Internet Lessons From Ron Paul


Have you heard about Ron Paul? He is a presidential candidate, and I have been hearing more and more about him lately.

He is using the Internet to promote his campaign and fund raise, and people notice. This article talks about Ron Paul using YouTube and MySpace, free resources available online. Any business owner can use the same resources to promote themselves.

Even more impressive, he raised $4.2 million in one day, also thanks in big part to Internet fundraising.

And his doing so is getting Ron Paul even more publicity. The Internet buzz helped him raise the money, and now the fact that he raised it is getting him even more publicity. Buzz and publicity bring even more buzz and publicity.

Start generating buzz for your own business! Read my article How To Generate More Word Of Mouth Marketing For Your Business.

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on November 8th, 2007

How To Submit Articles Online


Many people have asked me how to submit articles online. In order to help them I have created Article Submissions How-To Guide, that discusses the step-by-step process for submitting articles online.

But you can only get the Guide if you register for the Article Marketing For Service Professionals Teleseminar Series before 6pm Eastern Time tomorrow, November 8th.

Article marketing is one of the best techniques you can use to attain an expert status. One thing that many experts have in common is writing to promote themselves and their business. When you write articles, your potential clients read your articles and start thinking about you as an expert.

I have designed an Article Marketing Process to help coaches, consultants and other service professionals to become experts. This Process helps you attain an expert status and use it to get more web site traffic, more newsletter subscribers and more clients.

I will be teaching this process during the Article Marketing For Service Professionals Teleseminar Series. Here is what you will learn during this information-packed series:

– How to use article marketing to promote your expertise

– An easy way to write effective articles

– How to use your articles to get more clients

Register for the Teleseminar Series before 6pm tomorrow, November 8th and you will also receive my Article Submissions How-To Guide at no charge.

Learn more about the Article Marketing For Service Professionals Teleseminar Series at

Biana Babinsky

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Promote Your Expertise By Teaching Teleseminars


Have you ever heard the saying, “If you want to learn how to do something really well, teach it to others”? When you teach others, you usually gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the material that you teach.
Teaching a teleseminar in something you know is also a great way to demonstrate your expertise to your potential clients and to convince them to become your one-on-one clients. Teaching teleseminars is an extremely versatile marketing technique. This is because it is very easy to use teaching to promote your expertise both online and offline…

Continue Reading Promote Your Expertise By Teaching Teleseminars

Biana Babinsky

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How To Fill Up Your Local Workshops


In addition to teaching teleseminars over the phone, many coaches and consultants I know also teach local workshops.

A big difference between a local workshop and a teleseminar is that you can have people joining your teleseminar from all over the world. However, only local people or people willing to travel to your location would be able to join you for the workshop.

So how can you get more people to attend your local workshops? I have some ideas for you that you will be able to use:

– Since your workshop is local, promote your workshop locally as much as you can. Use all the tools available to you, newspapers, community centers, libraries.

Start a public relations campaign to get information about you and your workshop into local newspapers.

Optimize your web site for search engines. You can even promote a local event using this method. To do that, make sure you pick keywords that reflect the geographical location of the workshop.

Use your ezine to promote your event. The more local subscribers you have, the better you will be able to promote it.

Ask others to promote your event in exchange for commissions. It is always helpful to have other people helping you market your workshops.

Read more on marketing your workshops and teleseminars:

How To Teach People In Groups

What If Services Clients Can’t Afford Your Rates?

Are You Maximizing Your Teleseminar Profits?

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on November 6th, 2007

What Is In Your Online Marketing Plan?


A few months ago I ran into a solopreneur in a state of total panic. She had started her business four years ago and her main marketing activity (her ONLY marketing activity, in fact) has been advertising the business on a particular web site. The web site was popular and was bringing her about 90% of her clients. Now the web site was closing and the solopreneur was panicking because she had no other reliable source that will bring her customers…..

Continue Reading Solopreneurs, What Is In Your Marketing Plan?

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on November 5th, 2007

Get Clients By Being Authentic


Many coaches have told me that they want to be authentic when marketing their coaching business online. One of the best ways to do that is by creating a blog and using it to promote your business. Learn more about how to make your authentic self shine through and get clients in this article:
Read Get Clients With Your Blog By Being Authentic Article

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on November 3rd, 2007

Make Your Web Site Visitors Buy!


Why are you trying to get people to come to your web site? Obviously you want them to come to your web site and take some kind of action – you want them to subscribe to your newsletter, buy your products or contact you about your services.

But what if people come to your web site, but they are not taking any action? No one is buying, they just leave your web site?

Click Here To Read My Article On How To Make Your Web Site Visitors BUY

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on November 1st, 2007

Article Marketing For Coaches, Consultants And Other Service Pros


About two weeks ago we had what seemed to be the last really warm day of the season and decided to go to the lake. Going to the lake is one of my favorite outdoor activities when it’s not too cold.

The walk around the lake was gorgeous. The usual blue lake and blue sky were additionally enhanced with trees with bright red and yellow leaves. Some of the leaves were falling down, but the ones still in the trees were contrasting very nicely with the blue color of the water.

That day we also met some friends for lunch. The conversation around the table turned to the gorgeous weather we were having that day, and how soon this nice weather is going to give way to cold and snow. If winter is coming to your area soon and you want to market more online and less in person, start learning about article marketing and how to use it to get leads and clients for your business!

Article marketing is a great marketing technique that you can use to get clients from the comfort of your office. There are three steps to doing article marketing:

– Write An Article. You do need to write an article in order to start using article marketing. The most effective articles are the ones that are of interest to your target market.

– Create A Resource Box For Each Article. A resource box is what comes right after the article; the 2-4 sentences that include your bio and a link back to your business web site.

– Submit Your Article To Article Directories. To get as much exposure for your article as possible, you need to submit your article to many article directories.

For more information on Article Marketing, join me for the Article Marketing For Service Professionals Teleseminar Series,

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on October 31st, 2007

Coaches, Does Your Web Site Do ALL Of This?


I teach coaches how to use their web site to get coaching clients. Every time I have a new client, we discuss what the client’s web site does and does not do. And almost every time we find out that the web site does not do lots of things that it should.

In order to have a web site that works for you, a web site that generates coaching leads and clients for you every day, you must have a professional and customizable web site. Here are just some of the things you need to be able to do on your web site:

– You need to be able to have many pages on your web site

– You need to be able to add a newsletter list to the web site.

– You need to be able to optimize individual web pages for search engines

– You need to be able to add articles to the web site

– You need to be able to add a blog to the web site

I strongly recommend that before doing anything about creating a web site you sit down and create a list of goals you need your web site to achieve. Write out the goals first, then start making decisions about the web site builder, the web site itself, etc.

You need to be able to use your web site to generate coaching clients for your coaching business. But first you need to create a web site plan to get your web site right the very first time you try to create it.

Join my online business mentoring program at to learn more about web sites and how to use them to generate coaching clients.

Biana Babinsky

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Define Your Target Market


Many coaches, consultants and other service professionals have told me that they work with everybody. They feel that the easiest way to market is to market to everyone. If they define a target market, they told me, it will become much harder to market and get clients.

The truth is exactly the opposite. When you define a target market, it actually becomes easier to market your business. This is because when you have a target market and market to a specific group of people you are going to market to fewer people, but get many more clients. Let’s look at how to make your marketing easier by defining your target market:

Click Here To Continue Reading Make Marketing Easier – Define Your Target Market Article

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on October 30th, 2007