Newsletters, Blogs, Articles
What is the difference between blogs, newsletters and articles?
A newsletter is delivered by e-mail and it is a great way to keep in touch with your clients, potential clients and web site visitors. Not everyone reads blogs, but everyone checks their e-mail, so you can reach many people with your newsletter.
A blog is a great way to share information about your company/your content online. You should make your blog posts keywords-rich, so that they get picked up by search engines.
Article publishing helps you establish yourself as an expert, and it helps you build up links to your web site. When you submit aticles to article directories, they get picked up by newsletter publishers, and web site and blog owners, and get posted on their blogs/newsletters/web sites. This helps you, because every time your article is published, it is published with a link back to your web site. More links help you get more traffic to your web site AND more links help you with search engine optimization.
As to content, there you can do a lot of re-use. A question from a newsletter subscriber can turn into a blog post, add more to the blog post, and turn it into an article.
I will be doing a teleseminar on Profiting from Article Publishing next month, so I will be addressing all of this during the call.
Biana Babinsky
Biana Babinsky teaches online business owners how to get more clients, create passive income streams and make more money online. Get her Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course to learn how to promote your business effectively
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