Article Marketing: Four Ways To Get Traffic To Your Web Site From One Article


Article marketing is an extremely effective marketing strategy. When used effectively, article marketing can bring you a lot of web site traffic and newsletter subscribers.

What is article marketing? Article marketing is the process of writing articles and submitting them to article directories. When you write articles that are of interest to your target market, people in your target market will read them, and then follow the link in the Resource Box back to your web site.

The implications of this are huge! When you write effective articles, you can bring a ton of traffic to your web site and convert this traffic into newsletter subscribers! In fact, here are four ways to get traffic from just one article:

1. Traffic From Article Directories

What happens after you write articles? You submit your articles to article directories, of course! Article directories are places where you can share articles that you write, so that you can get more exposure for your business.

When you write an article and submit it to article directories, you are now sharing your expertise in article directories as well. Then, when people in your target market read your articles on article directory web sites, they will follow the link in your Resource Box and visit your web site!

2. Traffic From The Reprints Of Your Articles

When you write articles that are of interest to your target market, great things happen. Not only do people in your target market read them and follow the links to your web site, but others want to reprint your articles as well!

Many people are looking for content for their blogs and newsletters. And when they need content, they look at article directories. And if they like your article and they feel that reading your article will benefit their readers, they will reprint your article and share it with their readers!

What this means to you is that you are going to get more exposure for your business, and more traffic to your web site! When your article is reprinted, your Resource Box is also reprinted. So when people read your article in someone’s newsletter or on someone’s blog, and they like it, they will follow the link to your web site and you will get more traffic.

3. Traffic From Social Networking Web Sites, Such As Facebook and Twitter

Once you write an article, don’t keep it to yourself! Submitting it to article directories is a great first step, but in addition to doing that you should also share your article on social networking web sites.

Your articles contains lots of tips for people in your target market. Since you are connected with people in your target market on Twitter and Facebook, share your article with them, and they will benefit from all the tips you are sharing!

4. Traffic From Search Engines

When you are writing your article, make sure to optimize it for search engines.

When you optimize your articles, you are also going to bring people from search engines to your articles. When someone uses search engines to find information that you wrote about in your article, they will be able to find your article and read it. Then, they will be able to follow the link in your Resource Box and go to your web site!

To learn more about how to use article marketing to get more web site traffic and build your list, register for the How To Build Your List With Article Marketing Teleseminar at


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