Making Recommendations


From the comments on the Passive Income Streams: Affiliate Revenue Post:

marketing Says: Some people have told me that when recommend a product with an affiliate link, it takes something from the recommendation. It’s like you are recommending it to earn money, instead of recommending it to benefit the recommendee. Thoughts?

Biana Babinsky Says: Yes, I have heard this argument. I think if you have used the product, and can recommend it, you can use your affiliate link to do so. After all, you are putting yourself/your business on the line, when you recommend something.

If it still bothers you, you can always offer a regular link to your product, as well as the affiliate link. I have seen this done on a few lists, and it seems to work well. Then it is up to the person asking for the recommendation which link to use.

What do YOU think?

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Marketing Lessons from Da Vinci Code


For the past few days or so, I have been hearing an awful lot about the upcoming Da Vinci Code movie, directed by Ron Howard and starring Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou. I don’t think I have seen a single commercial for the movie (meaning it has been paid for), but I have heard about it on TV shows, read about it in magazines and online. All of this publicity is free, publicity that money can’t buy.

This is a controversial movie, so not all of the publicity has been positive. I have read reports on people protesting and boycotting the movie, because of what it is about. Media likes controversial topics, this is definitely one of the reasons the movie is getting so much publicity.

Have you used something controversial about your business to get media coverage / publicity?

Biana Babinsky

Biana Babinsky teaches online business owners and solopreneurs how to promote their business online, get more clients, and make more money. Get her Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course to learn all about promoting your business online.

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How To Create Passive Income Stream Pyramid


So, what is in your marketing funnel? Many coaches, consultants, and solopreneurs I have met have two items in their funnel – a free newsletter or ezine (or a free consultation) and a paid coaching / consulting session for hundreds of dollars.

A jump from free to $300/hour is HUGE, and many people are not ready for it. This means that you are not going to be able to make money from a vast majority of people who contact you, because they are not ready to pay your one on one fees.

So is there other way? Can you help people who are not ready to pay your hourly fees, and still make money? My answer is a resounding YES.

To do that, you need to create a Create Passive Income Stream Pyramid. This pyramid will have more then just a freebie and consulting / coaching sessions. It will include lots of other products in-between, such as group coaching, workshops, ebooks, audio recordings and more.

I have created a special Passive Income Stream Pyramid Worksheet for members of Join for just $9.97 and grab a copy of Passive Income Stream Pyramid Worksheet

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Use Online Networking to Generate Win-Win Situations


Do you use online networking? Has it brought more business for you? Here are just some things that online networking has helped me with:

– Client referrals back and forth. When you network with people, and get to know them, you build trust. Once you know each other well, you start feeling comfortable referring
people to each other. This is a great win-win situation for both.

– I have been invited to do interviews and teleseminars due to networking. I was just interviewed about online marketing, and I am in talks with other business owners to do more seminars, all thanks to networking.

– Getting first dibs on cool new products, information, programs, etc. When people release new products, they let others they know in on it first. By building networking relationships you get to find out about others’ great new products (and opportunities to make money with these products) first, thus giving you marketplace advantage.

Online networking is a great way to generate leads and clients for your business. Want to learn how to do that? Join me for the Earn More Money by Creating Win-Win Situations Online Teleseminar, for just $1.

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How To Set Up A Blog


What do you think – should your blog be on the same domain as the rest of your company? Should it be on a completely different domain?

I have seen blogs done both ways, and there are pluses and minuses to both approaches.

For example, if you put a blog on an existing domain, it will start getting traffic immediately because the domain is getting traffic.

With a separate domain you will have to work on driving more traffic to this new domain, BUT having two separate domains may safe guard from search engine fluctuations in the long run.

I recommend concentrating on getting a good blogging platform (I recommend WordPress), blogging on a regular basis and creating useful, search engines optimized posts. This will help you get blog traffic in the long run.

For more information on promoting your blog and optimizing it for search engines, get my 5 Steps to Success With Business Blogging Special Report

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New Affiliate Tool To Be Released Tomorrow


Hi, everyone

Tomorrow I will be releasing a new tool for my affiliates to help them earn more money with all of my products. It will help my affiliates earn money month, after month, after month with every referral!

Want in on this new tool? Just sign up for the Avocado Consulting Affiliate Program, and wait for tomorrow’s e-mail!

Biana Babinsky

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I am re-launching to help solopreneurs and business owners learn how to market their businesses online, get more online clients and build powerful partnerships to reach out to more potential clients.
Here is what members of the NEW get:

  • How-To Guides and Worksheets. How-to guides and worksheets help you zero in on specific concepts, and learn how to use them effectively. How-to guides on article marketing, search engine optimization and more are already available.
  • Business Audio Recordings. Learn online business concepts by listening to business audio recordings. Recordings on search engine optimization, online networking, creating an online marketing system and more are already available.
  • Masterminding and Partnership Building. The best way to grow a business is to think together, share ideas, and receive input from other members. You are able to network and interact with other online professionals and create win-win partnerships together.
  • Marketing Mentoring and Support Directly From Biana Babinsky. I do not hold back and I tell you what worked, what didn’t, and how you can use my experiences to accelerate your own marketing efforts. I answer ALL of your questions in the members-only part of the web site.
  • Expert Teleclasses. Learn online business and marketing, PR, search engine optimization, newsletter publishing, article writing and much more directly from experts. Non-members pay $17-$27 just to attend each class, but they are free to attend to you, as a member.
  • Discounts on Products and Consulting. Get 20% off all of my e-books and special reports, including my popular Online Marketing Course and SEO Special Report. You will also get 20% off marketing consulting and mentoring.

You will get all of this for just $9.97/month.

Join Now and Start Taking Advantage of The Offerings

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Earn More By Marketing Together


It is amazing how much more you can accomplish by teaming up with other business owners to help each other market. Here are just a few ways to do that:

Affiliate marketing – recommend each other’s products to your blog readers and newsletter subscribers. Affiliate marketing is a gold mine when it comes to selling your products – make sure you utilize it in your business.

Referral programs – use these programs to refer clients to non-competing business owners, and get clients referred to you.

Bonus donations – do you need bonuses to give away with your upcoming e-book? Don’t spend the time on creating your bonuses in addition to e-book. Instead, ask others to contribute bonuses. This will save you time, and provide the additional
exposure for them – win-win situation.

There are many more ways to market together, and I will be discussing them during the Earn More Money Through Partnerships Teleseminar.

Register for the teleseminar at for just $1.

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Free Online Marketing Teleseminar Tomorrow


I am very excited about the teleseminar tomorrow! I will be talking with the Client Attraction Coach Leni Chauvin about making you and your business irresistable to your potential customers. Learn how to get more people to your web site, how to attract more newsletter subscribers and get more online sales.

Register absolutely free at

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Brand Yourself First


What are your methods for shortening long affiliate URLs in e-mail and on message boards?

I always encourage my clients to Brand Themselves First, whenever they are online. Therefore, when they need to shorten a URL, I teach them how to do that using their own web sites.

There are lots of ways to do that. There are some more techy ways, such as using different PHP scripts, or .htaccess file. You can also use redirects in your HTML files to redirect a shorter URL to a longer one.

I want to emphasize that you should try to use your own domain for redirecting if you can. This will give you yet another time to brand yourself and your domain.

For example, here is one of my redirect links:
(it links to Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course)

Biana Babinsky

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on May 6th, 2006