Squeeze Pages: Top Five Tips For Creating Extremely Effective Squeeze Pages


Are you looking to create an effective squeeze page to help you build your list? Squeeze pages are extremely effectively at helping you invite more people to your list, because that is their only goal. The goal of your squeeze page is to convert your web site visitors into newsletter subscribers.

Here are five squeeze pages tips for you to help you create extremely effective squeeze pages:

1. One Page – One Goal. Make sure that your squeeze page has only one goal – get you more newsletter subscribers. Don’t use one squeeze page to build your list, sell your products and invite people to become your coaching clients – you will not accomplish any one of these goals.

Instead, make sure that your squeeze page has just one goal and use the whole page to help you accomplish this goal.

2. Don’t Link To Anything Else From Your Squeeze Page. Many service professionals create a great squeeze page, but then they link to their products and services from the page. And as a result, the people who come to their squeeze page see all these links and click on them. So instead of signing up for the newsletter, they click on links, or they get confused and leave the page altogether.

Make sure that your squeeze page has absolutely no outgoing links!

3. Create An Effective Headline. One of the most important elements of your squeeze page is your headline. The headline is what will keep your web site visitors interested and will keep them on the page to read more and subscribe to your newsletter.

Use your headline to communicate the benefits of your offer to your web site visitors.

4. Communicate The Benefits Of Your Offer. What’s in it for the person who is subscribing? Make sure to use your squeeze page to communicate the benefits of what you are offering.

If people don’t know how to benefit from the offer, they will not subscribe.

5. Create Multiple Squeeze Pages. Create different squeeze pages with different offers. This way you can test which offer produces better results and to see how you can improve your offers so that you can build your list better.

Create a squeeze page now – learn how to create squeeze pages in the FREE Squeeze Page Tutorial and create your own squeeze page.

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