Two Things That Your Web Site MUST Do


There are two things that your web site must do:

1. It needs to attract your target market. In order to do this, you will need to optimize your web site for search engines, use article marketing to get people to come to your web site, etc.

Read more on how to get web site traffic in the Online Marketing Techniques To Increase Website Traffic article.

2. Your web site needs to SELL your products and services. In order to be successful at selling, your web site will need to be very user-friendly, so that people stay and read it for a while.

It needs to have good marketing copy that sells, so that your web site visitors would purchase from you.

It also needs to turn your web site visitors into leads by giving them a no charge gift and asking them to subscribe to your newsletter.

Make sure that your web site does both, it brings traffic AND it converts traffic into customers.

If your web site does just gets people to your web site, you will have lots of traffic, but no one will be buying.

If your web site can sell, but can’t get traffic, you will have no one to sell to.
Read more about creating an effective web site:

What Makes A Web Site Effective?

Does Your Web Site Do ALL This?

Your Web Site Is Losing You Clients

Discover how to get more web site traffic and promote your web site online in this FREE Tutorial, How To Market Your Coaching Business.

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on November 20th, 2007

What To Do If No One Comes To Your Teleseminars?


On a regular basis I hear from coaches, consultants and other service professionals who tell me that they have huge issues filling up their teleseminars. After trying to teach their teleseminars a couple of times, they stop doing teleseminars altogether. Why offer them if no one is signing up for them?After speaking to many solopreneurs who reported having issues getting teleseminar sign-ups, I found out the 3 main reasons why they are not able to get the sign-ups. Here are the reasons along with information on how to correct them…

Continue Reading What To Do If No One Comes To Your Teleseminars?

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Use Article Marketing To Get Clients


Are you looking for more clients for your business? Do you need more one-on-one clients? Do you need more members for your membership web site and more teleseminar participants? If you need to add more clients to your practice, start using article marketing to promote your business as soon as possible!

Article marketing will help you get more web site visitors in three different ways. First, you will start getting traffic from article directories as soon as you submit your articles to them….

Continue Reading How To Use Article Marketing To Get Clients

Biana Babinsky

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Online Copywriting: How To Create Effective Web Site Copy


When your potential customers visit your web site you can’t be there to talk to them, answer their questions and convince them to buy your products. The only thing that they can go by to make a decision to hire or not to hire you is your web site copy.

Because of this it is extremely important to have extremely effective web site copy. When you are selling your products and services online, your copy is the only thing that will convince your potential customers to buy from you. On the other hand, if your copy is not effective, it will make your potential customers visit your competitors’ web sites…

Continue Reading How To Create Effective Web Site Copy

Biana Babinsky

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Are You Advertising Enough?


If you watch TV or read magazines and newspapers, you will see that large companies keep running ads for the same products over and over and over again.

Why do they do this? Don’t they know that we have already heard about the product? How many times do we need to hear about an upcoming sale?

Turns out we need to hear about a product many times before we make a buying decision. We are bombarded with many ads and marketing messages every day. Just think back to your day – how many ads did you see? If you just opened a magazine or turned on your TV you have seen dozens.

The statistics that I have seen sometime ago says that you need your potential customers to see your message 7 times on average before taking action. This statistic is old, so I would not be surprised that the number has increased by now, given how many ads we see every day.

So what does this mean to you as an advertiser? This means that you should repeat your ad at least a few times for the most impact.

But do not run exactly the same ad all the time. I recommend varying your ad, even if it is for the same product, so that you can generate more interest in it. Any product or service would have a few different benefits. Each benefit appeals to different people. If you keep sending out the same ad, focusing on the same benefit, you are going to appeal to the same people.

If you write a few different ads discussing different benefits and send out different ads, you are going to get more people interested in your product or service.

Discover how to write effective online ads during the How To Write Effective Ads Teleseminar that I will be teaching tomorrow. You can learn more about it at

Biana Babinsky

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Stop Selling Your Services!


Many coaches, consultants and other service professionals concentrate on selling their services instead of marketing the benefits of their services. As a result, they do not get too many buyers.
People don’t buy your services – they buy the benefits they will receive when they buy your services.

Read Stop Selling Services (And Start Selling The Benefits)

Biana Babinsky

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Is Your Blogging Software Right For You?


I have had many life coaches, career coaches and other coaches and service professionals ask me about which blogging software is right for them.

Is your blog software working for you? Are you getting a stream of clients and newsletter subscribers from your blog, every single day? Do your blog readers come back to read your new blog posts all the time? Does your blog bring in people who want to buy your e-books and register for your teleseminars?

Continue Reading Is Your Blogging Software Right For You?

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Life Coach Training: Two Life Coaching Niches?


Are you a life coach who wants to work with two completely different niches? You are just starting out in life coaching and you really want to help two completely different groups of people. Is it a good idea of a bad idea?

If you are just starting out with life coaching, and you are not sure how many niches you should have, you should start with just one niche. Having one niche will make marketing and getting clients much easier.

I always recommend to my clients to pick one niche in the beginning and concentrate on it for a while. It takes time to become known to your niche, get your marketing going and get known.

Your goal is to be seen as an expert by your niche, you want them to know you, like you and trust you. You want to build a list with many people in your niche as subscribers, you want to write articles that your niche will read, start a blog, etc. It will be impossible to do this effectively for two different target markets at once.

I recommend deciding on one niche for now, starting a web site and starting to promote yourself to your niche. You can revisit having a second niche after sometime, but start marketing your life coaching business to one niche for now.

Discover how to find a perfect target market for your coaching business with my How To Find A Profitable Target Market (Or Niche) For Your Business Audio Recording

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on November 9th, 2007

Hollywood Writers And New Media


The Hollywood writers have been striking since Monday, November 5th. This action sent late night talk shows into re-runs immediately.

What is interesting is why the writers are striking. According to this article, writers are striking because they are looking for more profits from when their writing is used in new media. They want to earn money when their work is sold on DVDs, when their work is a part of online shows, etc.

As you can see, writers are paying attention to the Internet and new media and want to profit from it. And what they are looking for is a true passive income – they write their copy once, and they want to make money every time it is used or sold through the new media.

What about you? Are you creating passive income streams? Are you using the new media to profit? Here is more information to help you create more products and profit from them online:

FREE Ebooks Publishing Tutorial

How To Publish Your Ebook Online

How To Record Your Seminars And Use The Audio As A Product

Create Another Income Stream By Teaching People In Groups

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Your Web Site Is Losing You Clients


Do you know what is happening all over the Internet while you are reading this article? Potential customers visit service professionals’ web sites with a credit card in hand, ready to buy. Then they look around the web site and leave without buying anything.

This is happening on thousands of web sites every single day. Chances are, it is happening on your own web site as well. People are coming to your web site and leaving before they buy anything.

Continue Reading Your Web Site Is Losing You Clients (And How To Stop That)
Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on November 9th, 2007