Facebook Pages Are Now Much Easier to Unlike


I recently read a blog post, Facebook Adds “Unlike Page” Button to Page Stories. The blog post does a great job explaining how Facebook now made it much easier for people to “unlike” pages right there in their news feeds.

If someone is reading their news feed, and they see a story from a page, they now can “unlike” the page right there in the feed, instead of having to go to the actual page. What does that mean to you? Well, if you run a Facebook Page for your business, it will be much easier for your members to “unlike” your page if they don’t want to see your updates anymore. This means that you should make the updates interesting for your members. When they are interested in what you post, when they are involved in your page, they will be much less likely to “unlike” your page.

Here is how to do that:

1. Share Updates Of Interest To Your Members. If you want your members to be engaged, you must share information that they are interested in. Share tips, quotes, information that your members will find useful.

2. Keep Your Members Engaged. When your members are engaged and involved, they will stay members. As members questions, ask for their opinion, etc.

For example, on my Facebook Page, I asked members to share links to their Facebook Pages and many responded.

3. Don’t Post Non-Stop Updates. Don’t post updates every five minutes – your members will get annoyed with too many updates.

4. Invite Your Members to Join Your List. Remember your goal for social networking – you want to invite people on social networking web sites to join your list.

You have no control over the changes that happen on social networking web sites. But you do have control over your own list. So make sure to invite people on social networking web sites to join your list! Join me for Ultimate Social Networking Teleseminar Series to learn how to invite people you meet on social networking web sites to join your list.

3 Responses to “Facebook Pages Are Now Much Easier to Unlike”

  1. Patty Sherry Says:

    You always post helpful blogs! Thanks so much. I’ve recommended your page to many people.

  2. Jan Tallent Says:

    thanks for the great tips, as always, Biana!

    You share some of the best I have seen and always so generously!

  3. Julie Bestry Says:

    Very interesting, Biana. As always, we must remember to never be complacent!

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