How To Do Search Engine Optimization


Many people have asked me how to get better search engines rankings. What is involved in search engine optimization and marketing – how can YOU get your web site to show up on top of those rankings? There are three things you need to work on to improve the search engine placement of your web site:

1) Every page of your web site needs to be optimized. This includes finding the most effective keywords for every page ( my favorite tool for doing this is WordTracker ), and using the keywords for the meta tags and title tag, as well as the text of the web page.

2) The holistic web site optimization. You whole web site needs to be optimized, and follow the principal of Complete Reachability. This means that every page should be reachable from every other page on the web site.

3) External search engine optimization. This includes links from other web sites, quality of those links, anchor text that comes from those web sites. It also matters whether the links to your web site are one way links or through link exchanges.

You can learn how to do search engine optimization, step by step, in my Step by Step Search Engine Optimization Special Report. In the report I explain all the techniques and actions
that I use for my own and my clients web sites. You can see
the report here: Step by Step Search Engine Optimization Special Report.

The report is written in plain English, so even if you are non-technical, you will understand how to do SEO.

Biana Babinsky
Biana is the online business coach, author and expert, who teaches online business owners how to promote their business online, and make more money with their online business. Learn how to get more traffic from search engines in the Step by Step Search Engine Optimization Special Report

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