The Best 3 Techniques To Get Free Web Site Traffic
Many of my clients have been asking me for free marketing techniques to bring more targeted traffic to their web sites.
There are quite a few methods to spread the word about your web site for free or inexpensively. However, I recommend that you first decide WHO you want to bring to your web site. This will make a big difference on how you apply marketing techniques later on.
Once you have decided who your target market is, you need to use online marketing techniques to drive your target market to your web site.
Here are my favorite online marketing techniques. All three of them are free to use to bring traffic to your web site:
– Article Marketing. Article marketing consists of writing articles that your target market is interested in reading. Once you have created these articles, you need to submit them to article directories.
Every time your article gets published in an article directory, or it gets re-published on other people’s blogs and web sites, it gets published with a link back to your web site. Thus, every single person reading your article can click on the link and visit your web site. This will help you get more web site traffic.
Read articles on Article Marketing:
– Business Blogging. Blogging is really big now, and this is because lots of people are now either blogging or reading other blogs, or both. Blogs are also popular because you can use them to communicate with current customers and attract new customers to your business.
Start a blog that is of interest to your target market. Post to it often. Make sure that your blog is listed in blog directories and that you optimize your blog posts for search engines.
Read articles on Using A Business Blog To Market Your Business:
– Search Engine Optimization. A lot of people are using search engines to find what they need. Make sure that each page on your web site is optimized for search engines, so that people who are looking for the information available on your web site can find it.
Read articles on Search Engine Optimization:
Biana Babinsky
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