages, you drive the traffic away from your newsletter! Make sure that your squeeze page has no links to any other pages.

3. Make your offer GREAT. Make sure that the offer you have on your squeeze page, the free gift that you are offering to your new newsletter subscribers, is something that people in your target market really need.

4. Make your squeeze pages easy to navigate. Make it very simple to navigate your squeeze page and sign up for your offer.

5. Make your squeeze pages effective. Test your squeeze pages to find the ones that are best at converting your web site visitors into newsletter subscribers.

6. Send traffic to your squeeze pages. Your squeeze pages will not work unless you send traffic to the squeeze pages. Use social networking web sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as article marketing and other marketing techniques to get more traffic to your squeeze pages.

7. Create multiple squeeze pages. You don’t have to have just one squeeze page. To get even more newsletter subscribers, create multiple squeeze pages for different free offers.

And don’t forget to get, Effective Squeeze Pages, the proven squeeze page templates that will help you build your list!

Facebook Fan Pages: iFrame Tabs

Monday, March 7th, 2011

If you are using FBML for creating tabs on your Facebook Fan Page, you should know that you will not be able to add new FBML tabs starting on March 10th.

However, you will be able to use iFrames to create your new tabs going forward. When you use iFrames, the code for your tab is hosting somewhere else, for example, on your web host. And then you use iFrames to display that code in your Facebook Fan Page tab.

Here is an example of an iFrame tab that I created on my Facebook Page: click here to see the iFrame tab

Facebook Fan Pages: Chronological Order Is Back

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

As I wrote a few days ago, after the update, updates on Facebook Fan Pages weren’t arranged in chronological order anymore.

Well, that has changed! You can now choose how to view updates on Facebook Fan Pages. You can view them in Most Recent order (chronological), or you can view Top Posts (posts are arranged based on how popular they are).

You have to choose how you want to view the posts on each Facebook Fan Page, and admins don’t have the option to set the default order for their Fan Page.

Here is what it looks like – choose better Most Recent and Top Posts:

What do you think? Do you like this change?

And don’t forget to register for the FREE call, Five Secrets For Creating Social Networking Squeeze Pages