Do You Offer Free Gifts?


Many business owners selling informational products give away free gifts, or bonuses with purchase. These bonuses are intended to raise the value of the whole package that the customer receives. They are also intended to make the purchase (and the informational products) more attractive to the customer.

How do you make a bonus, or a free gift, attractive to your customers? Here are our recommendations:

– Make your bonus valuable. If everyone else is giving the same product away, chances are the customer already has it, and will not find it that great. Giving away something not given out by other web sites makes you stand out.

– Make a bonus relevant to the product you are selling. “The World’s Tastiest Cookies” cookbook is not a great bonus gift with purchase of ebook on construction. However, it is a great bonus gift with purchase of a stand mixer.

– Ask other business owners to contribute bonuses. Other business owners might want to give something away, so why not take them up on their offers? Sometimes they might even include your affiliate link with their bonus report, thus creating another revenue stream for you.

And here is a bonus gift for you: Top 5 Ways to Increase Your Online Sales Special Report, absolutely free.

Biana Babinsky

Biana Babinsky is the online business coach and expert. She teaches coaches, consultants and other solopreneurs how to promote their businesses, create multiple streams of income and make more money online. Get her Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course, to learn how to get more customers online.

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Search Engine Optimization Teleseminar Tomorrow


Hi, everyone

Many online business owners have told me exactly the same thing – they have created a web site on their own (or paid someone to create a web site for them), the web site has been online for a while, but the web site is not generating any sales.

After 1, 3, or even 5 years online, business owners keep paying for web site hosting and maintenance, but they are not making any money with the web site.

If you don’t have web site traffic, spending money on web site design, hosting and maintenance is a complete waste of money. A web site without traffic is like a store that no one goes to – if no one comes through the doors, no one is buying.

The only way to get sales and make money with your web site is if you have good, targeted traffic coming to your web site every day.

You can get target traffic to your web site by doing search engine optimization. Search engine traffic is great – it is f_r_e_e, and if you know how to drive it to your web site, you can get it to your web site every single day.

Tomorrow I will discussing the steps you need to take to get f_r_e_e search engine traffic to your web site. Here is what you will learn:

– How search engines work, explained in plain English

– Why choosing the right keywords is extremely important for your business, and what tools to use to find these keywords

– How to find your current search engine rankings, and how to improve them

– You might already have the perfect keywords for your web site – and I will tell you where to find them

– Which elements of your web site might be working against getting better search engine rankings, and how to fix them

– How link exchanges can help you get better search engine rankings

– Why writing articles is the best thing you can do to get more search engine traffic

and much more.

Register now at

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How To Get More Traffic To Your Web Site


Hi everyone,

Do you know how to drive more traffic to your web site?

If you want to increase your newsletter subscribers, get more people buying your products and asking about your services, you need to increase your web site traffic.

If you get 1 sale for every 100 people who visit your web site and you get about 300 visitors a day, you get about 3 sales a day.

If you just increase the number of your daily visitors to 1,000, now you can get about 10 sales a day.

Will seven more sales a day increase your bottom line? How about 17 more sales? Or 57?

As you can see, the best way to increase your web site sales is to increase your web site traffic.

Here are my three favorite ways to get more web site traffic:

– Type Of Traffic: Free search engine traffic.
How To Get It: By performing search engine optimization.
How To Do It: Search engine optimization is the process of modifying web page content and meta-information to improve the search engine ranking of the page. Meta-information includes certain HTML tags (title, heading, emphasized text, keyword and description meta-tags), as well as the internal (links between pages on the same
site) and external (links between pages on different sites) link structure of a web site.

– Type Of Traffic: Free traffic from other web sites and blogs.
How To Get It: By writing and publishing articles.
How To Do It: When you write and publish your articles, other web site owners pick them up and publish them on their web sites and blogs, while giving you a link back to your web site. Free traffic comes to you via those links.

– Type Of Traffic: Free blog traffic.
How To Get It: By blogging.
How To Do It: A business blog is an excellent tool to toot your own horn, let the world know about your business, as well as your services, and tell your target customers why they should do business with you, rather than your competitor. Your blog can be listed in various blogging directories and optimized for search engines, thus bringing you more traffic.

Biana Babinsky

Biana Babinsky is the online business coach and expert. She teaches coaches, consultants and other solopreneurs how to promote their businesses, create multiple streams of income and make more money online. Get her Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course, to learn how to get more customers online.

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One Thing That You Need to Operate Your Online Business


One thing that you cannot operate your online business without is web site traffic. Without traffic nothing is happening on your web site – no one is order your products, no one is asking about your services. Your business cannot survive without web site traffic.

Having web site traffic for an online business is the same as having foot traffic for a brick and mortar business. This traffic is the most important thing that your business needs to survive.

However, not all web site traffic is the same. The best traffic is targeted web site traffic, traffic that is searching for the products and services that you are offering.

For example, the best kind of traffic for a web site owned by a Virtual Assistant are people interested in hiring a virtual assistant. The best traffic for someone looking for business coaching clients are business owners, looking to improve their business ROI.

However, if you flip the traffic, and send the traffic of people interested in hiring a Virtual Assistant to the coach’s web site, and the traffic of people needing a coach to the Virtual Assistant’s web site, nothing will happen. People will not find what they need on the web sites they visited, and they will leave without doing business with the web site owner.

So how can YOU get targeted web site traffic of people who want to buy your products and services to your web site? Here are three steps to help you do that:

1. Define your target market. Make sure you know exactly who you want to come to your web site. If you don’t know who you want to attract to your web site, you can’t attract them.

2. Create a plan – put together an online marketing plan for your business. Put in the marketing techniques you will need to use to attract web site traffic – search engine optimization, newsletter publishing, business blogging, etc.

3. Put your plan into action. Your plan will not do you any good unless you start APPLYING it to your business. Learn how to use online marketing techniques and how to get more web site traffic using them.

Biana Babinsky

Biana Babinsky is the online business coach and expert. She teaches coaches, consultants and other solopreneurs how to promote their businesses, create multiple streams of income and make more money online. Get her Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course, to learn how to get more customers online.

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Having Trouble Getting Links to Your Web Site?


Having trouble getting links and reciprocal links to your web site?

I am sure you know that having links from other quality web sites to your web site is good. There are several reasons for this:

– When someone links to your web site, the visitors of that web site can click on the link and visit your web site. These are bonus visitors, as they would have never found about about your web site, if it weren’t for that link.

– You are building a brand. The more people link to you, the more people will know who you are, and what your business is.

– Search engines love links; some of them measure your web site’s popularity based on how many links you have going to your web site. More links to your web site means your web site is more popular, and, thus, it gets better search engine rankings.

As you can see, having links to your web site is very advantageous to your and your business. I have many different blogs and web sites linking to me (many are linking without me having to ask!), and I will be sharing my tips and secrets on getting those links during the How To Use Search Engine Optimization To Make More Money Teleseminar.

Join me and learn how to get hundreds of links to YOUR web site.

Biana Babinsky

P.S. Links to your web site mean MORE newsletter subscribers and more clients. Learn how to get links to your web site without too much effort during my How To Use Search Engine Optimization To Make More Money Teleseminar

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Are You Losing Clients?


ARE YOU LOSING CLIENTS every single day because your web site is not ranking well in search engines?

Research shows that many people use search engines to do research and make buying decisions. This means that your target customers are using search engines to search
for YOUR products and services EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Are these people able to find you? Or are they finding your competitors’ web sites, because your competitors have better search engine rankings?

Join me on April 28th, when I discuss how I get search engine traffic to my own web site, and how you can use my ideas to drive traffic to yours. Learn how to drive your perfect customers from search engines directly to your web site.

Register for How To Use SEO To Make More Money Teleseminar Now

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How To Pick Keywords to Optimize Your Web Site


In search engine optimization, Keywords are words or phrases users provide to search engines to locate information. Search engines examine page content to determine whether a specific page is relevant for a particular search word or phrase. Thus, effective keyword selection is one of the cornerstones of search engine optimization.

Each keyword is characterized by supply (number of search engine result pages) and demand (number of searches). The easiest way to improve search engine rank is to select keywords that have favorable supply-demand characteristics; that is, ones with a relatively high demand and a relatively low supply. It is much more difficult to improve the search engine position of a page on a high supply, competitive keyword.

Good keywords must be relevant to your product line, as well as your line of business. A #1 rank for “navy widgets” is worthless if you sell taupe widgets exclusively. A potential customer will find your page, quickly discover that you don’t sell any navy widgets, and promptly go elsewhere. In effect, the conversion rate for irrelevant search engine hits is very close to zero.

For more information on picking the right keywords to optimize your web site, and for doing search engine optimization, take a look at this FREE Tutorial: FREE Search Engine Optimization Tutorial

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Do You Need a Life Coach?


Hi, everyone

Life coaching and coaches have been featured on the “Today” show today. Take a look at this article for more information: Put me in (life) coach! Tips for seeking counsel.

Learn what coaching is, why you might need a coach, and see if coaching is for you.

Biana Babinsky

Biana Babinsky is the online business coach and expert. She teaches coaches, consultants and other solopreneurs how to promote their businesses, create multiple streams of income and make more money online. Get her Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course, to learn how to get more customers online.

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Who Is Your Target Market?


Your target audience are the people who are most likely to buy from you. They are the people who need your products/services, want your products/services and can afford your products/services.
When I network with business owners, I make a point of asking who their target audience is, so that I can refer interested customers their way. Many times the business owners says that everyone is in their target audience.

Even if everyone may buy your products, you should narrow your target audience. When you target to everyone, you target to noone. When you have a focused audience(women over 40, men looking to leave a corporate job, business owners with online businesses, etc), you can focus your marketing efforts, only spend time on speaking with people who are interested in your produts, and sell more at the end.

The more you define your target market, the more focused your marketing and networking becomes, and the more sales you will be able to close.

You can learn much more about choosing the right target market in my Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course

Biana Babinsky

Biana Babinsky is the online business coach and expert. She teaches coaches, consultants and other solopreneurs how to promote their businesses, create multiple streams of income and make more money online. Get her Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course, to learn how to get more customers online.

Biana Babinsky

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How To Increase The Number of Newsletter Subscribers


Many of you have asked how to get more subscribers for your newsletter. Here are some of the things I use to get more newsletter subscribers:

Article Publishing. Publishing articles with Resource Box linking back to your newsletter page encourages your article readers to subscribe to your newsletter.

Search Engine Optimization. More search engine traffic to your web site means more people come to your web site, and are able to subscribe to your newsletter.

Create more awareness for your newsletter. Mention your newsletter everywhere. Mention it during your events, offer a subscription on your blog, ask your current subscribers to forward it to others who might be interested, ask people to subscribe on every page of your web site. The more you mention your newsletter, the more subscribers you will get.

Jessica Albon, a newsletter consultant, has shared many great ways to get newsletter subscribers during a teleseminar she gave at You may pick up the recording here: How to Add Hundreds of Subscribers to Your Newsletter.

Biana Babinsky
Increase Your Newsletter Subscriber Base – get the How to Add Hundreds of Subscribers to Your Newsletter Recording

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