Should You Use Online Advertising on Your Web Sites?


When online business owners want to monetize their web sites, many turn to online advertising – AdSense, affiliate programs, etc. But when should you use ads on your web site and when should you stay away from them?

I recommend using minimal ads (if at all) on your company web site, you are already monetizing it by promoting your own business.

However, I would definitely monetize other web sites. For example, if you created an informational web site about purple widgets, why not monetize it with AdSense and per action ads? You can find affiliate programs that sell purple widgets and sell them on this site, and AdSense will also advertise purple widgets on the ads you put on the site. Just make sure you match what you are advertising to the topic of the web site.

Biana Babinsky

Biana Babinsky is the online business coach, who helps business owners gain more clients and make more money online. Get her Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course to learn how to promote your business effectively

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Reach Your Hot and Warm Prospects by Using Online Marketing


What do you do when someone is ready to buy your products? How about when they want to think about it? Or want to buy at a later date?

There are people who need something now, and they are willing to pay for it. There are people who are just doing preliminary research, and might buy at a later date. There are people who can’t afford your products or services. There are people who plain don’t want them right now.

The best thing to do is to concentrate on selling to #1 (your very hot prospects), and follow up through your newsletter with the warm/lukewarm prospects.

It takes at least 7 contacts for people to buy something from you; therefore, when you see that a prospect is not ready to buy, invite them to subscribe to your newsletter. Each newsletter issue they read serves as a contact.

Biana Babinsky

Biana Babinsky is the online business coach, who helps business owners gain more clients and make more money online. Subscribe to her Effective Online Marketing Newsletter to receive weekly online business tips and articles in your mailbox

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What Kind of Learner Are You?


Different people learn differently. How do YOU learn best? Do you learn best when reading a book or an e-book? Maybe you learn best when hearing the information during a teleclass or by listening to an audio. Maybe you learn best by asking questions and getting answers to them?

At, the online community for solopreneurs I have put together different ways for you learn:

Learn by reading print materials by reading my Online Marketing Lessons.

Learn through audio, by joining the teleclasses and getting the recordings.

Ask questions at the members-only forum, and get answers directly from me, Biana Babinsky.

Get information in different formats, so that you can learn and make more money with your business.

Join now at

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Article Marketing for Profits Teleseminar Tomorrow


Reminder: “Article Marketing for Profits” Teleseminar takes place tomorrow, March 23rd at 2pm Eastern.

Are you a coach, consultant, solopreneur or online business owner, who wants to:

– Get better known and promote your expertise online, so that clients would find YOU?

Sell more products and services online?

– Get a stream of target customers, signing up for your newsletter every day?

Join me, Biana Babinsky, the online business expert, consultant and author, as I discuss how to turn your knowledge into articles and your articles into profits. My articles have helped me get known online, get more newsletter subscribers and sell more products online. I will be sharing all the secrets I have discovered during this teleseminar.

Here is what you learn during this information-packed teleseminar:

  • How to turn your knowledge into articles, that will bring target customers to your web site
  • How to write articles that promote your expertise, but don’t sound sales-y
  • One mistake that business owners make, that results in losing online sales, and how to avoid it
  • How to create a powerful resource box, that promotes your business over and over again
  • How article writing helps you get better search engine rankings

Learn more and register now at Article Marketing for Profits Teleseminar

Biana Babinsky

P.S. Can’t join us tomorrow? Register for the Article Marketing for Profits Teleseminar, and you will get the audio recording of the teleseminar on March 24th.

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Promoting Informational Products vs Physical Products


When you are selling services or informational products online, you are selling yourself as a brand. Then it is important that your potential customers know that you are an expert, and trust your expertise.

However, it is very different when you are selling physical products. We don’t really care that the online bookstore owner is a book expert. What we DO care about is that his price is competitive, and the connection we use to pay him is secure. We don’t necessarily need to have a long relationship with him either.

When you need a service professional (dentist/doctor/accountant), you ask for recommendations, look around and at the end go to someone you could trust, someone you could have a long term business relationship with. However, when you need to buy groceries, you are not looking for recommendations for grocery store owners. You find the one closer to you, or the one that has better selection.

The same thing happens online. When someone needs a certain book, a computer or underwear, they search for these items online. And when they search, they use search engines. That is why it is important for your business to be able to come up in search engines on good keywords – many customers use search engines to do research and actually make a purchase.

Physical products are huge in the online market – wherever you look, there is an online store selling goods that need to be shipped. Many big names, as well as Mom and Pop stores are selling products online.

How do they sell them? Through many different strategies – search engine optimization, pay per click, affiliate marketing(which is becoming huge for selling physical goods), newsletters, email campaigns, etc.

Biana Babinsky

Biana Babinsky teaches online business owners how to get more clients, create passive income streams and make more money online. Get her Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course to learn how to promote your business effectively

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Are You Publishing Articles Yet?


Hi, everyone

As you have read many times on this blog, publishing articles a great way to promote your business online. When you publish your articles, you promote your expertise, which means that your article readers are able to read and learn from your articles. When people read your articles, they see that you are an expert in your field, and are more apt to buy from you. You can now publish your articles and promote your expertise at International Practice Business Articles.

When you publish articles, you also get one way links to your web site. These links are in your Resource Box, and they invite the people who are reading your article to visit your web site, and take a look at your products and services. You can now publish your articles and get one way links to your web site at International Practice Business Articles.

One way links to your web site are also great for search engine optimization, because one way links help you improve your web site rankings. You can now publish your articles and improve your search engine positioning at International Practice Business Articles.

Biana Babinsky

P.S. Want to promote your expertise and sell more products and services online? Publish your articles at the Business Articles Directory

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How To Run a Successful Affiliate Program for Your Products


For an affiliate program to be successful, you need to attract affiliates to your product, and you need these affiliates to actually sell your products to make $$ for you and themselves.

Therefore, you have two things you need to do:

– Get affiliates. To do that, market your affiliate program to people who promote products that could be complementary to your products. Use a good sales copy and online marketing techniques (article writing, blogging, search engine optimization, etc) to get people to your affiliate program.

– Support your affiliates. Remember – when your affiliates make money, so do you. Help them make money by supporting them, offering them resources and information.

Biana Babinsky

Biana Babinsky teaches online business owners how to get more clients, create passive income streams and make more money online. Get her Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course to learn how to promote your business effectively

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How To Create Effective Online Content


What is great web site and web page content? Good content is text based, easy to understand, and is well-indexed by search engines.

You have two different, but very important readers for your web site publishing content:

Web Site Visitors. These are your customers, potential customers, colleagues and everything one else who finds your web site, and comes to visit it. These people are looking for interesting content, information about you, your business, your products and services.

Search Engines. Search engines index your web site content in order to send you web site visitors. Your publishing content should make it easy for search engines to send you targeted web site visitors and customers.

Do you have dynamic web content? You can still make it sharp and search engines friendly by following suggestions in our article: How to Create Effective Web Publishing Content

Biana Babinsky

Biana Babinsky teaches online business owners how to get more clients, create passive income streams and make more money online. Get her Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course to learn how to promote your business effectively

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How to Promote Your Business in Pay Per Click Search Engines


Pay per click search engines have been a great source of targeted leads for me and my clients.

Here are a few things to keep in mind if you decide to use pay per click ads to bring in leads and sales for your own business:

– Define what you are looking for – a lead, a sale, etc. Use one ad for just one purpose and one purpose only.

I always recommend to my clients to decide whether they want a lead of a sale from each type of ad they create.

– Target. The more targeted your ad, the better your results.

– Pick good, targeted keywords. Do a lot of research and target your ads.

– Set a budget and stick to it. As you are starting out, you will be testing a lot of different things. No reason to spend a lot of money – spend less money per click, and get more ads.

– Test, test, test. Test different ads, different keywords, etc. Compare and see which ads are more profitable, and model your later ads after the profitable ones.

Biana Babinsky

Want to learn more about using pay per click search engines to promote your business? Join Biana Babinsky, the online business coach, expert and author at, the online community for business owners, and learn how to use pay per click search engines to earn more money for your business.

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Effective Article Marketing


Many of my clients come to me, because they need an inexpensive vehicle to promote their expertise, their product or their business online.

I recommend different methods to do this, and one of them is writing and publishing articles online. Why should you write articles?

– All the experts I know have something in common – they write. Some have published books, others published e-books, yet others have written articles for many prestigious publications.

– Make sure you write articles on the topics in your field. When you distribute articles, people who need help with something in that field will be the ones reading the articles and learning about your expertise.

– When you distribute your articles, make sure you have a compelling Resource Box. This box is what will get the article readers to come to your web site, look around and buy from you.

And for more how-to’s on writing articles and using your articles to promote your business and make money online, join me for the Article Marketing for Profits Teleseminar.

Biana Babinsky

P.S. Register for Article Marketing for Profits Teleseminar Now to learn how to use your articles to sell more products and make more money online.

share on social media: facebook | | digg | StumbleUpon | yahoo | google Posted on March 17th, 2006