Five Steps To Success With Article Marketing
Some time ago a client had asked me a very interesting question. She said: “If you wanted to start creating web site andbuilding a list immediately and you could only use one online marketing technique, what would you do?”
“Article marketing” was my answer. Article marketing has been my favorite online marketing technique for a very long time. This is because article marketing can bring targeted traffic to your web site as soon as you start using it.
When I just started using article marketing, I saw immediate results. First, I saw increased traffic to my web site from articles that I had posted in article directories. After some time, my articles started getting reprinted on other people’s web sites, blogs and newsletters. This generated even more newsletter subscribers and clients from exactly the same articles.
How do you get started with article marketing? Here is a 5-Step Plan to help you get started with using article marketing for promoting your business, products and services:
Understand The Goal Of Article Marketing
Any time you take action you need to know exactly why you are doing it and what results you are expecting from it. With article marketing, your goal is to start a conversation with your potential customers, to let them know about who you are and what you do and to ask them to take the next step in this conversation — visit your web site, subscribe to your newsletter and buy.
Find Good Topics For Your Articles
To start the conversation with your potential customers (and have them respond!), they need to be interested in having this conversation. If they are not interested in a topic, they will drop the discussion before it even starts.
How do you get them interested in the conversation? By writing articles on topics that they are interested in!
Write The Actual Article
Now that you know what topics you want to use, pick one and write an article on it. Once your article is ready, let it sit for a day or two, and then come back to it to make revisions and changes. If you made any mistakes, now is the time to correct them. You want your articles to have good grammar and spelling.
Create Effective Article Resource Box
Your Article Resource Box is the most important part of your article. It introduces you to your article reader and contains link(s) to your web site. This is your one chance to continue the conversation you started with the article!
Submit Articles To Article Directories
Congratulations on your new article! Now is the time to submit it to article directories to get exposure for you and your business.
Use this 5-Step Article Marketing Plan to start your article marketing campaign and get more traffic and clients! To learn the most effective way to use your articles to build your list, take a look at Free Article Marketing Tutorial.
April 15th, 2009 at 4:53 pm
Excellent post . . . terrific way to build “credibility” and presumably very cost effective? Thanks,