Should You Use Online Advertising on Your Web Sites?
When online business owners want to monetize their web sites, many turn to online advertising – AdSense, affiliate programs, etc. But when should you use ads on your web site and when should you stay away from them?
I recommend using minimal ads (if at all) on your company web site, you are already monetizing it by promoting your own business.
However, I would definitely monetize other web sites. For example, if you created an informational web site about purple widgets, why not monetize it with AdSense and per action ads? You can find affiliate programs that sell purple widgets and sell them on this site, and AdSense will also advertise purple widgets on the ads you put on the site. Just make sure you match what you are advertising to the topic of the web site.
Biana Babinsky
Biana Babinsky is the online business coach, who helps business owners gain more clients and make more money online. Get her Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course to learn how to promote your business effectively
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