Archive for September, 2011

How To Make Your Coaching Web Site More Effective

Tuesday, September 13th, 2011

If your coaching web site is not bringing in the results that you are looking for, then you should make your web site more effective. What should your coaching web site do to attract more clients and newsletter subscribers to your coaching business? Here are some ideas to help you do that:

Create your coaching web site for people in your target market

Use your web site to speak to people in your target market. Discuss the problems that people in your target market have, and how you help them solve them.

Use your articles and blog posts to share information that people in your target market are interested in.

Do research and find the keywords that people in your target market use when searching for your products and services. Then, use those keywords in your coaching web site copy and optimize your web site for search engines.

FREE Call on how to make your coaching web site more effective.

Invite your coaching web site visitors to subscribe to your newsletter

When people come to your coaching web site, you need to ask them to subscribe to your newsletter. If you don’t ask them to take any action with you, they will look around the web site and leave, and you will not see results from your web site. So make sure to ask your web site visitors to subscribe to your newsletter, so that you can keep in touch with them, and let them know about your products and services.

Bonus tip: To convert more of your coaching web site visitors into newsletter subscribers, offer a free gift in exchange for subscribing to your newsletter.

Drive traffic to your coaching web site

To get results from your web site, you need to bring traffic to your coaching web site. Bring more traffic to your web site by using online marketing techniques such as article marketing, search engine optimization, blogging, and more.

Discover how to get results from your coaching web site – register for the FREE Call, Five Secrets For Getting Results With Your Web Site Teleseminar.

How Life Coaches Can Turn E-book Into Other Information Products

Thursday, September 1st, 2011

Attention, life coaches! Have you already written an e-book for your coaching business? If you are already offering an e-book to your potential coaching clients, you know how rewarding it is to be able to share your knowledge and tips with your e-book.

But an e-book is not the only information product for sharing your knowledge and tips! You can use the information in the e-book to create other information products, so that you can share your knowledge and tips with even more people in your target market.

Here is information for life coaches who want to create even more information products based on their e-books:

Use the material you have already developed for the e-book to create a teleseminar. Teaching a teleseminar helps you promote your expertise even more. It also helps you reach more of your potential life coaching clients.

Record the teleseminar. Once you record you teleseminar, you will have an audio recording that you can promote. You can now use the recording in many different ways: you can give it away as a bonus with purchase of the e-book, or you can create an audio download that you can sell on your web site.

Use every chapter of the e-book on its own. To do that, add additional material and expand each chapter to make it into a stand-alone special report. Now you can use each one of these stand-alone special reports. You can sell them online, give some away as bonuses, etc.

Create a teleseminar series based on your e-book. To do that, create a series of 3-4 teleseminars based on the e-book. Also, create exercises, resources sheets, notes and worksheets to create an amazing value for your teleseminar series participants.

When you create different information products, more people in your target market will be able to find out about your life coaching business.

Promote your other products in the e-book. Many times e-book authors forget that the book itself is not necessarily the end product. Include information about your other products and services, as well as links to your web site and other resources at the end of your e-book.