Password Protection For Ebook


Should you password protect an ebook that you are selling? I usually recommend to my clients to convert their ebooks to PDF, but not use password protection on them. Passwords can get lost, and they can inconvenience your customers. Also, I am not sure what program(s) you would use for the password protection, but e-book creation/protection packages require customers download and use that particular software, and that artificially decreases the size of your market to people who would actually be willing to do this.

Instead of password protection, here is what I recommend:

Convert your e-book to PDF.

Create an affiliate program for the e-book. People who know that they can earn money by using their affiliate link will use the affiliate link, instead of sharing the e-book free.

Add your resources and links to the e-book. This way the buyer, or even someone who does get the e-book from the buyer, will be able to visit your web site, buy your other products, subscribe to your newsletter, etc.

Learn more about creating and selling your ebooks in the Complete Step By Step Information Products Guide.

Biana Babinsky

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Where Do You Meet Your Clients?


Where do you find your clients? Over 95% of my clients find me online, and many of them find me through online networking.

Online networking is networking through online forums, newgroups, mailing lists and organizations. Online networking takes time – just being a member of a forum or a newsgroup is NOT ENOUGH to get clients. You need to use online networking effectively, particpate on a regular basis and get known for your expertise, before you are able to generate clients from online networking.

At the upcoming Online Business Networking Event you will be able to learn how to network online effectively and then APPLY your knowledge to create partnerships and get clients.

The event is FREE to attend, so register for it now at

Biana Babinsky

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How To Price Your Ebooks


After you have finished your ebook, created a sales letter and mapped out a marketing campaign for promoting it, there is one more decision that needs to be made. You need to price this ebook.

Your sales do depend on your price. If you under price your product, your potential customers will be suspicious since you are offering a deal that seems too good to be true. If you overprice your product, you will not get any sales.

There are many factors that go into pricing of your product:

The purpose of the product

The topic of the product – very specialized or very general

Market and competition research

and much, much more.

This week we are discussing different product pricing strategies at I have answered members questions about when to give products away at no charge, and when to charge for them and I shared my own pricing strategies.

Get immediate access to pricing information (and much, much more) at

Biana Babinsky

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Products To Create Passive Income Streams


Someone asked which products to use to create passive income streams. I teach business owners how to create passive income streams, and my recommendation is to create your own products. Yes, it will take longer than selling someone else’s, but it will help you create your own brand, use your own expertise and create reliable income streams for years to come.

The products I recommend to create are usually e-books, audio recordings, reports, etc – they are digital products that you can sell using your own computer. You don’t need to have an inventory – you just need a copy of your work on your computer.

To find topics for your products, I recommend looking to your expertise or to something that you love to do and to see if you can find a target market that you can help. Survey your target market to see what kind of information and products they are interested in buying – after all, if there is no demand, there is no point to create a product to meet this demand. Once you find out what your target market needs, you can consider creating products around that.

Biana Babinsky

To learn more about creating products and passive income streams, get the Complete Step By Step Information Products Guide

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Special Price On Information Products Guide Ends Tomorrow


There just two more days left to get the Complete Step By Step Information Products Guide at the special price of $37.

– Do you want too make more money and work flexible hours?

– Do you want to use your products to promote you and your business?

– Do you want to help thousands of people with your expertise?

My own multiple streams of income have enabled me to work fewer and very flexible hours, help more people and get more customers. But things weren’t always like this.

Back in the 1990’s I started doing web site design and marketing consulting because I wanted to run my own business, be my own boss, and have more flexible hours. Instead, I worked very long hours, worked almost every weekend, and had absolutely no free time. After a while I was exhausted, and was considering not having my own business at all.

Eventually I restructured my business. I decided that I wanted to work flexible hours, take weekends off, be able to go on vacation and have lots of time to spend with family and friends.

I realized that the only way I could have a profitable business and still enjoy flexible hours and quality of life was by creating multiple streams of income.

The best thing about multiple streams of income is that they can earn you money while you are not working. Imagine checking your e-mail in the morning and seeing orders that came overnight, while you were sleeping. Imagine being on vacation and getting a phone message from your assistant telling you that you sold $900 worth of your products while you were at the beach. All of this is possible if you have multiple streams of income.

My Complete Step By Step Information Products Guide teaches you how to create multiple streams of income.

Here Is What You Will Learn In The Complete Step By Step Information Products Guide:

– The very first step you must take to start creating multiple streams of income

The sure way to find the most profitable product ideas. It is much easier than you think

– The nuts and bolts of how creating products can help you make money while you are spending time with your family

– The sure way to find the people who want, need and can afford your products and to get them to your web site

– Advice on using online marketing techniques to drive more web site traffic to your products

and much more. See information on what you will learn in
the Guide here:

Special Bonus

When you buy this Guide, I want you to get results. I want you to create products, get online customers to buy them and have the quality of life you deserve.

Therefore, I am giving you a chance to ask questions about everything you learn in this guide. For three months you can ask questions about creating your products and using online marketing to promote them at, the online business community.

You can ask me, the author of this guide, as many questions as you would like, and I will answer every single one of them.

Get Complete Step By Step Information Products Guide Now.

Warning: The $37 Price For The Complete Step By Step Information Products Guide Expires At 11pm Eastern Time on October 31st

My consulting and coaching rates start at $150/hour. If I were to teach all the information in this course to a coaching student, it would take at least 10 sessions, and cost fifteen hundred dollars.

The Complete Step by Step Information Products Guide contains information that I have collected and perfected in the last nine years of marketing online. Right now I am charging just $37 for the Guide, but the price will go up in less then two days. Act now
to get the Guide and bonus at this ridiculously low price of just $37!

Buy The Complete Step By Step Information Products Guide Now

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How To Use Your Newsletter To Sell Books


If you have a newsletter list with subscribers who are part of your target market, you should use it to sell your books. But how do you do that?
Sending a monthly message to your newsletter saying “Buy My Great Book!” is a waste of time, as more and more people will unsubscribe.

But, writing articles that highlight issues that your target market experiences, offering solutions to those issues, and tying the book to the solutions will results in more book sales every month.

Having X number of people on your newsletter list does not mean that all of them will run out and buy your book as soon as they hear about it. But keeping in touch with them, and showing them how the book can help them, while providing them with helpful information will help you get those sales.

Also, more and more people subscribe to the newsletter every month, thus giving the author the ability to share the information about the book with more and more people.

Many of the new people who have never heard of your book will not buy it immediately, but by keeping in touch with them through your newsletter you will get more and more of them to buy the book over time.

Your newsletter is also a great tool to sell other products that you might want to create (reports, seminars, teleseminars, audio, etc). This is something that I recommend to
my clients every single day.

Learn more about making money with your own ebooks, reports and teleseminars in the Complete Step By Step Information Products Guide.

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on October 20th, 2006

Is There A Guaranteed Way To Increase Web Site Traffic?


There are no guarantees in online marketing, but by investing.time into your online marketing strategy, you can start getting more traffic to your web site. Here are a few things I recommend doing:

Search engine optimization. Create effective content for your web site and make sure that your content includes keywords that people use to search for your products/services. Once you find keywords that you can use, weave them into the tags as well as web site text.

Article marketing. Write articles on the subject of your expertise and submit them to article directories. Don’t forget to create an effective Resource Box for every article, and include a reason for the article reader to click on the link to your web site.

Article marketing helps to introduce your expertise to people who would have never known about you otherwise, and it helps you gain more links (and more traffic) to
your web site.

Business blogging is another great way to bring in web site traffic. Start a blog and make sure you update it on a regular basis. Make sure you list your blog in Blog Directories, Technorati, etc, so that potential customers can find your blog, subscribe to it and read it on a regular basis.

There are dozens of articles on search engine optimization, article marketing, blogging and more, they should help you learn more about getting web site traffic.

And for step-by-step instructions on getting more web site traffic and promoting your coaching business online, use the FREE Tutorial, How To Market Your Coaching Business.

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on October 18th, 2006

US Reaches 300 Million People – What’s In It For Your Business?


If you follow the news, you have probably heard that the US population reached 300 million yesterday. The population increase means increased demand for products and services, which is good news for business owners. More people living in the country translates into increased demand for everything from soap to gifts to jewelry to coaching services.

More people also means more crowded stores and more traffic. A few weeks ago I spent two hours going 4 miles. The experience was anything but fun.

It should not come as a surprise that more and more people prefer to shop online instead of spending the time in traffic or in overcrowded mega malls. As an online business owner, make sure that you are able to capture this increased demand and translate it into more sales from your web site.

Want to tap into the HUGE market, who is shopping more and more online? My Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course teaches you how to drive more customers to your web site and sell more products online.

Biana Babinsky

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Womens Marketing Telesummit


Hi, everyone

I am going to be one of the speakers at the Womens Marketing Telesummit and would love to have you join me there! Here are just the few things that you will discover:

– Dozens of ways to grow your business without spending a fortune

– How to find your perfect clients so that your business thrives for years to come

– The no-nonsense scoop on exactly what you need to do to get more customers; we’ll give it to you step-by-step and cut through the jargon and information overload

– Easy ways to increase your productivity (and profits) – how you can get more done in less time, and make more money

– Money for nothing – how to create a number of passive income streams that bring you money while you sleepAnd much, much more! Click here to see what you will learn.

Plus, you will be enterered to win lots of great prizes, including a one year membership to my, the online coaching web site for solopreneurs.

Click Here To Learn More About Womens Marketing Telesummit

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How To Help More People


How many people do you want to help? Many of my clients say they want to help thousands or even millions of people. This is a very noble goal, but it is very hard to achieve if all you offer are one-on-one services.

Read the rest of my article, How To Help More People to learn how you can use your expertise to help many more people then you ever thought was possible.

Subscribe to the Free Effective Online Marketing Newsletter to receive future articles in your e-mail box.

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on October 17th, 2006