Is Social Networking Useful For Promoting Teleseminars?


Lately, I have been hearing from many business owners asking me how to fill their teleseminars with participants. They have told me that some places where they used to promote their teleseminars have closed down and others are not as effective as they have been in the past. One person asked me whether there is something new and fresh for promoting teleseminars.

The answer is social networking web sites! Social networking web sites are great places to promote your teleseminars and get more participants. Here is why:

Social Networking Helps You Listen To Your Target Market

This is one of the best reasons to use social networking, and it is greatly under-used. Before talking, listen. What is your target market talking about? What kind of questions do they ask? What kind of issues do they face? What do they need help with?

Create a teleseminar based on what your target market wants, and you will see it selling out fast.

Take action: follow your target market on Twitter and learn what your target market is talking about. Then join the conversation!

Social Networking Helps You To Get To Know Others In Your Target Market And To Get Your Target Market To Know You, Like You And Trust You

When you are offering a teleseminar, you have access to many people who already know you, like you and trust you. They are much more likely to register for your teleseminars because of that!

Take action: don’t just use social networking to promote yourself; use it to provide useful tips and information that will help others!

Some Social Networking Web Sites Have Special Sections To Help You Promote Your Teleseminars

Facebook and LinkedIn have special sections that let you promote your teleseminars.

Take action: locate these areas and see how you can use them to promote your own teleseminars.

Social Networking Helps You Promote Your Expertise

Every time I ask people why they would attend someone’s teleseminars, they always mention that they want to attend teleseminars taught by someone who is an expert at what he/she does.

Take action: promote your expertise on social networks by sharing tips, answering questions and sharing your blog posts.

Social Networking Sites Give You Opportunity To Promote Yourself

Last, but definitely not least, you can use social networking web sites to promote your teleseminars. On Twitter, for example, you can always invite your followers to your teleseminars by providing a link to your teleseminar in your twit. The key is not to overdo your promotion and to build enough credibility with your other twits, so that when you do invite your followers to your teleseminar, they really want to join your calls.

Take action: create a system to promote your teleseminars on Twitter.

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on March 16th, 2009

When Should You Offer Free Teleseminars?


One of the most popular questions that coaches ask is:

When to offer free teleseminars and when to offer a teleseminar and charge for it?

It seems that many business owners are confused about when to offer free teleseminars and when to offer paid ones. As a result, I see many business owners not achieving the results they are looking for with their teleseminars.

So how do you determine when to charge and when to offer a free teleseminar? The answer to this question depends on your goals for the teleseminar. I recommend to my clients to look into where in their marketing funnel the teleseminar fits.

If your goal is to use the teleseminar to get more newsletter subscribers or to promote a larger program/product, you will do better if you don’t charge for it.

On the other hand, if your teleseminars are your products, you want to charge for them. Decide on the purpose and then decide on the price.

Offer Them Together!

Create two teleseminars: one 1-hour introductory teleseminar and one much more in-depth teleseminar series. Offer the first one free, and use it to promote your second teleseminar series. The combination of the two of them will help you promote your larger program, increase your revenues and build your list!

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How To Do A Teleseminar


Have you ever heard the saying, “If you want to learn how to do something really well, teach it to others”? It follows from this saying that people who teach others usually have a good command of the material. In short, they are experts at what they do.

Teaching a class in something you know is also a great way to demonstrate your expertise to your potential clients. Teaching is a very versatile marketing technique and it is very easy to use teaching to promote your expertise both online and offline.

In addition to all of the above, offering teleseminars is becoming a necessity for service businesses. In today’s economy it is extremely important to be able to offer lower-priced products in addition to services so that you can serve the people who can’t afford to work with you one-on-one.

If you are just starting out using teaching to work with more potential clients and increase
your business revenues in today’s economy, here is the teleseminar how-to plan for you:

Decide Whether You Want To Teach Your First Class Locally Or Teach A Global Teleseminar
Over The Phone

I recommend offering a teleseminar, because when you teach over the phone, you aren’t restricting yourself to a small geographical area. When you teach teleseminars, you can promote them to a much larger group of customers.

When you teach over the phone, people from all over the world can join in on your calls. When I teach my teleseminars, I have participants from many US states and several other countries joining me on the calls.

Decide Whether To Charge For The Teleseminar Or Whether To Offer A Free Teleseminar

If this is the very first teleseminar you have ever taught, offer it free. You will get lots of people attending, and it will be a great training session for you to experience offering teleseminars over the phone.

You will also be using teleseminar equipment such as bridge line and you will also be doing teleseminar recording. You want to iron our all the details and see that you are able to use all the teleseminar equipment without any technical issues before you start to actually charge others for your teleseminars.

Find Topics For Your Teleseminars

Finding the right topic for your teleseminar is extremely important. If you find a topic that is of interest to your target customers, you will get lots of teleseminar participants. If you pick a topic that is not of interest to them, very few (if any) people will register.

Decide When Your Teleseminar Will Take Place And Start Promoting It

Create a marketing plan for promoting your teleseminar. You will see that if you have a plan, you will get better results and get more participants for your calls.

That’s it – now you are ready to do a teleseminar! Teaching teleseminars is a great technique to get more clients and increase your revenues in today’s economy.

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How To Increase Revenues During Recession


I have been getting many questions from business owners about how to get clients and increase revenues in a recession. One of the best ways to do that is by creating information products. Here is why:

Offer Lower Priced Options

In today’s economy many people can’t afford to pay for your services. You have two choices: don’t offer any products, and you won’t help any of the people who can’t afford your services. Or, you can offer products and help and create additional revenues with those who can’t afford your one-on-one services.

Help Thousands More People

Even though we are in a recession, your clients still need help and your expertise. This means that you can still help people; you just need to be more creative about it. When you only work one-on-one with your clients, you can only work with a very limited number of people. Create your own information products and you will be able to help thousands of people!

Become Known As An Expert

In today’s economy it is more important than ever to be known as an expert, because when people do decide to spend their money, they spend their money with experts.

Take a look at people who you consider experts. Chances are, they all have products that they offer for sale: e-books, books, teleseminars, etc. When you offer products for sale you are seen as an expert by your target market.

Here are some products that you can create:

– Special Reports And E-books. Both of these are text documents. Special reports are usually shorter documents (about 5-25 pages). E-books tend to run longer. I have seen e-books anywhere from 20 and 400 pages.

– Audio Products are voice recordings of one or more people. There are many options available to you to create audio products. You can create an audio product simply by recording yourself, recording an interview with you, or by recording a class, a lecture, or a workshop.

– Teleclasses And Teleseminars. Teaching classes over the phone is an excellent way to demonstrate your expertise to many people at once and to offer your coaching or consulting sessions at a lower price point.

– Community and Membership Web Sites. Membership web sites, blogs and forums are becoming very popular among solopreneurs and online business owners. Many solopreneurs and business owners are repackaging their knowledge, information and expertise and selling it through membership web sites.

Take action and create a plan to create information products today! You will become known as an expert, create additional income streams and help many more people. Get the How To Create Information Guide, to learn exactly how to create information products for your business. Get it now at

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on February 25th, 2009

5 Things You Can Do On Twitter Now


A client of mine said to me a few months ago: “I don’t understand how to accomplish anything on Twitter. You only get 140 characters to say what you want to say. I can’t even say hello in 140 characters!”

While 140 characters may seem restrictive, it helps us get right to the point in our twits and share information and value with our followers.

Here are 5 things you can do right now on Twitter – it will help you share your expertise, help others and provide value to your followers:

– Share A Tip. In order to get clients on Twitter you want to be seen as an expert, it is as simple as that. And in order to be seen as an expert, you must promote your expertise. I wrote a whole blog post on promoting your expertise on Twitter, so read it for more information on promoting your expertise on Twitter.

When you share tips in your field of knowledge, you are seen as an expert, someone who has a lot of knowledge in a particular area.

Action to take: share a tip and build your expert status!

– Answer A Question. Take a look at your Twitter stream (a stream of what all of your Twitter friends are saying). Some of your friends are asking questions, looking for recommendations and needed help. Pay it forward and answer a question to which you know the answer!

Action to take now: read your Twitter stream and look for questions that people ask. When you see a question you can respond to, do so!

– Share Something Non-Business Related. Remember, people like to do business with people they know, like and trust. Help your followers to get to know you better by sharing something about you.

Did you see a good movie over the weekend? Read a good book? Cooked something tasty? Don’t keep it all to yourself – share with others!

Action to take now: share one fun non-business related thing!

– Ask For A Recommendation. Have you been looking for a web designer for a while? Do you need someone to review your sales letter? Are you looking for coach? Do you have a project that had to be done three months ago, but

Twitter is a great place to ask for recommendations – ask your followers to recommend someone to help you get something done in your business!

Action to take now: find out what kind of vendor you are looking for and ask for a recommendation!

– Share A Recommendation. Did someone on Twitter provide you with exceptional service? Do you enjoy articles that one of your Twitter friends writes? Is there a blog that you want to recommend?

Don’t keep this to yourself – share! By doing so you will provide referrals to the person you are recommending and you will enrich the lives of people who will follow your recommendations! Win-win-win for everyone.

Action to take now: Make a recommendation!

As you can see, there are many things you can do right now to share your expertise, help others and provide value to your followers. Want to learn more about using Twitter to get more clients and customers? Get my How To Promote Your Business With Twitter Home Study Guide at


Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on February 16th, 2009

Stop Wasting Time And Get Results On Twitter!


Quite a few business owners have told me that their major concern about Twitter is that it is a waste of time. They are afraid that they will spend a lot of time on Twitter without getting results. After all, Twitter looks like a chat program where thousands of people can participate at any one time. This certainly looks like a big waste of time.

The beauty of Twitter, though, is how individual it is. Since none of us follow exactly the same people, Twitter conversations will look different to each one of us. Follow random people who you have nothing in common with, and all you will hear about are topics that do not interest you.

However, follow people with similar interests, people who can help you with your business, and people in your target market, and you will see your Twitter stream as an opportunity to learn, contribute, help and get clients for your business.

If you are tired of wasting time reading things you are not interested in on Twitter, here are three tips so that you can stop wasting time and get results:

– Evaluate Your Goals For Twitter. When you just joined Twitter, chances are you joined in because (your coach told you to do that, all the cool kids were doing it, etc), so you did not set any goals. You wanted to see how it goes and what it is.

Now, before you do anything else, you must set some realistic goals for using Twitter. If you do not have any goals, you are not going to see any results. It’s that simple.

What are you expecting from Twitter? Clients? Customers? Newsletter subscribers? Set some goals, and then work on achieving them!

– Don’t Borrow Time For Twitter; Only Spend The Time That You Have. Only spend time that you have on Twitter. Only have 20 minutes in one day? Spend the 20 minutes on Twitter and then go on to your other commitments. Don’t make your client work or marketing activities suffer because of Twitter.

Don’t borrow the time that you do not have to use Twitter. Do allocate some of your marketing time for Twitter. Use that time wisely.

– Track Everything! Track everything about using Twitter. Track how much time you spend and what kind of results you receive (such as newsletter subscribers, clients, exposure to your target market, etc). Doing this will show you whether Twitter marketing is working for you or whether you should adjust it further.

If you feel you are spending too much time on Twitter without results, it is time to reevaluate! Get a pen and a sheet of paper and use the three points above to reevaluate your Twitter strategy. To learn about my step-by-step plan for creating buzz and getting clients and customers on Twitter, get my How To Promote Your Business On Twitter Home Study Guide, at

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on February 11th, 2009

How To Promote Your Expertise On Twitter


I love Twitter! Every week I receive blog readers, interview requests, newsletter subscribers, and clients and customers from Twitter. Why does this happen? It happens because many people on Twitter know that I am an expert at helping business owners get more newsletter subscribers and clients online, so they turn to me when they need help with getting clients or they would like to interview someone who is an expert at helping business owners get clients.

This will work for you too. If you become known on Twitter for your expertise many more people will want to interview you, read your blog, subscribe to your newsletter and buy your products and services.

So how do you let people on Twitter know about your expertise? How do you promote your expert status and become seen as an expert? Here are three tips for you to accomplish just that:

– Promote Your Expert Status In Your Twitter Profile. Start from the very beginning. If someone on Twitter wants to learn more about you, where do they start? They go to your profile.

Use your profile to communicate your expert status in your field. You don’t have to call yourself a guru or an expert, but you must provide enough information to communicate your expertise. Use your bio to provide information about who you are and what you do.

– Help Others. Many experts share their expertise and use it to help others. There is a lot you can do on Twitter to help others. You can offer tips, re-tweet their requests, and answer their questions.

Many people re-tweet (share with their followers) tips that they see. This means that if you share tips that resonate with your followers, your followers will share them with their followers. This dramatically increases the number of people who see your tips and your expertise.

– Share Your Blog Posts On Twitter. Your blog posts help you share tips, demonstrate your expertise and attract clients. Another great way to demonstrate your expertise on Twitter is to share your blog posts with your followers.

There are two ways to do that. One is manual. Every time you write a new blog entry, post its name and a link to it to Twitter. That way your followers will see the link, follow it to your blog and read your post.

You can also automate posting your blog posts to Twitter. Use an application called Twitterfeed to automatically post your blog posts to Twitter. With Twitterfeed all you have to do is create a blog post. Once you do, it will be automatically posted to your Twitter account and your followers will be able to read your blog post, without your having to do anything for it. This is a great way to automate the promotion of your expertise on Twitter.

Remember, people like to do business with experts. Follow these three tips to demonstrate your expertise on Twitter and you will start seeing better results from Twitter very soon! To learn more about using Twitter to get clients and customers, get the How To Promote Your Business With Twitter Home Study Guide, at


Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on February 4th, 2009

A Collection Of All Of My Twitter Tips



I have been getting requests from many people for Twitter tips, so I am compiling a list of all of my Twitter blog posts. I will be adding more to this list, as I add more Twitter posts, so bookmark this page and come back from time to time. Enjoy!


– Twitter should not be your only marketing strategy. Rather, it should be a part of your larger online marketing strategy. Learn How To Make Twitter Part Of Your Online Marketing Strategy


– Your potential customers want to do business with an expert. Learn How To Promote Your Expertise On Twitter


– Many people have asked me: What Can I Do On Twitter? Check out 7 Things To Do To Promote Your Business On Twitter


– Are you a coach? Here is a post I wrote specifically to help coaches promote themselves on Twitter: How Coaches Can Use Twitter To Promote Their Coaching Business


– Are you new to Twitter? Not sure how to get started? Check out this post: What Is Twitter? Answers To Popular Questions About Twitter


Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on February 3rd, 2009

Why You Must Have An Affiliate Program For Your Business


If you are looking for the best way to sell more of your products and fill up your teleseminars, an affiliate program is the answer.

What is an affiliate program? An affiliate program is a special program in which you (owner of products, programs and teleseminars) pay your affiliates for sales of your products, programs and teleseminars. People who sign up to sell your products, programs and teleseminars through your affiliate program are called your affiliates.

When your affiliates sign up to use your affiliate program, your affiliate program automatically generates special links for them to use. If they refer sales through these special links, they will earn commissions.

An affiliate program is a win-win for both you and your affiliates. You win because you are able to reach more people and sell more of your products and services. Your affiliates win because they can offer products for sale and make money with them without having to create their own products.

So why should you, a business owner, have your own affiliate program? Here are three reasons to do that:

– Acquire New Customers. Customers who are referred to your web site by your affiliates are typically first-time customers who didn’t know about your products and teleseminars prior to clicking from the referring site.

You must acquire new clients on a regular basis in order to stay in business. Having an affiliate program helps you get new customers through your affiliates.

– Get MORE Product Sales. When you have an affiliate program, you have more sales of your products, programs and teleseminars. It’s that simple! If you do not have an affiliate program, you are missing out on hundreds or even thousands of dollars in additional sales.

– Pay For Performance. How many times have you paid for advertising and did not generate any results? Traditional advertising does not necessarily increase sales, but you have to pay for it upfront. You incur the expense whether or not the advertising campaign was successful.

With an affiliate program, you pay for performance only. When your affiliates generate sales, they earn commissions. No sales – no commissions. Think of your affiliates as online commission-only sales people.

As you can see, there are many reasons for having an affiliate program. Here is a plan of action for you to jump-start your affiliate program and start using it to generate sales:

– Start an affiliate program if you don’t already have one.

– Offer help to your affiliates. Let your affiliates know where and how to get their affiliate links and how to use them to earn money.

– Keep in touch. E-mail your affiliates on a regular basis to let them know how they can earn more with your affiliate program. Doing this will help your affiliates promote you more and sell more of your products.

Ready to use your affiliate program to bring in more sales? Join me for the How To Sell Your Products And Teleseminars With An Affiliate Program call, during which I will discuss the step-by-step process for turningyour affiliate program into a sales-producing machine. Register for the call at

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on January 29th, 2009

Can You Get Clients From Your Web Site?


This question comes up from time to time on many forums that coaches and other business owners participate in. Many people want to know if you can really get clients from your web site. And the answer is “Yes!”.

So how can you promote your coaching business online to get clients? Here are some tips to help you get clients from your coaching web site:

Not everyone who comes to your web site is going to become a client immediately. Design a few different paths for your web site to work with for your web site visitors. Let your web site help your web site visitors subscribe to your newsletter, buy your product, attend your teleseminar, etc.


Create very clear paths for your web site visitors to take. If you don’t understand how your web site visitors are using your web site, how are they going to use it? Design separate pages for lead generations, sales, coaching services, etc.


Test, test, test. You will not know what works online until you test different methods of marketing, different web pages, etc.


Drive traffic to your web site. You will not be able to get clients form your web site, unless you have traffic coming to your web site every single day.

Use online marketing techniques such as social networking, search engine optimization, blogging, article marketing and others to drive traffic to your web site.


Always try to turn more web site visitors into leads and clients. If your web site visitors leave your web site without taking action, you will lose them forever. Work on turning as many of them as possible into leads and clients. That way you will be able to continue working with them.


For more information on getting clients with your web site, here is a FREE Tutorial, How To Market Your Coaching Business at

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on January 27th, 2009