What Is The Point Of A Marketing Technique?
Why are you applying a marketing technique?
Many times I see coaches and consultants use a marketing technique because they heard that other coaches and consultants use it to get clients or because someone they know recommended it to them.
When you are applying a marketing technique (and this goes for any technique – creating a web site, joining local networking groups, doing article marketing, blogging, teleseminars, etc), you need to know the outcome you are looking for and you need to tailor your actions to get that outcome.
Don’t use article marketing or local networking or blogging or teleseminars or any other techniques because others are using them. Use them because they help you do something very specific, such as build your list.
And in order to accomplish that, look at every aspect of a marketing technique you are applying and optimize it for accomplish your specific goal. For example, when using article marketing, you need to pick article topics that appeal to your target market, create a Resource Box that will get people to subscribe to your newsletter, etc.
Or if you are optimizing your web site to get more newsletter subscribers, you want to optimize each page on the web site to get subscribers, etc.
When you decide to use a marketing technique, do some research, find out if it fits into your overall marketing strategy. If it does, spend some time and learn how to apply this technique effectively, so that you can get results.
My Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course teaches you, step-by-step, how to apply different online marketing techniques to your business.
Biana Babinsky
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