How To Promote a Free Call
Let’s say you and a partner of yours are offering a free call to share your expertise and promote your business. How would you promote this call?
Here are resources that I recommend that my clients utlized in order to let others know about their upcoming event:
– Your own mailing list and partner’s mailing list. The people on the list are there, because they are interested in what you and your partner have to offer. Therefore, it is highly likely, that they would be interested in the event.
– Your affiliates and people who have the same target audience as you. These are people who, while might not know about you and/or your partner, are still interested in your field, and in what you and your partner have to offer.
If you have a product or seminar marketed during this initial call, offer your partners/affiliates commissions for every person who signs up for the program.
– Online networking. If you are networking online, you are a member of groups that this class might be of interest to.
Contact the owner/moderator of the group, and see if they would post an announcement for your call.
Biana Babinsky
Biana Babinsky is the online business coach, author and expert, who teaches solopreneurs how to use the Internet to gain more clients and make more money. Get her Complete Step by Step Online Marketing Course to learn how to market and network better online.
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