How to Start your Coaching Business


Many people have asked me how to start their own business. Today you have a corporate job, and tomorrow you want to be working for yourself. How do you go from one to the other?

First, figure out what kind of coach you would like to be. What is it that you want to help others to accomplish?

Than, start figuring out who your target market is going to be. Will it be business owners? Individuals? People with kids? The more targeted your customers are, the better you will be able to target your coaching and other services to them, the easier it will be for you to create products for them and market to them.

Than, start focusing on products/services you would like to offer to your target market.
Create a few different products and coaching packages – an ebook, a group coaching program, a teleclass, etc. These products will supplement your one on one coaching income, and will give your clients lower priced products to try, before hiring you for your one on one services.

And, listen to your potential customers – sometimes they will tell you what products/services they need. For example, I have created, the online business coaching for solo professionals program after many clients have requested it.

Biana Babinsky
Learn How to Jump Start your Coaching Business

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