What To Do About People Who Unsubscribe?


How do you feel when someone unsubscribes from your newsletter? Do you feel a bit upset? Do you want to know why they have unsubscribed?

People unsubscribe for many different reasons. But since they do not want to receive your newsletter, they are not your ideal subscribers/potential clients.

Don’t spend your time thinking about why people unsubscribe. Instead, concentrate on making your newsletter the best it can be for people who are still your subscribers. These are the people who you will be able to share information with and also will be able to turn into clients later on.

There will always be people unsubscribing from your newsletter. This is because not everyone
is your ideal potential customers and not everyone is going to resonate with your message. This is exactly what you want to happen – you want them to self-select, so that you are communicating with the people who really want to hear from you. The more targeted your list is, the better conversion rates you are going to get from it.

There are two things that I recommend to my clients to concentrate on for their newsletters:

#1 is growing their list fast and getting as many subscribers as possible.

#2 is experimenting with their newsletter to find content/format that will benefit both you and your subscribers.

Discover how to build your list fast, register for the Grow Your List Teleseminar Series. During the Series I will share with you many effective techniques for building your list, and 95% of these techniques are FREE to apply.

Biana Babinsky

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