Use Press Releases To Get Search Engine Traffic


A few days ago I had the pleasure of hosting Press Power 101 – Become a Powerhouse with the Media Telseminar with Diana Ennen. Diana told us that we can use Press Releases to get more search engine traffic to our web site.

To do that you need to find good keywords to use in your press release and then use keywords in the heading for the Press Release and in the body of the Press Release. When you submit the press release to press release web sites, they will be indexed by search engines, and then, people using your keywords to search will be able to find your press releases.

This way you can rank in search engines using your press releases. How cool is that?
Diana shared a lot more tips, including

– Nuts and bolts of maximizing the publicity for your business

– What makes reporters notice your press release and use it for an article

– How to use articles and press releases to market your business

– When to send a press release and when to send an article to maximize your chances for publicity

There are lots of tips on the recording of the call, that will help you market your business better with publicity.

For more information about getting more traffic with search engines, here is FREE Search Engine Optimization Tutorial

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