Discover The Most Important Action You Want Your Blog Readers To Take
So you have people coming to your blog and reading it. Most women service professionals think that’s it – people come to read your blog posts, and at some point this traffic will magically turn into clients.
When that does not happen, many service professionals decide that you just can’t attract clients with blogging, so they start just abandon blogging altogether. And this is a shame, because blogging is great for authentically sharing your gifts and attracting clients.
I am on a mission to help you attract clients with your blog. And the first step you must take to attract more clients with your blog is to ask yourself this question:
What action do you want your blog readers to take?
Choose just one action that you want your blog readers to take. What do you want this action to be?
What do you want to happen after they read your blog post, enjoy what they have read and want to learn more about what you have to offer?
You want your blog readers to take the next step with you by subscribing to your newsletter!
Why is that? This is because when people come to your blog, you want to start building a relationship with them. The best way to do that is by asking them to subscribe to your newsletter, because your newsletter is the best tool for connecting with them on a regular basis, building relationships and let them know about your products and services.
Every time I talk about newsletters, someone always asks me:
Aren’t people saying that newsletters are dead?
Shouldn’t you use RSS and social networking web sites to keep in touch with people and not newsletters?
Well, your newsletter is actually the BEST tool for building relationships with people in your target market. When people get on your list, you are able to contact them, share tips and ideas with them, and let them know about your events, products and services.
When people come to your blog – from search engines, social networking web sites, article directories, or if they find your blog from some other sources – chances are, they will not come back to your blog or to your business unless they get on your list and start hearing from you on a regular basis. So unless they get on your list, you will not be able to keep building a relationship with them. This means it is EXTREMELY important to use your blog get them on your list.
Add your newsletter sign-up box to your blog!
The best way to invite your blog readers to subscribe to your newsletter is by making your subscription box very visible. Put it in the header of your blog, on top of one of your menu, etc – make it visible, so that your blog readers are able to get on your list!
Want to learn more about attracting more blog readers and converting them into newsletter subscribers? Join me for the How To Create An Authentic Blogging System Teleseminar Series.
Read more about blogging:
How To Get Clients By Being Authentic On Your Blog
Not getting clients from your blog?