What Is The Point Of A Marketing Technique?


Why are you applying a marketing technique?

Many times I see coaches and consultants use a marketing technique because they heard that other coaches and consultants use it to get clients or because someone they know recommended it to them.

When you are applying a marketing technique (and this goes for any technique – creating a web site, joining local networking groups, doing article marketing, blogging, teleseminars, etc), you need to know the outcome you are looking for and you need to tailor your actions to get that outcome.

Don’t use article marketing or local networking or blogging or teleseminars or any other techniques because others are using them. Use them because they help you do something very specific, such as build your list.

And in order to accomplish that, look at every aspect of a marketing technique you are applying and optimize it for accomplish your specific goal. For example, when using article marketing, you need to pick article topics that appeal to your target market, create a Resource Box that will get people to subscribe to your newsletter, etc.

Or if you are optimizing your web site to get more newsletter subscribers, you want to optimize each page on the web site to get subscribers, etc.

When you decide to use a marketing technique, do some research, find out if it fits into your overall marketing strategy. If it does, spend some time and learn how to apply this technique effectively, so that you can get results.

My Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course teaches you, step-by-step, how to apply different online marketing techniques to your business.

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | del.ico.us | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on December 14th, 2007

Three Steps To Selling Ebooks


Many coaches, consultants and other service business owners have asked me how to sell more copies of their e-books

Just like with any product, in order to sell your ebooks, you need to bring a stream of interested people to your sales page.

In order to sell your ebook you will need:

An effective sales letter that can convert your target market into buyers. It is very important to have a good sales letter for an information product. Even if you can get good traffic to your web site you will not be able to convert traffic into sales without a good sales letter.

A good price/value offer that your sales letter presents to your web site visitors. Can you convince them that they need your product and not someone else’s?

An effective marketing strategy that brings targeted traffic to your ebook page, every single day.

There are many different marketing techniques you can use to do that. Your own newsletter, article marketing, blogging, search engine optimization and more.

In the Make Thousands Of Dollars With E-books Home Study Guide I discuss how to sell many copies of your ebook. You can see it at https://www.avocadoconsulting.com/rlinks/zebookt

Read more on selling ebooks and sales letters:

Longer Sales Letters Produce Better Results

Show that you are providing value

How To Create Effective Web Site Copy

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | del.ico.us | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on December 12th, 2007

How To Promote A Workshop


If you are a coach, chances are you have been thinking about teaching a workshop. However, what stops many coaches from actually offering a workshop is not being able to get any participants. How can you get enough participants for your coaching workshops?

Truth is, the marketing part is the most important and hardest part of putting together a workshop. You need to have a marketing plan and start planning for marketing early on.

No one will be as effective as you are at promoting your workshop. This is because you have the unique knowledge of your market, their issues and the benefits that your workshop will bring them.

In order to market your workshop successfully you will need:

– Make Sure That Your Target Market Needs And Wants Your Workshop. In order to successfully sell your workshop you need to be sure that the people you are selling it to (your target market) need, want and can afford it.

If they have no need for what you have to offer, you will not be able to sell the workshop.

– Be Able To Reach Your Target Market. In order to sell your workshop you need to be able to reach the people who want to buy it, your target market.

You need to have a list of your target market that you can contact. If you haven’t started building your list, get started now. This is a single most useful thing you can do for your coaching business.

– Create Effective Sales Copy. When you bring your target market to your web site to sign up for the workshop, you still need to convince them to register.

This is why you need to write good, benefits-oriented web copy about your workshop. The copy needs to convince your target market to register for the workshop by showing them all the benefits they will receive when they attend the workshop.

Want to know how to promote your workshops and make money with them? Join the online business mentoring program at MarketingSalad.com to learn the step-by-step process for promoting your workshops. Join now at https://www.MarketingSalad.com

Biana Babinsky


More Blog posts:

How To Create A Squeeze Page To Capture Your Social Networking Traffic

The Simplest Strategy To Build Your List With Social Networking

Mistakes You Are Making When Building Your List With Social Networking

share on social media: facebook | del.ico.us | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on December 4th, 2007

The Most Important Part Of Your Article


Many coaches, consultants and other service business owners spend a lot of time and effort writing and perfecting their articles. They write a nice introduction, include interesting article content, and follow up with a great conclusion. However, when the time comes to write their Article Resource Boxes, they do not put forth the same effort or have the same intensity. At this point they have spent all their creativity on the article. They are tired and they want to get the article out as soon as possible…

Continue Reading The Most Important Part Of Your Article

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | del.ico.us | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on December 1st, 2007

Word Of Mouth Marketing For Your Business


Word of mouth marketing s very important for any service business owner. Word of mouth marketing occurs when your clients recommend your products and services to other people in your target market.

When many people recommend your products and services, more people are talking about you and your business and you get more clients as a result. Imagine your clients recommending you to people they know, and those people recommending you to the people they know, etc….

Continue Reading Word Of Mouth Marketing For Your Business

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | del.ico.us | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on November 29th, 2007

How To Use Article Directories


You should use article directories (or article banks) to post your articles online. Write articles that are of interest to your target market and post them to article directories.

Why should you do that? The real value of posting articles to article directories is that when you post an article there, you also include your Resource Box, a paragraph about you and your business and a link back to your web site. Once your article gets posted to directories, so does the link back to your web site. Once you submit your article to article directories, you will have lots of additional links pointing back to your web site.

When people re-print your articles from the article directories sites you get lots of MORE places posting your articles and linking back to your web site. Now you have even more links back, all providing you with additional web site traffic.

All these links lead to you getting much more web site traffic and clients visiting your web site. And the best part is that there is no fee to use article directories. It is absolutely free to post your articles.

I consider article marketing (writing articles and posting them to the article banks) one of the best ways for life coaches, career coaches, business coaches and other coaches and solopreneurs to market themselves online, build a large list and get more clients.

I have created Article Marketing Home Study Guide that teaches you how to use article marketing to promote your business. It also includes a list of 40 article banks.

You can see it at https://www.avocadoconsulting.com/rlinks/zarticles

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | del.ico.us | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on November 26th, 2007

Create A Marketing Funnel


Many coaching, consulting and other service professionals have told me that they have tried everything to get more one-on-one service clients. They have told me that they have gone to networking events, offered no charge consultations to prospects and joined lead groups. Some are even publishing newsletters, but their newsletters have also failed to bring in many service clients.

After analyzing what these service professionals are doing, I have found that many of them have just one offering — a single, expensive one-on-one service….

Continue Reading Create A Marketing Funnel Article

You can also take a look at How To Create A Marketing Funnel Audio Recording at https://www.marketingsalad.com/marketing-funnel.html

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | del.ico.us | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on November 26th, 2007

No Coaching Clients In December?


December is an interesting month for many coaches, consultants, virtual assistants, professionals organizers and other self-employed solopreneurs. This is because in December people have to spend a lot of money on gifts, so they are budgeting and looking for ways to decrease their spendings on other things. When they do this, they usually cancel the professional services they pay for, such as coaching, professional organizing, services of virtual assistants and more.

As December is approaching, I have been hearing from many coaches whose clients are taking a break in December. Coaches report that 20-50% of their clients are taking a break, thus the coaches are getting 20-50% less revenue in December.

So what do you do if you have no clients and plenty of time in December? Spend the time on creating a teleseminar or teleseminar series that you can teach in January!

In January plenty of people are going to be looking for support with their lifes and careers. Create a teleseminar around the problems your potential clients will be experiencing in January, and you will be able to have a very profitable January.

What kind of teleseminars can you create? Here are a few examples:

– A financial coach can create a teleseminar on how to pay off the holiday debts faster

– A fitness coach can create a teleseminar on how to get rid of those extra pounds that people gained eating food during the holidays

– A life coach can create a teleseminar on how to finally reach your new year resolutions

Start working on creating your teleseminar now, so that you can announce it in January!

Discover how to create, teach and market extremely profitable teleseminars with the Teleseminar Tutorial.

share on social media: facebook | del.ico.us | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on November 23rd, 2007

Longer Sales Letters Produce Better Results


Did you know that if you write longer web copy, you will get better results? This is true for sales letters as well as product pages, service pages and other pages on your web site.

New Article: Discover Why Longer Sales Letters Produce Better Results

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | del.ico.us | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on November 23rd, 2007

3-Step Plan To Get Clients Online


Do you want to get more clients for your coaching business? Getting coaching clients is a goal of many coaches, but not all of them are able to bring more clients to their business. This is happening because many coaches are not following a plan for getting clients.

Instead of creating an effective plan, they just do random marketing once in a while. I knew a business owner once who marketed randomly. One day he heard from an expert that blogs are great for getting clients….

Click Here To Continue Reading 3-Step Plan To Get Clients Online

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | del.ico.us | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on November 21st, 2007