How To Evaluate Online Marketing Resources


Have you tried click exchanges, link exchanges or any other advertising programs that offer you clicks to your web site? How can you determine which programs to use, and which ones not to use? How can you compute your online advertising ROI(return on investment)?

If you are considering advertising on a web site, do some research first. Ask questions. Where is the traffic that they are going to send to your web site coming from? Do the people they send to your web site get a reward for visiting your web site? How do they get people to your web site?

When people get a reward for visiting your web site, they are not your target customers. They are not here to learn about your business or your products – they are here because they get a reward for being here. They will move on to the next web site, as soon as they receive their reward.

The people that you want to visit your web site are people actively searching for products and services that you promote. These are people who are much more likely to buy from you, because they are looking for what you have to offer before even visiting your web site.

Biana Babinsky

Biana Babinsky is the online business consultant, expert and author. She teaches coaches, consultants and other solopreneurs how to promote their businesses, create multiple streams of income and make more money online. Get her Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course, to learn how to get more customers online for your home based business.

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