Frustrated With Your Business? Here Is How To Change That!


Are you frustrated with your business? Does everyone else around seem to be doing better than you are? Do they all seem to be getting clients, building their lists and creating successful businesses much faster than you? Do you sometimes feel like throwing in the towel and doing something else?

A few days ago I was very frustrated myself. I found an easy recipe for a potato dip, but when I made it, it was just a mess instead of being a tasty, garlicky dip that I expected. At first, I was frustrated. I am a good cook, and I teach others how to cook using my easy recipes. So I naturally thought that it would be very easy for me to make the dip. When the dip didn’t come out, I became frustrated and almost decided to never try making it again.

After sometime, though, I created a plan for trying to make it again. I am going to review a few different recipes again to see where I had made a mistake. Then, I will adjust the amount of ingredients that I use. And then I will try making it again.

If you are frustrated with your business, let’s put together a plan to help you go from being frustrated to getting results with your business:

– Acknowledge Your Frustrations. Everyone gets frustrated from time to time. Business is not about never getting frustrated. It is about being frustrated, understanding what frustrates you and then creating a plan for ending that frustration.

When something in your business is frustrating to you, it is a good time to take a hard look at the way you run your business and to make changes that will make your business better.

– Find The Source Of Your Frustrations. So what exactly are you frustrated about? Do you hate your web site? Does it take a very long time to get just one client? Do people unsubscribe from your list faster than they subscribe?

There are a ton of things going on in your business, and they can all be really frustrating if you let them to. But instead, create a plan to use these frustrating things to build a more effective, better business.

– Create A Plan. Now that you know which part of your business is frustrating, let’s create a plan to deal with it once and for all.

Is it your web site that frustrates you? Look into making changes to it or creating a new, better web site altogether.

Is your sales cycle way too long? Look into make your sales cycle shorter by finding more qualified leads and offering both products and services.

Can’t get any newsletter subscribers? Create a plan that helps you build your list every day.

During the free call, Four Keys For Creating Your Online Marketing Plan, I will show yo how to create an Online Marketing Plan for your business. This plan will help you attract more clients to your business. Register for the call now at

One Response to “Frustrated With Your Business? Here Is How To Change That!”

  1. Biana Babinsky Says:

    Share with us – what do you find frustrating in your business?

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