How To Create Buzz For Your New Product
Are you working on a new book or an ebook? Then now is the time to create buzz for this new product!
What tools will you use to do that? Take a look at blogs. As more and more people are reading blogs, bloggers are becoming influential in recommending resources and creating buzz for new products. My very own blog readers (you know who you are :) sometimes ask me to recommend a products that will help them market and promote themselves online.
Look for blogs that your target audience reads, and approach the person(or people) who blog on it. Maybe they can review your book or ebook on the blog? Give away a copy to one of the readers in a raffle? Promote your book on their blog through your affiliate program? See if you can create a win-win situation for yourself and the blogger – this will help you get exposed to a whole new audience.
And don’t forget to start your own blog. It will help you brand your business and products further and create your own brand online. For more information on promoting your business with a blog, take a look at 5 Steps to Success with Business Blogging Special Report.
Biana Babinsky