Many coaches, consultants and other solopreneurs that I know miss out on a very important income stream – earning money from affiliate programs. Quite a few people told me (and I agree with this) that they are in business to promote their business and their products, not someone else’s products, even if they get paid for every sale.
You are, of course, in business for yourself, so a lot of your time should be spend on promoting your brand, your business, your products and services. However, there are times when you are talking about, recommending, or even blogging about someone else’s products. And that would be a perfect time to use their affiliate program to earn affiliate revenue.
In the past few weeks I witnessed dozens of business owners blogging, e-mailing and recommending products, all without using their affiliate links. Here are just some of those situations:
– Recommending a Product on a Blog/Mailing List. If someone asks for a product recommendation, and you know of a product that they need, and can personally recommend it, why not recommend it with an affiliate link?
If you have a book to recommend, has an affiliate program that helps you link to any book on their web site – great option, and you earn money recommending books that you love.
– Cross Promotions And Join Ventures. Many of you participate in join ventures and cross promotions with other business owners. If you are recommending someone else’s web site or product, make sure you use their affiliate link to link to them. This way you will earn money for every sale without any extra efforts on your part, since you are already participating in the cross promotion.
– Using Other People’s Articles. Many business owners I know re-print articles from others’ web sites. If you re-print articles, check to see if the author allows you to replace a link in the Resource Box with your affiliate link, thus earning you money.
I encourage my affiliates to re-print my articles with their affiliate links, as this is a great way for my affiliates to earn more money.
Curious about earning more money with affiliate programs? Join Avocado Consulting Affiliate Program and check it out for yourself.