How To Fill Up Your Local Workshops
In addition to teaching teleseminars over the phone, many coaches and consultants I know also teach local workshops.
A big difference between a local workshop and a teleseminar is that you can have people joining your teleseminar from all over the world. However, only local people or people willing to travel to your location would be able to join you for the workshop.
So how can you get more people to attend your local workshops? I have some ideas for you that you will be able to use:
– Since your workshop is local, promote your workshop locally as much as you can. Use all the tools available to you, newspapers, community centers, libraries.
– Start a public relations campaign to get information about you and your workshop into local newspapers.
– Optimize your web site for search engines. You can even promote a local event using this method. To do that, make sure you pick keywords that reflect the geographical location of the workshop.
– Use your ezine to promote your event. The more local subscribers you have, the better you will be able to promote it.
– Ask others to promote your event in exchange for commissions. It is always helpful to have other people helping you market your workshops.
Read more on marketing your workshops and teleseminars:
– How To Teach People In Groups
– What If Services Clients Can’t Afford Your Rates?
– Are You Maximizing Your Teleseminar Profits?
Biana Babinsky