Do You Work With Your Clients Online?


Many people ask how to do things they usually do face to face or over the phone, online. Do you do any work online?

As someone who teaches others online business, I practice what I preach. I have done a lot of online consulting and coaching – a few of my one on one clients asked for IM coaching instead of telephone coaching. All of my one on one clients (I only have a handful of one on one clients at any given time) receive e-mail coaching in-between the phone calls.

I also run a membership site at so
there 100% coaching is done online – through online business lessons, masterminding and interaction.

I find that online coaching really helps people, and many of my clients actually want to interact online, as opposed to the phone. This way they can do it on their own time, instead of sticking to the phone call schedule.

What do you think? What do your clients think about you online work?

Biana Babinsky

Biana Babinsky is the online business consultant, author and expert, who teaches solopreneurs how to use the Internet to gain more clients and make more money. Join her online business coaching community to learn how you can work with your clients online.

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