How To Promote Coaching: Three Tips For Promoting Your Coaching Business Online


Are you a career coach, business coach, weight loss coach, or life coach? Are you looking for information on how to promote your coaching business? Here are three simple tips for promoting your coaching business online:

1. Discuss The Benefits Of Coaching On Your Web Site

Many times, when coaches create a web site, they want to share information about coaching. They discuss what coaching is, how coaching works and what kind of process they use in their coaching.

But that is not what your potential clients are interested in. Instead, the web site should contain information about how the coach helps clients to reach the goals they are looking to reach. The web site should contain information about benefits that the clients receive when working with the coach.

2. Optimize Your Coaching Web Site For Search Engines

A good way to bring more traffic to your coaching web site is to optimize your web site for search engines. Do your research and find out what keywords your potential clients are using when researching coaching.

Then, use these keywords to optimize your coaching web site and attract more web site traffic.

3. Use Article Marketing To Promote Your Coaching Business

Another great way to promote your coaching business online is by writing articles on topics that are of interest to your potential clients. Make sure that each article includes an effective Resource Box with information about your business and a link to your coaching web site.

Then, submit articles to article directories, so that more of your potential clients can find them and read them. And when more people read your articles, you will be able to attract more web site traffic to your coaching web site.

Want to get more traffic to your coaching web site? Learn how at

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How To Make Your Coaching Web Site More Effective


If your coaching web site is not bringing in the results that you are looking for, then you should make your web site more effective. What should your coaching web site do to attract more clients and newsletter subscribers to your coaching business? Here are some ideas to help you do that:

Create your coaching web site for people in your target market

Use your web site to speak to people in your target market. Discuss the problems that people in your target market have, and how you help them solve them.

Use your articles and blog posts to share information that people in your target market are interested in.

Do research and find the keywords that people in your target market use when searching for your products and services. Then, use those keywords in your coaching web site copy and optimize your web site for search engines.

FREE Call on how to make your coaching web site more effective.

Invite your coaching web site visitors to subscribe to your newsletter

When people come to your coaching web site, you need to ask them to subscribe to your newsletter. If you don’t ask them to take any action with you, they will look around the web site and leave, and you will not see results from your web site. So make sure to ask your web site visitors to subscribe to your newsletter, so that you can keep in touch with them, and let them know about your products and services.

Bonus tip: To convert more of your coaching web site visitors into newsletter subscribers, offer a free gift in exchange for subscribing to your newsletter.

Drive traffic to your coaching web site

To get results from your web site, you need to bring traffic to your coaching web site. Bring more traffic to your web site by using online marketing techniques such as article marketing, search engine optimization, blogging, and more.

Discover how to get results from your coaching web site – register for the FREE Call, Five Secrets For Getting Results With Your Web Site Teleseminar.

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on September 13th, 2011

How Life Coaches Can Turn E-book Into Other Information Products


Attention, life coaches! Have you already written an e-book for your coaching business? If you are already offering an e-book to your potential coaching clients, you know how rewarding it is to be able to share your knowledge and tips with your e-book.

But an e-book is not the only information product for sharing your knowledge and tips! You can use the information in the e-book to create other information products, so that you can share your knowledge and tips with even more people in your target market.

Here is information for life coaches who want to create even more information products based on their e-books:

Use the material you have already developed for the e-book to create a teleseminar. Teaching a teleseminar helps you promote your expertise even more. It also helps you reach more of your potential life coaching clients.

Record the teleseminar. Once you record you teleseminar, you will have an audio recording that you can promote. You can now use the recording in many different ways: you can give it away as a bonus with purchase of the e-book, or you can create an audio download that you can sell on your web site.

Use every chapter of the e-book on its own. To do that, add additional material and expand each chapter to make it into a stand-alone special report. Now you can use each one of these stand-alone special reports. You can sell them online, give some away as bonuses, etc.

Create a teleseminar series based on your e-book. To do that, create a series of 3-4 teleseminars based on the e-book. Also, create exercises, resources sheets, notes and worksheets to create an amazing value for your teleseminar series participants.

When you create different information products, more people in your target market will be able to find out about your life coaching business.

Promote your other products in the e-book. Many times e-book authors forget that the book itself is not necessarily the end product. Include information about your other products and services, as well as links to your web site and other resources at the end of your e-book.

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Three Tips For Making Your Web Site More Effective


Looking to get results from your web site? If you are a woman business owner who wants to have more people in your target market to come to your web site and learn more about your business, your products and your services, you must make your web site more effective!

Here are three tips to help you get results from your web site:

1. Bring Traffic To Your Web Site

Nothing is going to happen on your web site unless you drive traffic to it. If no one comes to your web site, no one is going to learn about your business, your products or your services.

There are many different methods for driving traffic to your web site – article marketing, search engine optimization, social networking, business blogging, and more.

2. Make Your Web Site Effective

Even if you are bringing traffic to your web site, you will see any results from this traffic unless your web site helps people who come to your web site take action.

Use your web site to let people who come to your web site know about your business. Also, make sure that you are inviting people who come to your web site to subscribe to your newsletter.

3. Invite Your Web Site Visitors To Subscribe To Your Newsletter

People who come to your web site will not know about your newsletter unless your web site has information about your newsletter. Make sure that your web site lets your web site visitors know about your newsletter and invites them to subscribe to your newsletter.

Want to grow the list for your business? Learn how in the Grow Your List Quick Start Guide at

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Why Do People Unsubscribe From Your Newsletter?


How do you feel when someone unsubscribes from your newsletter? Do you feel upset? Do you want to know why they had unsubscribed? There are many reasons people unsubscribe. Here are two of them:

They receive a lot of e-mail and they are overwhelmed. When people subscribe to many newsletters, they receive many e-mail messages every day. They feel overwhelmed with all that e-mail. To manage this, they decide to unsubscribe from many e-mail lists, so that they can receive fewer e-mail messages.

The information in the newsletter is not a good fit for them. There are many reasons for this. Maybe these people are not in your target market. Maybe their circumstances have changed, and they are not interested in the subject of your newsletter anymore.

There are many reasons for people to unsubscribe from your newsletter, but the key to remember is that your newsletter is not going to be a good fit for everyone in your target market. As a matter of fact, you don’t want it to be a good fit for everyone. Instead, you want your newsletter to resonate with people you are writing it for: your perfect customers.

There will always be people who unsubscribe from your newsletter. This is because not everyone is your ideal customer and your message is not going to resonate with everyone. This is exactly what you want to happen. Your newsletter subscribers should self-select so that you are communicating with the people who really want to hear from you.

Stop wondering why people unsubscribe and spend the time on attracting targeted subscribers to your newsletter instead. These are the people with whom your message resonates and the people who want to hear from you. The Grow Your List Quick Start Guide shows you how to get more newsletter subscribers for your list.

Get the Grow Your List Quick Start Guide at

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Three Tips For Building Your List


Looking to grow the list for your business? If you are a woman business owner who wants to reach more people in your target market, become better known and promote your business, you must build your list! Your list will help you reach more people and promote your business.

Here are three tips to help you build your list:

1. Add List Building To Your To-Do List

List building is not a one-time action. Rather, it is a continuous process for letting people in your target market know about your list and inviting them to join your list.

To get more people on your list every day, you need to build your list every day. Make sure to add list building to your to-do list, and take action to build your list every day.

2. Share Information About Your Newsletter

People in your target market will not be able to join your newsletter list, unless they know about it. This means that you should let people in your target market know about your newsletter.

Use different techniques to let people know about your newsletter. You can use article marketing, blogging, social networking and other techniques to promote your newsletter to people in your target market.

3. Have A List Building Plan And Use It

Create a list-building plan for your business. That way you will know what needs to be done to get more newsletter subscribers and when it needs to be done.

Want to grow the list for your business? Learn how to do that in the Grow Your List Quick Start Guide at

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What If A Coaching Client Can’t Afford Coaching Services?


Many times coaches have only one product: their coaching services. Sometimes, when potential coaching clients come to coaches looking for coaching services, the potential clients take a look at the coaching services fees and decide that they cannot afford those prices.

When a potential client is looking for coaching services, she is interested in being coached, but once she finds out the prices of the coaching services, she decides that she cannot afford them. What do you do when you have a potential client, who is interested in your services but they tell you that they cannot afford your service fees?

You can lower your service fees to accommodate them. Some coaches simply lower their fees to accommodate the client. When you lower your coaching fees, you send the message that you don’t value your knowledge, your experience and your expertise. If you don’t value your knowledge, your experience and your expertise, others won’t either.

You can stand your ground and not lower your prices. In this case the coaching client will not be able to hire you, and you won’t be able to help this client.

The third option is to offer an information product instead of the coaching services. Now, this is a win-win situation: you have an information product that will help your prospect. And you don’t have to lower your service fees. Instead, you are able to offer a product that will help your client and that is more cost-effective.

What kind of information products can you offer? You can offer teleseminars, audio recordings, e-books or home study guides. Learn how to create information products, so that you can help those who can’t afford your coaching
services, in the How To Create Information Products Quick Start Guide at

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Three Tips For A More Effective Blog


Have you just started blogging? Or have you been blogging for a while? A blog is an excellent tool to let the world know about your business, to connect with people in your target market and promote your expertise.

Do you want to use your blog to get even more results – promote your expertise more, connect with more people in your target market, get more traffic and build your list faster? Here are three tips to help you make your blog more effective:

Blog Consistently. Many business owners get excited about blogging, post 3-6 times, and then promptly forget about the blog. I have seen many blogs that were started a year or two ago, have a grand total of five posts, and haven’t been updated since sometime last year.

To get more traffic and more newsletter subscribers with your blog, you need to update your blog on a regular basis. Search engines love new content and keep coming back to index it. Potential customers also like new content; it’s what keeps them coming back to read your blog.

Use Search Engine Optimization To Optimize Each Blog Post. The purpose of your blog is to invite people who are in your target market to read your posts and enter your sphere of influence. Traffic from search engines does not cost any money, and it is a great way to get potential customers to your blog.

Treat each one of your blog posts as a separate file to be optimized for search engines. Use a keyword research tool to find phrases that are related to the main subject of the post, and weave them into the content of the post.

Build Your List With Your Blog. One of the best ways to use your blog to market your business is by using your blog to build your list. Make sure that you have information about the no charge gift that you are giving away to your newsletter subscribers on your blog. That way your blog readers will learn about it when they are reading the blog, and will be able to subscribe to your

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on June 24th, 2011

Why You Should Create Information Products


Are you wondering why you need to create information products? There are many reasons for creating information products for your business. Your information products will help you promote your expertise, reach more people in your target market, and help those in your target market who can’t afford your services.

Here are three reasons for creating information products:

Promote Your Knowledge And Your Expertise. When your potential clients are looking to hire someone, they want to know that the person that they are hiring is an expert at what they do. You need to create products to further establish your expertise and promote yourself and your business.

One thing that many experts have in common is that they had written a book or created some other
information product on the subject of their expertise. Start planning your first e-book, special report or audio recording. Doing this will help you establish yourself further as an expert.

Share Your Knowledge And Expertise With More People. You have a gift that you want to share with more people in your target market. Your gift can transform the lives of many people and make a huge difference in the world. But until you start creating your information products, it is going to take a very long time to help thousands of people.

Make a commitment right now to help more people and look for opportunities to do so in your business plan, etc.

Reach More Clients And Customers. How often do people look at the price tag for your services, and say thanks, but I can’t afford them? This happens a lot with service professionals. If they can’t afford your services, you cannot help them.

However, if you have information products to sell, now you are in a position to offer something else to these people. If they can’t afford your services, they may be able to afford an e-book, or a CD or a teleseminar. By having products, you have the freedom to offer the lower priced products to your web site visitors. While not everyone can afford your services, many more can afford your products.

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Why You Should Build The List For Your Coaching Business


Are you wondering why you must build a list for your coaching business? A list is extremely important for a coach. Without a list, you cannot reach your potential coaching clients, and you cannot tell them about your coaching products and services.

Here are three reasons to start building your list:

Promote Your Coaching Business More Effectively. Do you want to promote your coaching business more effectively, to promote your coaching business to people who are in your target market? Your list helps you do just that.

Because people who you invite to your list are in your target market, you will be able to promote your business much more effectively with your list. Without a list, many coaches promote their services anywhere and everywhere, and they end up promoting them to people who are not even in their target market. With a list, you will be able to share information about your services with people in your target market.

Reach More People In Your Target Market. When you can reach people in your target market, and let them know about your products and services, it will transform your business. Having a list will help you market your coaching business better, get the word out about your coaching products and services and get more clients. For example,

– If you are a parenting coach, how would you like to have a list of parents who want to hear from you on a regular basis?


– If you are a business coach, how would you like to have a list of business owners who need help in starting and promoting their businesses?

Building a list helps you connect with people in your target market and educate them about your coaching business.

Get Better Results From Social Networking Web Sites, Such As Facebook. A lot of business owners say that they are not getting results on Facebook and other social networking web sites. Usually this is because they do not ask people they meet on social networking web sites to join their lists.

When you are building your list and inviting people on social networking web sites join your list, you will get better results from social networking and you will grow your list faster.

Discover simple strategies for building your list faster and more effectively at

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on June 9th, 2011