Need A New Freebie For Your Newsletter?
When my clients need to increase the number of newsletter subscribers and get more exposure for their business, I recommend giving out something for free. This can be a special report, audio recording or an ebook, that their clients REALLY want.
But what do you do if your freebie doesn’t work – doesn’t bring in more newsletter subscribers and exposure? Do you create a new one? Do you keep promoting the old one?
Sometimes you need to give it more time. Before investing your time into creating a new giveaway, investigate what’s wrong with the old one. Is it its topic? Many times when my clients tell me that their freebie doesn’t work, it is usually their marketing. They haven’t
spent enough time on marketing their offering.
If you haven’t spent enough time promoting your free gift, spend more time marketing and promoting it.
Look for a topic that really interests your target market. Poll your target market to see what kind of issues your target marketing is experiencing. Then create an offering that helps your target market solve those issues.
Get my FREE Special Report, Top Strategies To Get More Clients Online Report.
Biana Babinsky